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I am a girl , I'm 13, About a year and a half ago my best friend moved away with her family, we had been friends since we were like 4 or 5, although they didn't move that far we lost contact a bit, only keeping up online.
We arranged online to meet at a town sort of half way between us my dad drove e there, and we had arranged to go swimming. We had a really fantastic time, having not seen each other in ages we were i guess being very silly and girly, really excitable. i invited her to come and stay with me for a week in school holidays.
We did some shopping had coffee etc, then went to the swimming pool, we went into cubicles and got changed, then had a brilliant time, although it was school holiday so really really busy, we were just being silly having fun etc, we went to get changed, we got our clothes from the lockers, but the cubicles were all busy, we waited and one became free, so we both went in there.
Its kinda where things changed we were still being like excited and girly and stuff happened. I don't think either of us are gay or i didn't but some serious stuff happened, we both did it , it wasn't just one of us, which I don't think i should type here, though i guess I will if I have to.
We haven't messaged each other since but she is due to come and stay in July, i'm so confused I don't know what to do or say to her. Please help.
Re: I dont know what to do -
June 12th 2024, 06:19 PM
This does sound confusing!
Exploring is natural, and as long as everybody was consenting it's fine. It doesn't necessarily mean you're gay just because you explored either.
I'd message her and start out by saying that she's still welcome to come and stay in July (if she is) but you want to talk about what happened at the swimming pool and what it meant before she comes over. You can say that you're confused about what happened and where the two of you stand now. Let her know how you feel about what happened and ask how she feels about it as well. The two of you can then discuss where to go from here and set any boundaries you feel are needed before she comes to visit in July.
Basically, the important thing is to be honest about how you are feeling. Try to remain as calm as possible when telling her what's going on. It's important you clear the air before she comes in July, so it's probably good to do this sooner rather than later.
Best of luck!
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive