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DeletedAccount53 February 7th 2021 01:49 PM

A Guided Meditation
Our maman has been practising her own guided meditation for a long time and I have her permission to share it.

Guided Meditation

I've read many books and online articles on meditation and mindfulness, but decided I could only work out for me what would feel best if I self-meditated outside in our woodland forest. Using some meditative words I found and felt most comfortable with, such as 'a cool breeze', then I could happily work with that and build on it. Over time I used this imaginative 'cool breeze' to be the carrier or my troubled thoughts.

I found a clearing among the trees where lush green moss grew instead of just grass, so I made a semicircle with rocks and placed a larger one in the centre of the clearing so it would become a focal point. This rock is really a large, valuable and very heavy amethyst geode. It is only brought out and placed in the centre of my private place when I want to meditate, or with one of my daughters or a special friend.

It's nice to come out here and meditate or read a book, or just think. If we are fortunate to find a peaceful place, then we can return to it. It could be in a room which feels most peaceful; where you won't be disturbed. My place among the trees feels peaceful, so I come here when I feel the need to unwind and take in the beauty that is all around. This place, then, is my spot to meditate.

Just get comfortable, whatever it takes and sit on if it's just a cushy pillow, cushion or a a comfy woollen blanket. Sit in a lotus position if you want. Sometimes I sit just cross-legged, or sit back with my ankles resting over the other. You can even lie down if you like, but you could run the risk of falling asleep. If you like, you can hold your thumb to your pinky, or just place your palm upon your knees. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable, secure, and at ease. Just let the stress seep out, don't worry about doing anything right or wrong, and don't judge yourself. You have found this place, it is yours and yours alone.

Take a deep breath, take a few more to calm yourself down...there is no hurry. Concentrate on your steady breathing in and counting... one... two... three with each inhale; and then slowly out... one... two... three....

Now I want you to close your eyes. Close your eyes and go inward. Listen to your inner voice as it speaks in tandem with my words. Listen to it.... and let it go. Any thoughts you may have...any worries...or fears, or criticisms, just simply hear them....and then let them go without any further response or judgement from you.

Your mind will wander off and it will tell you what it thinks.....Okay, simply acknowledge those thoughts, for you are not your fears...Acknowledge the thoughts as they come - and then let them go, and then come back to your center. Come back to the quiet and comfort of this private place, of this moment...of my voice, and of our existence right here in this reality.

I want you to feel the cooling breeze as it blows around us. Take a ride on it.... The breeze cares not what people think about it. The breeze just continues to blow in whatever direction it feels compelled to in this.... very moment. And such is our life....We change direction whenever we feel compelled to. If we force ourselves to blow in one direction, but our heart tells us we should be blowing in the opposite direction, there will be internal conflict....There will be disarray. But you can thwart this disarray with your own energy, blowing like the wind, travelling on the cool breeze as it goes wherever it wills....

Feel it in your toes: A cool tingle of energy. And watch it as it moves to your ankles, up your legs. Feel that sensation enter your thighs, up into your feminine center - your yoni - feel it course through your pelvis and hips.... into your belly, and up through your chest.....The energy streams down into your arms and into your finger tips....It comes back....slowly.... to your elbows, to your shoulders....and up into your neck and into your head. Let it float there for a moment, until that energy exits through the top of your head and shoots into the stars above us.....streaming up, up, up into the sky and out into the universe.

* * * * *

In our mind, thoughts and fears can overcrowd our way of thinking, reasoning. Worries maybe of losing our job, or falling ill, or falling into debt, but if we take a deliberate direction through meditations, then we are consciously allowing ourselves to let these thoughts go.... letting them dissolve into the ether without further conscious judgement. In the beginning it's hard to do. Really hard. But if we soldier on, we can overcome so much when in a meditative, peaceful state of mind, when we relax our bodies and our mind and take on that energy that comes from within to take its journey the very breeze itself.

