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Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 15th 2012, 08:34 AM
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i havent had sex yet ... i would though ! wye have sex in a beach shack
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 15th 2012, 02:52 PM
Depends on how the beach shack is, if it's pretty okay, then yes, if it's really dirty, old, and smelly, no.
WYE have sex for 200 dollars?
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 15th 2012, 03:40 PM
Well... At the moment that's pretty impossible, because I don't have an ex. I don't think I ever would, so no.
WYE become a porn star?
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 15th 2012, 11:32 PM
Depends on the song.
(I <3 Angel of Music)
Would you ever have sex in a restaurant?
This is the last night you spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be
~Skillet - The Last Night
When Michael died, Megan was born. And I won't go back for anything.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 16th 2012, 12:20 AM
Depends, is it like, closed? Then it would be a bit like "Keeping You A Secret", but if it was open with people there, no!
WYE send sexy photos to a stranger on a dare?
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 16th 2012, 01:45 AM
No, NEVER. I would rather say mean things to them than have sex with someone who I don't love.
WYE masterbate with someone you met on Omegel?
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 16th 2012, 02:14 AM
No, because that would be icky.
WYE have sex with someone from Glee? (Sorry, my dvd box is like, right beside me.)
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 16th 2012, 05:34 PM
No. Because that would be totally wrong.
WYE send sexy photos to a teacher for a better grade?
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 17th 2012, 12:01 AM
No. That's gross to the max, since I generally have really heavy ones.
WYE have sex in a room full of people? (I've heard stories of people from other communities having sex in the dark spots during dances.)
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 17th 2012, 12:01 AM
No. That's gross to the max, since I generally have really heavy ones.
WYE have sex in a room full of people? (I've heard stories of people from other communities having sex in the dark spots during dances.)
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave