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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Untitled Poem - August 27th 2016, 07:37 AM

Hidden away,
yet in plain sight,
a house full of the broken,
the shattered,
the scarred,

from many different ages,
from many different starts,
all together under one roof
sharing a house,

together they move on,
the house becomes a home,
but with only 3 months,
it'll never truly be home,

safe and sound,
broken and scarred,
together they stand,
in this sheltered house.

Used to be Misslostintears
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If someone tells you that something you love is wrong,
IF someone tries to destroy your dreams,


  (#2 (permalink)) Old
hocus pocus Offline
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Re: Untitled Poem - August 28th 2016, 02:52 PM

I enjoyed reading this. I liked how you used shattered and scarred in the first stanza, and how all the words sounded when I read them.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

The axe forgets, but the tree remembers
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Re: Untitled Poem - August 28th 2016, 05:18 PM

This was great, the story is so clear even though the poem seems quite ambiguous. I really enjoyed this.

I am inimitable, I am an original

If you cannot reach me to fly, teach me to sing
  (#4 (permalink)) Old
¯|_(ツ)_|¯ Offline
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Re: Untitled Poem - August 28th 2016, 09:46 PM

<3 I'm here any time.

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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poem, untitled

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