There are a lot of posts just like this so bear with me.
For a solid amount of time I have wanted someone special in my life

. I just felt like the right person would appear and if they were right, they'd show signs that they are interested in me. I wamt a relationship but my coworkers are all older than me (by a good 5+ years) and the people at my school that seem really cool to start a relationship with don't have any interest in having a relationship. So I'm stuck with no options and even though I have all the most desired physical traits (I found this through poles), I'm a generally a nice guy when I am not angry or frustrated, and I'm approachable but no one seems to want to talk to me. The only people that do are my friends and not so often my friends' friends. I guess I need either emotional support or hidden secrets in getting a girlfriend. I really don't want to wait to have my first relationship in college (I have 1 more year left of High school). I haven't dated once but I want/ need some experience.
Btw, I often use the excuse: Dating just cost too much when the topic of relationships is brought up. I know it's weak. But it was to advoid the shame of no experience what so ever.
P.S. Just in case you were wondering how I can give advice is because I am very observant and insightful. I use other's relationships and human behaviour to lend aid.