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Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:33 AM
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haha no i stick to .. well ... nothing . lol
would you ever have sex with a friend ?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:35 AM
Well, my girlfriend is my friend, so in that sense yes. If I were single and a friend offered? Eh... that depends. Probably not because I can only see that complicating things if we're not actually together.
EDIT: Forgot to ask a question:
Would you ever have a foursome with your partner's parents (and your partner)? For the sake of our question, pretend that they are physically attractive and willing.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:41 AM
Eh, maybe if they were really, really interested. But... probably not.
Would you ever have sex with your partner if they were dressed up as a major figure in your religion (Jesus, for example, if you're a Christian)?
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:47 AM
Yeah, depending on the specific subject.
Dolphins have a high level of intelligence and there are some people who believe that if there was a way to communicate with them that we could teach them to be on a similar, but slightly lower level of intelligence to humans. If this scenario were to occur, would you ever have sex with a consenting dolphin?
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:51 AM
no . would you ever have sex to get out of trouble?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 12:52 AM
haha no too many ... critters . lol
would you ever have sex at your partners PARENTS house assuming they dont live w/ their parents.
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 01:12 AM
nah . im not into it .
would you ever have sex with a foreign exchange student?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 01:23 AM
haha no . i'm not confident enough for that
would you ever eat bacon before-during-after sex
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 04:47 AM
I'm a vegetarian, but back when I was eating bacon, I would have eaten it before or after. During? Not my cup of tea, it's not whipped cream and strawberries.
Would you ever participate in sex research involving being watched from behind a one sided window?
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 05:46 AM
Apparently it's germy and the chemicals are bad for you, but that's not my worry. My worry is that I actually cannot swim well, I never learned. I can barely tread. So it would have to be in the shallow end.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by alwayswrong-neverright
no, i wouldnt..
would you ever.... uhhh, have phone sex, while having actual sex?
I don't think so. I don't think I could concentrate on having sex while having phone sex at the same time.
Would you go to a swingers party? (I mean those parties where you go with your partner and one of you put your keys or watch into a bowl and someone picks them out and you sleep with them).
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 11:58 AM
ick . nope . haha
would you ever have sex with your parents home ?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 06:53 PM
No, I wouldn't.
Would you ever have sex with your partner dressed up as Luke Skywalker and you dressed up as a Tauntaun so you could say "Get inside me to stay warm, Luke!"
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
April 24th 2012, 09:34 PM
Probably not. I'd feel wrong doing that.
Would you ever have sex in your office at work?
Just a girl with an angel above, just a girl with an angel to love. My angel grew wings and she did dare to fly. But I promise my angel, it's only good night but never good-bye. My angel, my angel in heaven above. My angel, my darling, you'll always have my love. Rest in peace, my sweet darling, it's only temporary that we part. My angel, my angel, how you still do steal my heart </3