Re: My conception -
June 1st 2024, 07:19 AM
Hey there.
While it is impossible to know exactly why your parents kept the video, a likely reason may be due to the sentimental value of it as Dez suggested. After all, that was the moment responsible for bringing you into their lives.
However, I’m sorry you had to come across it. Seeing your parents in a sexual situation can be incredibly uncomfortable, and ironically, sometimes when we are uncomfortable it can be hard to look away or stop thinking about it. I’d like to reassure you that you aren’t weird for thinking about it a lot, because you saw something that was 100% out of the norm so of course it is going to weigh on your mind.
I suggest distracting yourself with hobbies, friends, and occupying your time with other things that keep your mind off of what you saw. It may not seem like it right now, but eventually you won’t find yourself thinking about it at all. Take care of yourself!