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Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 04:29 PM
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Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 06:19 PM
wye have sex with someone of the same sex (if you're straight) or opposite sex (if you're gay) ?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 06:38 PM
Probably not ... I would do a one night stand if I hadn't first met them on the internet. Don't trust the internet... haha
wye have sex on an airplane?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 06:40 PM
Probably not .
wye hook up with someone in your siblings wedding?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 08:17 PM
I'd get too cold !!! hahaha but maybee ??
wye have sex in a gym?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 3rd 2012, 10:45 PM
uhm.. i guess why not?
wye have sex on a trampoline.
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 4th 2012, 11:36 AM
yeah maybe? sure.
wye have sex in a playground slide
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 4th 2012, 11:09 PM
No, too self-consious...
wye have a one night stand?
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 4th 2012, 11:23 PM
nope, i plan to only do ppl i know well (because only doing my wife is aparantly out of the question...)
wye do it on a very squeeky bed? (asuming you two are alone in the house)
If you ever need it, I'm here to help, talk, or whatever! ~♥~Kyle †
Re: Would You Ever ___? Sexy Time Edition 2.0 -
June 5th 2012, 07:12 AM
You mean a transgender person, MTF? Tranny is a fairly rude word, please be a bit more respectful, thanks!
Yes I would, if I liked the person!
Would you ever have sex to dubstep music? (I'm actually trying to imagine the rhythm to this...I'm not sure it'd work... )