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Loneliness If you're feeling lonely, isolated or down and need support and encouragement, this is a forum for you.
I do have friends who are all great but i just feel sometimes like i want somone else, it doesnt help that i have no boyfriend and i just kiss boys at parties and i dont really know anyone i fancy apart form one guy but im do confused about my feellings. I cant have him anyway.
I just want someone who actually appreictaes me and loves me the way i am .. basically a nice boyfriend to look after me and make me happy
Sorry to whine about it x
"Fully Alive, More Than Most, Ready To Smile And Love Life!"
I'm sorry you're feeling a bit lonely right now. As for this boy you like, why not go after him? You never know what might happen. You can't go into things thinking the worst will happen. You can't think you're lesser than everyone else. It isn't true. You can go after any guy you like. The only thing that's stopping you right now, is yourself. But, remember that before we can expect others to make us happy and before we can make other people happy, we must first learn to be happy with ourselves. It isn't good to constantly rely on someone else. You're as great single as you are with someone else. :]. Anyway, try stepping out of your comfort zone and talking to this boy. Try flirting and letting him know you're interested. Make sure to stray away from kissing many boys though, or else he might not be able to tell. I hope this works out! Good luck!
~Stay strong and have faith.
01 // 10 // 11
Baby stand tall. You can have it all.
Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine..