Hi everyone for all of you that know me I have been struggling with an eating disorder for a while and I finally reached a nice weight which me and my doctor said was nice and healthy but I was still struggling with eating so he said just give it time I should be alright anyway story short I just felt stressed out about not eating like everyone else and I have eaten way to much I binge ate everything insight and I mean I really over ate these past 3 days and im scared about whats going to happen to my body

I was incredibly proud of how I looked and how healthy I looked but im really scared

as a moderator I know i'm not allowed to give you the reference of my intake to give you some level of idea of how much I ate but lets just it was enough to make me feel really sick if I just eat normally will this result in what? please note what I normally under eat really heavy but my doctor knows this and he said it doesn't matter im weight restored and i can just take my time now but im so scared about what happened i just felt so pressured because it was Christmas