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Loneliness If you're feeling lonely, isolated or down and need support and encouragement, this is a forum for you.
im lonely, depressed, and self harming again -
September 17th 2013, 12:17 PM
well first off i could probably put this on multiple forums. it involves depression loneliness dating suicidal thoughts and self harming. you see i have massive clinical depression and self-esteem issues. i hate myself and everything about me i dont feel good about anything anymore and i feel so alone. i need someone to hold me at night someone to cuddle with and kiss. but everyone i start to have feelings for leaves me or isn't interested in me. i mean i can't really blame them im ugly arrogant and fat and i disgust myself i can't imagine how others view me. yesterday i started self harming for the first time in a month. today i have continued to self harm and it keeps getting worse. im worried i might become addicted to it and i need help. anyone out there who can at least attempt to help please do so... i really need it.
Re: im lonely, depressed, and self harming again -
September 17th 2013, 07:43 PM
When you feel the need to self harm, lie down, or if you're in public/ school, ask to goto the bathroom and sit down in the corner or something, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and count slowly backwards from twenty. In between the numbers, tell yourself that you are strong, you are wanted, you're worthy of living, and you're not going to cave into your inner demons. Tell those demons to go away. And I have a friend with bad self esteem, and every morning before school and every night before she went to bed, she would look at herself in the mirror and compliment herself. It helped her realize that she's beautiful just the way she is. I'm not sure if that works for everybody, but you should try it. Don't focus on imperfections. Because no body is perfect. We're all perfectly imperfect, and that's just who we are. I hope this helped and good luck. Remember, we all support you here, and you're strong.