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Lonely, don't know what to do with this girl -
January 14th 2010, 04:56 AM
I'm gonna start with a little bit of background. I've always been a shy guy, girls find me attractive physically but my
personality is lacking, mostly in the area of knowing what to say and what to do. I've never really been in a real
relationship with an official "girlfriend," I'm a senior in high school and turning 18 in a few months. A few times I've
gotten close to getting into a relationship but time and time again I failed to do something right, each time I don't know
where I messed up. The guilt is piled up like garbage in my mind all the time. I think I've gotten past all the previous
girls, but I still hurt sometimes.
I may have been in a depression for the past 2-3 years, I'm not really too sure. So a couple of months ago, I was feeling
pretty good, no girl in my life, which is both good and bad. I had a school trip to go on which would take the whole
weekend. We went out of state for a competition, I was having a great time. Throughout the trip, this girl who I had never
met began to develop a big crush on me. We got to know each other pretty well, I found out she was 3 years younger
(freshman), which was really no big deal to me. Things progressed a little and we ended up holding hands for about 2 hours
(it was really intimate too), I really started to like her too at this point. After we got back from the trip, we kept in
contact through text messaging and we could see each other at certain parts of the day. But the relationship seemed to have
come to a halt, it just seemed awkward, as if we had never held hands. We talked to each other about how we felt, and I told
her I liked her and she did the same. And I mean she REALLY liked me.
And then, she brought up the fact that her parents won't let her date someone as old as me. We wanted to start dating, but
her strict parents confined her. Of course, at this point I'm thinking of ways to get her parents to let her date me. I'm
not the kind of guy that would take advantage of a girl, I respect girls and would never hurt them. I just wanted to have a
good relationship with her, she's the sweetest girl I've ever met. One thing that is hard is just having good conversation
between us sometimes, finding things to talk about has never been my strong point, and she is a pretty shy person too.
I've been really busy with other things which prevented me from concentrating on our relationship, but it is on my mind
constantly. She is the first person to pop into my head when I wake up, and the last person I think of when I go to sleep.
Lately, she seems to have backed off. I've tried to get her to do something several times, like just go to the movies or go
for a simple walk. But she always says her parents wouldn't allow it, even though she said we could go out as long as other
people were there too, she still seems like she doesn't want to do anything. I even asked her if she wanted to meet up in
between classes more and she said I don't have to. I complement her and tell her she is pretty and has a great personality.
She is very insecure, and now it's like she doesn't even want to talk to me, she always replies with one word text messages,
usually taking much longer than before. And she used to stay after school to see me and now she hardly ever does. I saw her
a couple of days ago and she still seems to like me and everything but she seemed sad, I just don't know what her feelings
are I wish I could jump into her mind and understand what's going on. I've tried to get her to tell me why she's not wanting
to do anything, I can barely get a peep out of her, it's always "I don't know."
I feel extremely guilty like I've done something terrible, but I don't know what! It's driving me insane, she won't open up
to me like she used to. The sadie hawkin's dance is soon and I'm hoping she would ask me but I'm not too sure anymore, our
relationship is falling apart, it was a very happy relationship just weeks ago. The dance is a PERFECT chance for me to meet
her parents as a good 1st impression, it is really important to me. In fact, I've never been asked to sadie, so I feel like
a complete moron. I can tell there are other guys talking to her, and I'm always afraid she's gotten into another guy and
forgotten about me. I can't lose her to another little sophomore and freshman, that would rip my heart to pieces(what very
little is left of it).
I feel like there's so much more I could say about this, like no one can truly understand this, it can't be put in words. If
I think of anything else to say, I will add it in.
I just want to go back to the trip.
I just want to hold her hand again, nothing has ever made me so happy in my life and now I am emotionally starving because I
no longer have it and I feel like it is my fault. I am in tears as I type this.
She really liked me for who I am, which is so hard to find in a girl. Everytime I talk to a girl now, I feel like there's
just another guy that they would rather be talking to, because he would be more funny or he would be more of a ladies man.
