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Kali December 21st 2009 02:51 PM

So freaking lonely...
Ughh ok so... I had friends... but now it seems like I have no one left... :(
Nobody talks to me anymore... and when I try to talk to them it just seems like they don't want to talk... like its only a few words and then that's it....
This was my convo with my friend Hollie just a few seconds ago over msn...
Me: Heyya
Hollie: Can't talk
Me: ok
Like... wtf? She's been like this for like 3 months now...
and it's like... I've given up on trying to text people beacuse they don't ever text back and im always the one having to start the conversations...
I'm so freaking alone and it's killing me....
It just makes me want to give up completely...
I try to make friends at work but then they leave or get fired...
Ugh ... I hate my life right now... It's like as soon as I think I'm doing good and I reach a point where I'm really happy... something comes along to fuck it up...! (Sorry... but I'm just so... unhappy right now...)

Strider December 21st 2009 06:54 PM

Re: So freaking lonely...
Hi Kali,

I understand where you're coming from with this. It is frustrating getting pushed off all the time and it isn't fair to you that your friends wont respond or make the effort to speak with you.

What I suggest you do is call them up or see them in person to talk about this. Just ask them what's been going on lately and find out if there are other things taking up their time. If your friends don't have time to talk because of work or a problem going on in their lives, then that is understandable. Figure out if there is something like that in the way. Let them know that you feel left out and are really looking for their support and friendship right now. Find out if they are available to hang out or chat sometime. If they say they are busy, then ask what time they aren't busy.

I know it's not fair that you always need to initiate the conversation, but sometimes people just need a little push. It's a busy time of year and your friends could just be swamped with other things right now.

Maybe you could try joining a club or new activity and meeting people there as well. If it's difficult to meet people at work, then meeting people somewhere else is probably a better option. Give it a shot and see if you meet anyone nice.

If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me anytime.
Take care and good luck.

Squirrel December 21st 2009 07:10 PM

Re: So freaking lonely...
You need to find out where you stand with them now. It seems mean of them to just brush you off like that. One of my friends decided to stop speaking to me because he thought I was "wack" which to me isnt an explanation. He still talks to me, but he lies. People like that arent worth it. You deserve better.

lonely.boy December 22nd 2009 12:50 AM

Re: So freaking lonely...
I can really relate to your situation since I've been through the exact same thing, people just start drifting away and stop talking much to me for no reason.
If those so called friends don't talk to you anymore, they are not worth of your time and concern.
My advice is to try to move on and meet new people( i know how hard meet new people can be, but it happens eventually), think positive about the future and value yourself and take the positive side of this, because you got to know how those people, and others in this world, really are and this, like all bad situations in life, will make you stronger. This is what i did and although i felt like crap at the beginning, i started moving on, finding how people are and how i don't want to be friends with those type of people. If you don't isolate yourself(some people make that mistake) and have the propose to make new friends, it will happen sooner or latter. Also, you already tried to make things work and talked with them, so one day you can't blame yourself for not trying, and also, it's their loss.
It seems bad now and i know it sucks being like this, but hold on and you will get through this.
Good luck;)

Kali December 22nd 2009 05:23 PM

Re: So freaking lonely...
Thanks everyone :) it's just so annoying cuz like I used to talk to them all the time and it just feels like they don't even care... Oh, and most of my friends I can only talk to over msn because they all live outside of the country I live in... My close friends from highschool have all moved off to college. I didn't have too many friends there because I don't like making friends with fake people... If you know what I mean... Soo yeah. Thanks again, it's good to talk to people who understand, for once.
Merry Christmas and happy new year by the way!!

Fantasy December 24th 2009 01:08 AM

Re: So freaking lonely...
Aw, I'm so sorry for you! The same thing has been happening to me too. My best friend hasn't called or emailed me in four months. I get to see her maybe... once a month. (I live in a different city three hours away.)

Music Box December 27th 2009 05:48 AM

Re: So freaking lonely...
Well Kali I really know what your going through. I always have to start conversations and hardly get replies back.

Wishbone December 27th 2009 02:35 PM

Re: So freaking lonely...
personally, i find text messaging on phones excessively annoying. Perhaps you could try meeting them in person instead to talk. Let them choose, however. Getting upset if they choose not to can only make you feel worse.

Jacksonian December 28th 2009 04:20 PM

Re: So freaking lonely...
Well, just go on with your life and make new friends with nice people.
Because those friends of yours have different places to be in now and another new set of friends.

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