Hey Nancy,
Being able to connect with people who understand what you're going through can be a key thing in helping up cope with these things. It's never easy to think you're alone. It's never easy to cope when you feel like that. However, I can assure you you're never alone, mmk? I know that it might be hard right now and you might feel like everything is just turning sour - but there will always be someone to come along and help. I realize this might be just a site to you, but there are many people who can relate to what you're feeling. Me, for example.

Feel free to come to us and vent and such because we all really do want to help and make you feel welcome.
Though your brother is going and your best friend isn't really acting like such a nice friend, there will be others and you will get through this. Just because your brother is leaving doesn't mean you can't ever call or see him again. Make the last week with him amazing so you have things to keep you smiling. As for your friend, you deserve better. You deserve to be treated better and it's a shame your friend is ruining things because you are a wonderful person and your friend is missing out.
Don't let someone like that turn you from smiling through life and feeling good. If she's being like this, at least you know the truth and can find someone who deserves to be called your best friend. I know this is hard and I know it's easier to sit in your room, but you need to try. Try to get out of bed and hang with your brother while you can. Try to spoil yourself and maybe have a beauty spa day. Make an effort, and things will get better. It just takes time for the changes to settle in. This is a bran new year at school and you can meet new people and old people and new best friends. None of this is written in stone - remember that. Believe in yourself

And in your strength. If you need anything AT ALL, please feel free to turn to me. You certainly do not have no one.
Have hope,