I'm in my early 20's, college grad. My periods are SUPER heavy every month. I'm going to the bathroom to change the pad almost every 2 hours. The good thing is, it only lasts in total about 4 days. Day one is kind of heavy. Day 2 is super heavy. Day three is kind of heavy but now more manageable.
I am held back from doing a lot of things because of this

It's so heavy that I have to take off work one day. I get very bloated and have about medium cramps. But I get extremely bloated.
I'm always scared to take another job because I'm scared I'll have to take off one day a month for it and they won't like that
I was on birth control for about a year. I had the shot and it made me having constant bleeding for the whole 9 months I was on it. It wasn't a lot and I only used one pad a day. Then I switched to the pill and went to having normal periods but didn't have cramping or bloating.
Should I get on some kind of birth control again to try and stop my periods for good? I feel like if I didn't get them, then I'd be a powerhouse at work. I wouldn't be scared to say yes to something. Or should I find a better way to deal with them? Ugh Idk what to do.