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could i be pregnant please help -
May 18th 2022, 07:07 PM
im 15 , and on the 27th April me and my bf were dry humping with just underwear on and he had a little bit of precum on his.
he wanted to finger me so i told him to wash his hands first just in case anything was on it .
my period is in 2 days and for the past 2 weeks I've been bloated and peeing more frequently and experiencing cramps and I've had a runny nose . my mouth also feels very dry . i have been getting spots and my nipples are feeling a bit more sensitive than usual .
Scarleteen is also a good resource for comprehensive sex education for teenagers, covering many different issues relating to sex and relationships. https://www.scarleteen.com/
I also found an article about dry humping with clothes on here:
Re: could i be pregnant please help -
May 19th 2022, 09:05 AM
thanks for reaching out!
I have good news for you: from what you've described, pregnancy is very unlikely.
In order for pregnancy to occur, the precum would have had to enter your vagina, live long enough to reach the egg and do so in a phase of the cycle that allows the egg to be fertilised.
If your period doesn't begin within 3-5 days from the predicted date, I suggest taking a home pregnancy test. However, many different factors can affect your period - such as stress, medication or even some types of herbs. Plus you're 15, so your period might still be irregular.
If your period doesn't begin soon and you're concerned, reach out to someone trustworthy - if you don't feel comfortable talking to your parents or a doctor, try a school counsellor or sexual health centers for teenagers/women that might operate in your area. You can always reach out to us on TeenHelp as well.
What's more, if you plan to engage in further sexual activity with your boyfriend, I suggest you look into contraception. There are many different methods and it's worth to think it through before choosing one. The most reliable ones usually require a prescription, but it may vary depending on where you live, as well as the cost and availability. Before choosing a contraception method take any necessary tests to make sure it's safe for you (that mainly concerns hormonal contraception).
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Take care!
Re: could i be pregnant please help -
May 24th 2022, 11:41 PM
Hi, from what I know about dry humping you cannot get pregnant from dry humping as the clothes form a protective layer as such, meaning no semen/sperm can enter the body, and in order to become pregnant the semen/sperm has to enter the vagina etc, your nipples are probably sore due to your age and hormones, if your mouth has been dry and you've been peeing more and you've had a runny nose it sounds like you've maybe got a viral/virus infection , if you are worried it might be worth seeing a DR or a nurse but I very much doubt you are pregnant, try not to stress about it as stress can make your periods become a little irregular.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''