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Loneliness If you're feeling lonely, isolated or down and need support and encouragement, this is a forum for you.
Hello. I guess this is where i should put this, hopefully i'm right. No, i'm not looking for attention, only help. I have no girlfriend, no friends, not even an aquaintance. I've tried to make friends, but I always get ignored.
It's unfair.. Why do others get friends and I get ignored? It's as if I don't even exist. And then there are abusive men who treat their girlfriend like trash, not knowing how lucky they are.
Why am I ignored? Am I too ugly or something?
Another thing to add, I even try to start up a conversation with someone and they just walk away before I can even make it half way through my sentance...
What's wrong with me? I just want a friend.. I guess i'm kinda venting now. Sorry..
And with the girlfriend thing, don't stress so much. It'll happen some day. Just be yourself and one day you'll cross paths with this girl and your whole world will change. It always take time. For those who walked away from you, they're not right for you and it's their loss, they're missing out on an amazing person.