This is such a terrible feeling. My self esteem is dropping and I cry almost everyday while mainly thinking about how I am
such a failure with girls. My social skills are lacking, and I always feel like no one wants to talk to me because of that,
and I think that's partially true.
I just don't know what to do, if I lose her, that would just be too much.
"If you find somebody who you can love, don't let that go."
I feel like I've let that go.
I know "you can just find another girl;" I'm sick and tired of hearing that. I've done that over and over and ended up alone again and again heartbroken.
No girl has ever LOVED ME BACK the way she did, and I just hope she is still interested in me, I don't know how to go on I seriously have been having suicidal thoughts the past couple of weeks, not just because of this, I think it's because of a great many things from the past and my bottled up emotions. I am emotionally wrecked, drained, and empty. Mental health is becoming a serious concern for me.
Once again this is but a taste of my inner feelings I don't think I could ever describe them with words. Please if someone could guide me in the right direction you would forever have my gratitude.
"I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?" -John Coffey (The Green Mile)
Hugh Jackman ♥
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Re: Lonely, don't know what to do with this girl -
January 15th 2010, 06:39 PM
Hello, and welcome to TeenHelp! =)
I'm sorry to hear about what's happening with your current crush. Women are so complicated, aren't they? =P Sometimes, they won't say what's really on their mind, and just beat around the bush or avoid the question altogether.
There could be several reasons why she's behaving this way. One, she may not like you in the romantic sense anymore. This does NOT mean that you did something wrong. Have you ever obsessed over something for a few weeks, only to wake up one day and realize that you don't care anymore? Some crushes are like that. People experience intense feelings of love for someone, but those feelings can't be maintained for long, and they "burn out" after a few weeks. Perhaps she feels that way, but doesn't want to hurt your feelings by telling you that she just wants to be friends.
Two, she may just be an extremely insecure person, and SHE doesn't think she's good enough for YOU. Unfortunately, no matter how much you convince her, she's probably going to keep feeling insecure and unworthy of being in a relationship with you. This is something she needs to deal with... perhaps by speaking to a psychological professional, because chances are these insecurities are affecting other areas of her life as well. Frankly, you need to find someone who is emotionally and mentally healthy... because if you date someone who isn't, then the relationship will also be unhealthy.
Three, she may have had bad experiences with boyfriends in the past, and she doesn't want to ruin your current friendship by starting a relationship that (in her mind) will end badly. Other than "being there" for her, in case she ever wants to talk about her old relationships and what went wrong, there isn't much you can do. Like her insecurities, this is something that she needs to deal with on her own. She needs to accept that not all relationships are going to end badly, and that it's worth giving you (or other men she may meet in the future) a chance.
Finally... I don't want to sound harsh, but have you ever heard the phrase "You must learn to love yourself before you can love another"? I can understand why you are depressed... I think just about anyone in your position would be... but what you need to realize is that your depression is both CAUSED by and CAUSING this problem. It's a perpetual cycle of self-loathing that is driving potential girlfriends away... so until you can address this depression, and learn to overcome it, you may continue to suffer from this problem. What I would like to suggest is that you talk to a school counselor, or even get a referral to see a therapist from your family doctor. Thinking about suicide is never a good thing... even if you don't think you'd ever act on it, it's something that is negatively affecting your life, and a counselor/therapist may be able to help you cope with the pain.
Remember, you are still young! You have your entire life ahead of you. =) Maybe people don't experience their first kiss, first date, first relationship, etc. until they are well into their 20's, 30's, even 40's! I'm not saying that you'll have to wait that long, of course. =P But I am saying that you WILL meet the right girl one of these days... and when you do, it'll be PERFECT. You'll just KNOW that she's the one, and you'll be so glad that you didn't rush into a relationship with someone who wasn't right for you, or during a time in your life when you weren't ready for one.
Good luck, and please feel free to keep in touch. We're all rooting for you!
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