is it dangerous to deal with your "women stuff" (aka period & protection from it) when you might have a rash on top (lower stomach/upper pelvic region, basically where the pubic hair is, that area)?? i feel like it'll be fine but i dont want it to spread below and now bumps itch so i dont think its ingrown hairs or razor burn anymore
sorry for the tmi lol but i like dont wanna deal w/my girl thing cause im worried about this :/ sorry, im awkward and weird
background info: i had this bump/abcess thing so i tried to pop and drain it and showered (on tuesday) and shaved around it so hair wouldn't get in and at first there were only a few red dots so i assumed it was razor burn and the pain was from the hair growing back or something but now the last few days, i've noticed a few more dots, and a couple on my thigh near there (paler but still) so I'm worried it's spreading but I decided it was probably razor burn or something but now they hurt so idk
i didn't wanna put anything on it like cream in case it made it worse but maybe i should? and i dont think i was allergic to the soap cause it would be on my hands too? and the original bump scabbed twice and i picked it, which was probably bad but whatever. and its not poison ivy, ive had that and it would be everywhere. also, it was a new razor and i used hydrogen peroxide to clean it and had a bandaid on the first day or two if that helps. i don't know, i'm sure it's nothing but i'm anxious and paranoid it could be and I don't want it to spread to down below but i need to deal with my period too and im scared to see a doctor, especially if it's nothing. but i'm worried, PLEASE HELP ME!!