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Loneliness If you're feeling lonely, isolated or down and need support and encouragement, this is a forum for you.
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I have question to ask. Do those that have been raped feel lonely? Cause I feel lonely all the time and feel that I need to have fun with other people and laugh constantly.
First off, I want to say Welcome to TeenHelp and I hope that you find the help you need here.
I'm not sure how rape victums feel, because I am not a victum of rape, but I know because I was abused in other ways and I know other people that have been abused, that feeling lonely is a common feeling for victums of abuse in general. I think you should try talking to someone about your feelings, such as one of your parents, a teacher, close relative, counselor, anyone that you can trust. It's going to be hard to discuss the rape and what makes you feel lonely, but it's going to be worth it in the end, trust me, I didn't think talking about the abuse I went through would be worth it for me, I thought it would cause me more pain and now, I am feeling as though talking about it is helping me. I think it's great that you are reaching out for help by coming here to TeenHelp though, that's a huge step to take and it's great you've done that. Take care and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to PM me, I'll be more than glad to help out in anyway I can. Hope to see you around.
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
I am a rape victim, and I do in fact feel lonely and feel shitty about myself 24/7 because of it. Plus it doesn't help that people turned against me because of it and lost all my friends for telling an adult, which made me feel even more lonely.
So I guess that sort of answers your question.
If you need to talk message me If you'd like.
It's a completely natural response to trauma, to withdraw and feel separated from everyone else. I felt quite lonely for a long time. Sometimes I still do. I find it really hard to open up to people, and to trust them, and that really hurts my sense of being part of a community.
In part, it's why I'm here on TH. It's easier to talk online.
PM me if you ever need to talk
The walls are high, the walls are strong
I've been trapped in this castle that I built for far too long
You have surrounded me, a sea on every side
The cracks are forming and I've got no where to hide
hi im not a rape victim but i have been sexually abused and physically. i feel loney and shitty alot of times. right now i had a fight with my friends because of my big mouth. but ever since my father abused me i have been snappy at people ive tried talking to people but im affraid that people will think im a whore if they found out.
i go to the counceler every 2 weeks, everytime i remeber wen my dad abused me i feel scared and filthy. some people hate me but they dont know what ive been through. my life has beens like this for 13 years. ik this is kind of random but i just had to let it out.
hi abbya yes i understand what ur saying i feel loanly all time even if im with people cos i feel no1 knows what i feel and im loanly within my toughts
u can pm me anytime or come in chat in the evenings im always in there
take care
i have a guardian angel watching over me she tells me what to do when i have no clue