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Self Expression Poems, stories, artwork and similar creations are great ways to let out your thoughts or feelings. Please share your work with us here!
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
June 17th 2011, 05:51 AM
cats are sad guard dogs
lolz, that was all I could think of but hey it's true sometimes
Resident old person, back from much needed, multiple year hiatus.
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Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
June 18th 2011, 06:51 PM
yellow to gold ????? I dont know!!! xxx
It serves a lot of functions in my life. I use it as a way to punish myself, I use it as a way to medicate myself, I use it for the tension release when things get too strong or too built up. –ditto
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
June 19th 2011, 07:55 AM
Kitty just jumped because he got five grand from Vicious Jackrabbit.
Haha whattt? I don't know.
When You're At The End Of Your Rope... Tie A Knot... and Hold On... <3 - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - I think I kinda, sorta, maybe... mighttt just love him after all... - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Settle precious, I know what you're going through,
Minutes before you got here, I was going to jump too...
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
July 1st 2011, 09:30 AM
Jogging Kangaroos Buy Good Bombs.
~Hate me for letting you Destroy Paradise,
or Love me 'cuz I stayed at your Side~ ~Just remember that this life was not my choice;
you were the one who sealed my lips so I would have no Voice~
(I did not make the Sig. or Icon! I found the Icon Here & the Siggie Here.)
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
July 3rd 2011, 08:59 AM
Burning Violins....Fake Gratification....
~Hate me for letting you Destroy Paradise,
or Love me 'cuz I stayed at your Side~ ~Just remember that this life was not my choice;
you were the one who sealed my lips so I would have no Voice~
(I did not make the Sig. or Icon! I found the Icon Here & the Siggie Here.)
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
July 3rd 2011, 10:05 PM
Jokers, kings....Violent Gangsters Hailing.
~Hate me for letting you Destroy Paradise,
or Love me 'cuz I stayed at your Side~ ~Just remember that this life was not my choice;
you were the one who sealed my lips so I would have no Voice~
(I did not make the Sig. or Icon! I found the Icon Here & the Siggie Here.)
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
July 5th 2011, 11:52 PM
James helped murder gits.
Indecent. Obsessive. Unintended. ....Gone.
~Hate me for letting you Destroy Paradise,
or Love me 'cuz I stayed at your Side~ ~Just remember that this life was not my choice;
you were the one who sealed my lips so I would have no Voice~
(I did not make the Sig. or Icon! I found the Icon Here & the Siggie Here.)
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
July 6th 2011, 06:51 AM
Unjust! Violent Idiots....OUT!
~Hate me for letting you Destroy Paradise,
or Love me 'cuz I stayed at your Side~ ~Just remember that this life was not my choice;
you were the one who sealed my lips so I would have no Voice~
(I did not make the Sig. or Icon! I found the Icon Here & the Siggie Here.)