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John.S March 14th 2013 07:08 PM

pacifier erection
I really don't feel comfortable writing about this so i on this account i am using a fake name. Here is the problem:
Whenever i think about a pacifier, sometimes see a pacifier my penis just suddenly decides to spring up. About 3 times i though resolving this issue was to buy a packet and have a pacifier when i am alone in my room. The erection was very bad and a bit painful. On the hand what is strange is i like the pacifier in my mouth as it feels good but my penis thinks otherwise and considers it as a sexual trigger. The erections are starting to stop as i try to persuade myself it is weird and not right. I hate having these erections and want to know how to stop. I do not want any answers about "accepting it" and how it could spice up sex life later when i am older. It is a very strange way to spice up and i think girls will get turned off by this. I am a normal guy who likes girls and is socially stable but this is really annoying now.
So what can i do to stop this from happening?
one more thing: do not tell me to not think about it as it is very hard seeing babies nearly everywhere i go.
As i am writing this i have an erection. :(
Thanks for any good help.

Sythan March 15th 2013 04:13 AM

Re: pacifier erection
We all have our sexual fetishes and kinks, yours seems to be the pacifier. There are people who actually dress up, and act like, a baby and have their partner take care of them because it's their fetish. It doesn't seem like you're on that level though.

You're fine. You're normal. There's nothing wrong with you. You probably won't be able to stop it. So long as it doesn't impede your life, I can't see anything wrong with it.

John.S March 15th 2013 06:53 AM

Re: pacifier erection
so it can't go then at all?
is there at least any way to decrease it?
i actually still like having it in my mouth just on my own in my room. It is the erection that spoils the experience

John.S March 15th 2013 04:04 PM

Re: pacifier erection
still need help in this :/

Kindred March 15th 2013 04:07 PM

Re: pacifier erection
To the best of my knowledge, no there isn't a way of stopping this being a fetish. Everyone has them and it's normal but hey, if it bothers you then maybe just thinking of something to turn you off when you get an erection due to this could help? I'm not a guy, not too sure how it works but worth a try :')

John.S March 15th 2013 05:02 PM

Re: pacifier erection
thanks i suppose but i would like to know if this could be like dangerous to my penis as i do like it in my mouth as said before. So if i have it like 5 to 10 mins while on my phone before i go to sleep obviously the erection in place would it still be ok?

THE FAPMAN March 15th 2013 05:56 PM

Re: pacifier erection
Let me tell you something... I have my own unusuall fetishes that I wont talk about because some of them are really triggering for some people. But i can say i mastered my fetishes and my erections. Im still fighting with my hormones (im 14) but if i do get a unwanted erection i can get rid of it. For an example. Youre at school. Focus at the things you learn. Focus on the class... I just try to picture my old teacher naked and i get rid of my erection... xD but you know what im talking about... [Edited] Because erection does happen because of a sexual sitmulation (physical or psyhical) but yeah, its all in the head... That was my point... :D

John.S March 15th 2013 07:17 PM

Re: pacifier erection

Originally Posted by BinaryBunny (Post 1007650)
Let me tell you something... I have my own unusuall fetishes that I wont talk about because some of them are really triggering for some people. But i can say i mastered my fetishes and my erections. Im still fighting with my hormones (im 14) but if i do get a unwanted erection i can get rid of it. For an example. Youre at school. Focus at the things you learn. Focus on the class... I just try to picture my old teacher naked and i get rid of my erection... xD but you know what im talking about... [Edited] Because erection does happen because of a sexual sitmulation (physical or psyhical) but yeah, its all in the head... That was my point... :D

good answer. Thank you. I guess i should stop worrying about it then. It will never go and that's that. It is a real shame because pacifiers feel brilliant in the mouth.

THE FAPMAN March 16th 2013 12:21 AM

Re: pacifier erection
And? put it in your mouth and start fapping... :D I know i do that with my fetishes... :)

zTaylaHz March 16th 2013 01:20 AM

Re: pacifier erection
Hey! Don't worry too much about it. My theories:
*When we get scared and hide under blankets it's like being back in the womb: SAFE (random point sorry)
*to get weaned off of breast feeding, bottles take the place. And the top is like a nipple.
*to get babies to stop crying, mothers either feed them (ie breast feeding) or shove a pacifier in their mouths

Now I'm not saying youre having a weird incest fetish, but as far as I can tell it could just be a very relaxing, calming thing for you, which can sometimes give a guy an erection (I think? It made sense in my head, but I'm a girl so I don't know P; )

Or another reason why: guys love boobs generally yes? Well, again, a pacifier is kinda like a nipple, so if it makes you feel better just fantasy about a girl!

Long post to get to my point (: sorry! Hope it helps bud!

THE FAPMAN March 16th 2013 01:29 AM

Re: pacifier erection
And they are soft, warm and cuddly... But yeah taylor, good thinking... :)

John.S March 16th 2013 07:57 AM

Re: pacifier erection
yeh i suppose so.. but i don't actually fap. I don't see anything wrong with that?

THE FAPMAN March 16th 2013 02:31 PM

Re: pacifier erection
Nah, i dont see a problem either. Some people just dont masturbate... But for me (with weed, alcohol and cigarettes) is a way of relieving stress, with i have a lot because Im the only 14 year old who goes to school and has a job.

Simpry March 16th 2013 03:23 PM

Re: pacifier erection
As someone else pointed out, the pacifier is like a nipple so it's not surprising it turns you on. And no, getting erections is not dangerous for your penis.

John.S March 16th 2013 05:00 PM

Re: pacifier erection

Originally Posted by Simpry (Post 1007895)
As someone else pointed out, the pacifier is like a nipple so it's not surprising it turns you on. And no, getting erections is not dangerous for your penis.

i meant if it is for like half half an hour each time i put it in

DeletedAccount71 March 18th 2013 02:44 AM

Re: pacifier erection
Pacifiers are actually a perfectly natural, normal fetish to have. There is nothing wrong with wanting to suck on a pacifier in the privacy of your room, nor is there anything wrong with being aroused by pacifiers. It's simply something that gives you sexual and possibly emotional comfort. As long as you can go about every day life without needing a pacifier, which it appears you can, there is nothing concerning about it.

THE FAPMAN March 18th 2013 02:04 PM

Re: pacifier erection
Half an hour? Well, I can masturbate for 2 hours straight... And I dont see a problem... :D
Besides... Thats not a wierd fetish, thats a completly normal fetish, i just found out today that my friend has one and that he will kill me if he sees that i posted this... I have wierder fetishes I cannot speak about here, not because Im ashamed (hell no, I love my fetishes) but its because they are very, very triggering to some people... :/

John.S March 18th 2013 05:10 PM

Re: pacifier erection

Originally Posted by BinaryBunny (Post 1008419)
Half an hour? Well, I can masturbate for 2 hours straight... And I dont see a problem... :D
Besides... Thats not a wierd fetish, thats a completly normal fetish, i just found out today that my friend has one and that he will kill me if he sees that i posted this... I have wierder fetishes I cannot speak about here, not because Im ashamed (hell no, I love my fetishes) but its because they are very, very triggering to some people... :/

thankyou so much! :)
i really feel normal now

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