Re: Lonely :/ -
March 21st 2010, 11:37 PM
I do know exactly how you feel, though perhaps from a different perspective. When I moved away to uni, I more or less lost all of my friends (disinterest, drug addiction, stuff like that..), and I'm kinda in that same trough right now.
Thing is, the sad fact is that people do drift away from each other, but with improved communications in our generation (mobile phones, the internet), we'll feel this a lot harder than our parents did..
Thing is there's two routes you can take. You could try reconnecting with your old friends, finding common threads of interest again, but often this can be difficult, since as you said, people do change and stuff. For this, facebook is good to hunt them down again, since you'd know their full names and their school, with which you can pretty much find anyone who wants to be found by anyone.
Then there's the second route, which is to make new friends. There's social or sports clubs, or hobby clubs that can be a way to meet people. If you don't go to any of those, there's always pubs or bars. I havn't mentioned nightclubs, since often its hard to actually talk to people there, and depending on your city, they can be complete sleaze pits. I mean, there's general 'old man' pubs, though sometimes you might just end up feeling like a baby there, try establishments targetting younger audiences. I know you're into emotive punk stuff, so maybe try an alternative bar? Often people (this is from personal experience) are friendlier there, and people will generally be closer to your age.
Also, the presence of alcohol might help your confidence a bit as well, in order to talk to people, though make sure you don't let it become a crutch, if you get what I mean? It's not a good thing, but it doesn't hurt.
Also, you mentioned you're a smoker somewhere on the forums, ever since the new laws, the area where you stand outside to smoke can be a social hotspot too.
Good luck with stuff anyway. I hope things do improve for you.
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