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Self Expression Poems, stories, artwork and similar creations are great ways to let out your thoughts or feelings. Please share your work with us here!
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
April 19th 2011, 06:09 PM
umbrealls hurt iglooos while painting english goats
not really much i can do with thoose letters that make sense haha.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
April 19th 2011, 07:23 PM
eyore yearns sex recieved twice everyday
(don ask could not think of nothing else)
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
April 20th 2011, 12:29 AM
Regal elephants rarely tickle kangaroos.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" ~ Ernest Gaines
She was whole before that night,
Believed in heaven before that night,
And she's not the only one,
She knows she won't be the only one.
She's not asking what you're going to tell your daughter,
She's asking what you're going to teach your son.
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
April 20th 2011, 03:33 AM
ducks mildly chuck killing livers
sorry this is bad.i could not think of anything else.lol
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
Re: Whack the Key Board Poetry -
April 20th 2011, 02:52 PM
they hugged daffodils sadly
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''