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My period is already 2 days late and I'm pretty sure it is due to stress. I'm going through a lot of stress lately, and I mean crazy amounts of it. My question is, how long will it be delayed because of this from now? I hope not up to two weeks. Because the more days go, the more my hormones go crazy and overwhelm me in the worst way. Does anyone have any advice?
I think that the amount of time your period can be delayed varies from person to person. There's not really a set time, but you are right that stress can be a huge factor in delaying your period, and it totally sucks.
I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to work on what is causing you such stress. I am sure we can give you more specific advice on how to handle certain issues if you ask about them, but besides that I would take time out for yourself every day! I know it can be hard to do that with a busy schedule, but remember that you are important too and you need to put yourself first sometimes. Even if it is just fifteen minutes to read a chapter of a book or listen to some calm music, it can go a long way. On the days when you have even more free time you can take a bubble bath and light some really nice candles!
If this becomes a regular issue for you you can also talk to your doctor about ways to manage it. It may be birth control to regulate the period, or your doctor may have ways to help manage stress.
Best of luck!
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
You can completely miss an entire period because of stress. So it could come late, or not at all all. I agree with Dez that you need to make sure you are taking some "you time" and allowing yourself to relax. Hopefully it will come soon. If you don't get your period by next month I would suggest making an appointment with your doctor. But until then, you just need to try to relax.
If you have been sexually active this month, you might want to also take a pregnancy test. Even if you used protection, there is still a chance of pregnancy. And with a late period, you want to just double check and make sure pregnancy is not the cause, even if the likelihood is minor.
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