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Not sure if I'm making a big mistake -
July 14th 2021, 01:01 AM
Just curious if any of you have ever gone online to sites like dirty roulette? A friend of mine told me about it and I did check it out a several times. I did actually have a fun time (totally anonymous, I hope...) but I wonder if there is something really wrong with this type of playing around online. Would like to hear others opinions and or experiences. Anyone ever get into trouble doing this? I want to continue having fun there but honestly am having second thoughts. Thanks for sharing
Re: Not sure if I'm making a big mistake -
July 14th 2021, 07:07 PM
As long as you and everyone involved is of the age of majority and everyone is consenting, there is no reason why it's necessarily a "bad" thing. However, keep in mind these are strangers, and you are being vulnerable with them. While you hope it's anonymous, there may be ways they can record what you are doing, or if they want, try and track you down (though this scenario is much less likely). Honestly, if I were you, I would make the assumption it's quite possible for whatever I do to be broadcast on the internet. If you're okay with that, move forward. But if you have hesitations about what parts of yourself you are sharing with these people, you might want to reconsider it.
Re: Not sure if I'm making a big mistake -
July 15th 2021, 10:27 PM
Thanks ladies for your sincere advise, it is appreciated. I would like to hear from anyone else that has anything to add... especially if you have been on the site(s) and have direct experience. Thanks to everyone. Love this forum