Whatever thoughts, negative thoughts that enter our head when self-doubting rears its ugly face, know that these thoughts are not you. They don't belong in you, they are not anchored in you when you let go of them to the cooling breeze that takes them away. Our troubled minds are trying to communicate, but all they are is a warning that we are not living in accordance to how we really want to live. When we are in this doubting state, we are not living our authentic selves. But when we let go of these nagging thoughts during meditation, and we give them over to that cool breeze and let it take our thoughts, then letting go can be so releasing. That is why when meditating when we give those negative feelings to the breeze to take them away, and with practise these thoughts can dissolve into nothingness when mediating in this peaceful state of mind.

Rivière February 7th 2021 11:07 PM

Re: A Guided Meditation
Very well written, Wendi. :)

My mum used to practice meditation after doing yoga. She found it was quite peaceful and helped give her focus, strength, and confidence in her daily life. However, she did stress the importance of finding the appropriate location for meditation. One like you've described is very good. Alternatively, somewhere you know is quiet and will give you a sense of peace. Any small interruption can be quite alarming, and in some rare cases, even dangerous. Especially since you're in a meditative state in which you're not sleeping, but you're not fully awake either.

I used to practice a lot of mindfulness in my early 20's. I'd do it before bed as it would help relax me and give me a good night's rest. At first whenever I'd have unwanted thoughts I'd battle to get rid of them, but I found doing that would only keep me awake longer. Sometimes allowing the river of thoughts to flow is the better solution, regardless of what thoughts they are.

I suffer tinnitus, and unlike many people who try to ignore or override theirs, I often welcome it during the dead of night. I focus on it to give me a sense of constant sound. The more I focus on it, the louder it gets. Coupled that with just relaxing and allowing my thoughts to flow, it can certainly help.

DeletedAccount53 February 8th 2021 12:44 AM

Re: A Guided Meditation
1 Attachment(s)
For your tinnitus, Sarah, there are a couple of very useful sites that could be helpful. My doctor told me about the sites. so good they are now saved to my browser's toolbar.

My Noise and its accompanying website, Rain Today

Both sites use White Noise. They were designed by a doctor and have been very good to my friends as well as me. I get the occasional migraine which brings some form of audible disturbance in my head. To rid it, I go to my settings already saved in My Noise and listen to rain and thunder (see my attachment).

Using Rain Today, I juggle thunder noise with rain to get the balance with the other site and play them through my studio monitors. But they can be channeled through computer speakers, or active speakers. Both sites are wonderful and best of all, cost nothing. Donation is an option, but that is up to the individual.

Thank you for what you wrote about maman's Guided Meditation. She'll be pleased it helps you. :)

Rivière February 8th 2021 08:19 PM

Re: A Guided Meditation
Thank you for that. :)

For migraines, I find binaural waves can help. Some feel it's a placebo, though I've used them with the expectation of no improvement. Surprisingly they can work well. Though this depends on the quality of your sound equipment and the source of the waves.

Otherwise, a good lie down in a dark, quiet room certainly helps. Or a decent painkiller can help if it's severe.

DeletedAccount59 February 8th 2021 08:41 PM

Re: A Guided Meditation
I think the important thing to remember about Meditation is that it does not work for everyone. Sadly, I can't have Auditory Guided Meditation; and lights display would only trigger an Ictal Headache (Wikipedia link included) so that doesn't do me any good either.

Sadly, I have to literally train myself step by step and use my own little brain to try to create imagery that brings me a sense of peace and relaxation. The other thing I enjoy doing is looking up quotes and other aesthetics.

If Guided Meditation works for you, great! :D If it doesn't for whatever reason, there are other alternatives. :hug:

Mindfulness. February 9th 2021 08:36 AM

Re: A Guided Meditation
Thank you for that information! It was useful.

rosemiller February 9th 2021 11:34 AM

Re: A Guided Meditation
I want to learn about yoga and meditation in order to lose weight and to feel better like in moral way but when I watch some videos they seem boring to me.

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