In My Mind A Poem By.... ME!!!

Your In My Mind,
All The Day, All The Time,
Your In My Mind Constantley And Its Hard To Get Rid Of You
Your In Mind,
Your touch,Your words, Your Voice, all in my mind
All The Day, All The Time
Those words that you used to say
" I Love You"
" Ill never let you go"
" Im always there "
Are still on my mind ,
Your Touch Is On My mind
How you used to hold me,
How you used to touch me,
How you used to tease me with your touch,
Its still on mind, and i miss it all
Your Voice, Is on my mind,
when you used to whisper calming things in my ear
when you used to whisper sexual things in my ear
when you used to whisper things in my ear whenever you got angry,
Its still all on my mind
I Miss It All
My Mind Misses it all,
I miss you
Well My mind misses you,