Loneliness If you're feeling lonely, isolated or down and need support and encouragement, this is a forum for you.
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So Lonely :( -
September 1st 2010, 08:18 PM
I've never had a guy really love me and it's really depressing, considering the fact I'm almost 19. Guys in my past have done nothing but hurt me. I want to have a boyfriend really badly but I've learned that girls like me are not meant to be loved. I'm not pretty and I consider myself to be fat, two things that are immediate turnoffs to men. I am even considering getting a nose job to make myself prettier, because my nose is HUGE. I really want to have someone special in my life, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
Normality, my friends.
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 1st 2010, 08:30 PM
Hey hun, I know that relationships and finding the right person is tough. But I'm a firm believer that there is someone for everybody. It's okay that you're 19 and haven't dated, there is nothing wrong with that. Trust me, you will find someone. And judging from your post, you're a very beautiful person inside and out. You will find someone at some point in your life.
Hope I helped some
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 2nd 2010, 01:21 AM
Hun, it doesn't matter what you look like, a person can and should date you because of who you are on the inside.
I really didn't date steady until i was 21  I dated on and off again, but nothing steady. There is someone out there for everyone. I know it hurt now and it is lonely but just remember that God is working on the other end of the relationship, and that guy is just as lonely as you are, waiting for you to fill the Barbara shaped hole in his heart. It will take time, but it will all work out in the end.
In the mean time, make some friends, go out with friends. Just having a strong social life does wonders for your mood. It gives you a support group to lean on and something to do until your Knight comes.
Who knows? He might be a friend of a friend
lol good luck Babara
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 2nd 2010, 05:49 AM
Now that I think about it, I've never had a "relationship"
I've had sex countless times, but I'm scared of commitment or something because my parents sort of ruined it for me.
Don't get a nose job.
Is that you in the picture?
Hugh Jackman ♥
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 2nd 2010, 07:17 AM
You're beautiful, Barbara. =) You definitely do NOT need a nose job (besides, do you really want to end up looking like Michael Jackson?).
I won't say how much my friend weighs... but it's considerable. She dated her high school sweetheart for three years, then married him a year and a half ago. =) Body shape means nothing to him... it is her amazing personality and talent in theater/choir that won him over.
I know it seems hopeless right now, but if you keep your head up and remain confident in yourself, you WILL find that special someone. Men will only come to you if they see an incredibly strong girl, or an incredibly weak girl. Be the strong girl, so you attract the right men. =D Don't expect Mr. Right to just magically fall into your lap, though... you need to do a bit of searching as well!
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 2nd 2010, 07:23 PM
Thanks everybody. Lyndsee, I have dated, but the guys didn't care that much about me. Kyeto-X, the thing about the Barbara-shaped hole really made me laugh out loud.I read it and had a very funny inner conversation with myself. Thank you for the smile  Alrex, yes, that is me in the picture. And PSY, your posts always make me feel better. Plus, when I see that picture of Hugh Jackman, I can't help but smile  Having a guy like him in my life would be pretty amazing
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 2nd 2010, 07:56 PM
Hey Barbara! <3
You have to realize though, that you're still young and anything can happen. Don't give up. I'm sure you're a beautiful person inside and out, and if someone can't see that at the moment that's their problem. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and I'm sure you're as radiant as a star. You have to know that even if you don't have someone at the moment, you can be a strong and independent individual and you can conquer anything that comes your way. Your friends and your family love you.  <3
I know some boys can be hurtful sometimes, but they aren't worth your time or effort to even think about. Forget the past, live for today, and focus on the future.
The right guy will come along soon I promise. 
If you ever want to chat never hesitate to PM me! <3
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 3rd 2010, 02:31 AM
Thanks Mimi  by the way, I've been kinda obsessed with the musical Rent lately, so I smiled when I saw your name.
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 3rd 2010, 12:33 PM
I am 19 myself and haven't had anyone really care about me, I've had one...kind of boyfriend...haha. At the age we are at, I think seeing as we are all still so green and just trying to survive, it makes relationships fickle and a little shallow. So it's completely not unusual and almost to be expected that relationships we have had or might have aren't as great as they will be later (of course, there are exceptions).
That doesn't make it suck any less of course, all my real bad depressive moods are triggered by lonliness, or looking at my best friend and realising how gorgeous she is and I am not. And we are surrounded by depictions of perfect relationships in media all the time, making us believe that's how they all should be all the time.
And the nose job? Don't be silly! You are gorgeous, and even if you think your nose is big - remember David Duchovny is sexy as...and er, some great broadway actress? Was told she would never be famous unless she got a nose job, she didn't get the surgery and...I have a feeling it was Barbara Streisand...it was in a Glee episode...haha, sorry. But you get my point, don't see it as an imperfection because it isn't. It's just a feature, part of what makes you beautiful. And remember, the parts you usually hate most about yourself is what everyone else seems to love
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Name: Barbara
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 5th 2010, 06:07 AM
Yes, it was Barbra Streisand. What is it with women named Barbara or Barbra having ugly noses? Anyway, I love Glee. It's my favorite show.
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 5th 2010, 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Shattered_Girl
Alrex, yes, that is me in the picture.
Honestly I don't see anything you should change. I think you are really cute actually
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 6th 2010, 02:59 AM
Thanks Alrex. But that picture happens to be a rare photo of me where I actually look decent. If you saw other photos, or me in person, you'd be very disappointed.
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Name: Barbara
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 16th 2010, 11:44 PM
The loneliness and pain are really strong today );
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Re: So Lonely :( -
September 18th 2010, 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Shattered_Girl
The loneliness and pain are really strong today );
Hey there. I know what your going through; different gender my case though. I know this is really hard. My friends all tell me its okay to not have a gf. "It's ok. The right girl will come to you". Usually just after that they say they have to leave to go out with their gf's. I know I'll find someone eventually. I know its may be hard, but I belive it will happy.
Like others have said, feel free to PM if youd like.
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