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Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 26th 2012, 05:55 AM
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Er. Probably not.
Would you ever ask your partner to touch themselves?
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 26th 2012, 11:30 AM
haha i dont know . maybe . why not ?
would you ever eat a cheeseburger during sex .
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 26th 2012, 12:31 PM
probably not . i have done revenge sex before though ...
would you ever use a flavored condom during sex ?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 26th 2012, 12:53 PM
i dunno .. i guess i would . i'd rather do a male one but ...
would you ever have sex in the bathroom o a family place ? like disney world ?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 26th 2012, 03:28 PM
. hehe already done that (:
would you ever have sex right after a funeral?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 27th 2012, 01:46 AM
Yes and I have. It's fun with some people you haven't been naked with before. Some people seem to want to lose, and be naked, and others are real shy about it. Seems like girls are bad poker players, usually.
If you are camping would you go to someone else's tent at night to see if they wanted some company?
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 27th 2012, 07:43 AM
Because those two didn't really answer the question and also because SM13 didn't leave a question beyond what a rope harness is.... here's an example: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=52045 (link involves cartoon versions of a nude body, just throwing that out there)
And I have, although my partner kind of screwed up the knots and it got super loose during the day. Definitely need to try it again to see if we can make it work like it should.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 27th 2012, 12:43 PM
Yes, probably. I've done so before. Need to take advantages of places to sex in while we can get them, haha.
Would you ever use alcohol as a little help to convince someone to have sex with you (without going as far as full on date-rape...that's not cool guys. I'm talking a few drinks. )
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 27th 2012, 03:31 PM
Mmm...if my boyfriend really wanted me to, then I would probably give it a try at least. I'd probably find it a little weird, but I don't think I'd mind too much.
Would you ever have sex while your/his parents were home?
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