hi my name is adele. I feel so lonely all the time. Heres where i am up until now.
1st grade: pathetic. I wanted a friend so bad i asked the teacher to give me a friend at recess. whenever she did the person assigned to play with me just left me alone.
2nd grade: I had a friend who moved by the next year. i met this guy named Braden. Who was my best friend. I swear he was the sweetest guy ever

until my sister told him i liked him and he made me miserable and he left and he still hates and ignores me,
3rd: no friends.
4th: met tirzah my best friend. We are drifting apart and i dont want her to go away... shes my only true friend and i love her.
5th: tirzah was in a different class so i had a new friend named kate. we were great! until she ignored me for no reason. she hates me and i dont know why. I cry at least once a week because i still dont know what i did... and i want to know why i lost a friend. I hate her. so then i have no friends.
6th: i really wanted somebody. so there is this girl named hope. she treated me horribly and i knew it. I wanted a friend so bad that i did everything she told me and she insulted lied and hurt me constantly. i hate myself for that. so desperate. she talked behind my back and told my secrets. i met a girl named katie and she became a friend. Although she was equally bossy and controlled me still. i am a push over.
7th: met a girl and she convinced me to start drinking alcohol and cussing. I was quiet to everyone but her and katie. Katie got a boyfriend and dumped him. he asked me out. i wnt out with him. Katie hates me and wishes i was dead. Now i have done some awful things i regret. really regret. I cant say no to anyone because i dont want them to hate me. I'll do anything and i feel like nobody understands me. nobody wants to be my friend. I lie to everyone so nobody honestly and truly knows me. I am alone.
now im going in the eighth grade and i dont know what will happen and im scared. what do i do? Why cant i have any friends???? Whats wrong with me? I do everything they ask of me... what am i doing wrong? Please help! I just want someone!!