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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 12th 2012, 07:43 PM

Alright, so here's the dilemma...

I first started menstruating 3-3 1/2 years ago.

Period June 2.
*26 days later*(Jipped at least 2 days.. >_<")
Period June 28.
*46 days later*
Period August 12.

Obviously, this is quite a problem... I've always been irregular though. And to top it off. My flow is inhuman and the cramps are terrible. I have to use the largest tampon there is (ultra heavy, two sizes above heavy) and I'm quite small if you know what I mean. :/

I don't know how to fix this. It's never been a huge problem and normally I just *know* when I'm going to get it by the pms symptoms but there was one time it came early (well, far earlier than normal...) with zero warning while I was messing around with my boyfriend. He was so cool about it but it was mortifying.

I heard that going on the pill would help... And I probably should anyway... But I have a strong feeling my mom won't believe it's because of my period and will be more hesitant to let me go over to my boyfriend's house all of the time.

No, we are not sleeping together yet... but we do mess around a lot and I plan to be safe about it when we take the next step anyway. I just don't want to lose him because he's really important to me and I'm sixteen, old enough to decide for myself if I'm ready for that step or not. I was considering just going to Planned Parenthood by myself though once I get my license without telling my mom.


1. Will the pill help? Will it make me gain weight? Are there any negative side effects I should consider?

2. Should I approach my mom or wait until October when I can drive myself to Planned Parenthood privately?

3. If I should approach my mom, how? I don't want an awkward conversation. I wish she would just see me as an adult and I don't feel I can talk to her about anything like this. :/

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 12th 2012, 10:21 PM


The pill can definitely help regulate your period, that is the only reason I have it. I'm in a relationship with another girl so clearly contraception isnt top of my list
Some pills say that they can make you put on weight, but there are many options where that isnt an issue now.
As for your mom, you should just go and talk to her about it, woman to woman. Explain that your irregularity is starting to annoy you, and make you frustrated. I'm sure she'll understand. There are many benefits of the pill, so don't be afraid to talk to her

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 12th 2012, 10:36 PM

1. Will the pill help? Will it make me gain weight? Are there any negative side effects I should consider?
It most likely would help, but the pill has different affects on different people, if you tell your doctor the main reason is for your period, they are more likely to prescribe you one with a higher rate of helping periods than if it were just for birth control. And again side effects vary for everyone, you may or may not gain weight, we can't say for sure if you will or won't, even if we did know what brand you would be on.

2. Should I approach my mom or wait until October when I can drive myself to Planned Parenthood privately?
That is completely up to you, but if you are worried about your mom knowing, since it's mainly for your period, I'd say it can wait. But remember, it takes about a month for the pill to become effective as a birth control, and anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months for the pill to affect your periods in a positive way if it will depending on the brand.

3. If I should approach my mom, how? I don't want an awkward conversation. I wish she would just see me as an adult and I don't feel I can talk to her about anything like this. :/
Just sit her down and explain how awful the cramps and flow of your period are, and that you would like to try birth control pills to help with it, assuming you do decide to talk to her. You just have to be upfront about the reason, and don't give her a reason to think you're lying, I'm sure she's noticed the size/flow amount on your tampons if she's ever bought them for you.

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 12th 2012, 11:10 PM

1. Will the pill help? Will it make me gain weight? Are there any negative side effects I should consider?

Yeah, it should help. Just make sure to explain your problem, so your doctor knows. As for side effects, it really varies from brand to brand, but be sure to ask.
2. Should I approach my mom or wait until October when I can drive myself to Planned Parenthood privately?
It's really up to you. If you feel like you can wait, then go ahead, but if it's bothering you so much that you want to get something for it now, then ask.
3. If I should approach my mom, how? I don't want an awkward conversation. I wish she would just see me as an adult and I don't feel I can talk to her about anything like this. :/
Just explain to her that your periods are very irregular and extremely heavy, and you don't want to have to deal with it anymore because it's embarrassing and painful. Make sure to stay calm while you talk to her.

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 13th 2012, 03:10 AM

1. Absolutely. The pull should help, but remember: everyone reacts differently to different things. Weight gain IS a side effect of most birth control pills, but that doesn't mean you'll experience any weight gain OR any other side effects for that matter. Each pill is different, so finding out the different side effects of ones you're interested in and asking questions to your doctor would be the best bet.

2. This is up to you. If you think your mom is going to be hesitant, make sure you explain that feeling you get when you're on your period: horrible cramps and other symptoms of PMS, including the heavy periods. Explain that you did your research on what you can do to help these symptoms, and being on birth control is one of them.

3. Exactly as I said above. Be honest with her. Don't run up to her and say "Hey, mom. I'd like to have birth control please." Make sure it's something you've educated yourself on so it doesn't seem like this is something you just came up with at the top of your head.

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 13th 2012, 03:33 AM

1. The pill should help you out. I know that I got on the pill for my irregularity as well and to help the flow and it worked wonders. Weight gain is one of the side effects of the birth control pill, but it doesn't mean you'll get it. Talk to the doctor or nurse who is prescribing the medication about any potential side effects. I know my doctor checked things like my blood pressure out for a bit after to make sure everything was all set.

2. It's really up to you whether or not you want to tell your mother. Get educated a bit on the pill first and explain the reason why you feel you should go on the pill and the symptoms that you're going through if you think she'll be hesitant.

3. I agree with what was said about being honest. Just be honest about the symptoms and reasons why you want to go on birth control. Stay calm while you talk to her and it may help if she is in a relatively good mood.

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 19th 2012, 12:57 AM

Okay so for an update and advice to future girls about getting on birth control if you want to be safe but telling your mother is a serious problem.

I got on birth control by asking her "how to regulate my period and lessen the flow" and *she* recommended birth control. Then I just sounded hesitant and acted concerned about gaining weight from it (a myth) and then it seemed like it was all entirely her idea and she scheduled me for a doctor's appointment. Also, I really played up the PMS cravings and cramps prior to asking about my period. Made it seem like it was really making me genuinely miserable.

Thanks for all of the advice! <3

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Re: Questions about the pill (+ regulating my period) - August 19th 2012, 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by HealingAngel View Post
Then I just sounded hesitant and acted concerned about gaining weight from it (a myth
It's not a myth, it just doesn't happen to everyone. It's absolutely not a myth though.
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