A Letter from My Heart (Poem) -
January 30th 2014, 02:46 AM
My heart still skips a beat everytime your around
I try to hate you, to dislike you but I can't
And im rapidly losing the battle in my heart.
You know when your head says no
But then your heart says yes
Its that battle.
Of course I can't do much about it.
So I sit there and wonder why
Why must I still feel this
Tears running down my face
Im done, leave me alone
Why can't I just forget everything
Oh my, there you are again
Showing up as soon as I start to get better
You dont say anything to me
But that just breaks me
Just go, please
Oh I know you watch me
Its all a joke to you
Thats why I try to put on a happy show
At least youll think im better
Im not
Goddess, I feel like a horrible person
That song I sang was meant for you
I was so angry, so alone and afraid
And I wanted to seem like I was better
I was hoping I could give you hell
But I gave myself that hell
I hear about what you do
Making fun of my mistakes
Thanks a lot
But I can't hate
I would be laughing too
I mean who else falls into a pool in winter
But pretending to be me
Isn't that a bit much
Oh goddess, I miss you
Why do I?
Why must I still love you
Yes I love you
Sure I said that to other guys before
But your different
Your special
I truely love you
I madly love you
I deeply love you
Oh no, I sound like my friend
Just get out of my head
Please get out of my heart
It's almost February
Oh no im going to cry
It would have been a year
Now I can say it was a lie
Did you like me?
You said you did
You said you love me
I was a fool and fell for it
I just want my feelings out
Im tired of crying myself to sleep
I just want to breathe
Every time im getting better
My subconscious just pushes you back to the front
It reminds me of how much of a puppy dog you were with me
Heck you even took my insults in the 10th grade
You let me borrow your glasses even if it meant not seeing
And you carried my books without me saying
It reminds me of gym class both freshman and sophomore year
Goddess, those were so much fun
It reminds me of our first kiss
We were so nervous we nearly missed
It was so awkward but so right
I miss that corner where we used to hide
I could go on if I liked
But then ill be crying harder this time
I wonder if you ever sit and think
Just like I am doing now
I bet you wouldn't think
Im so broken up inside
But I guess all im trying to say
Is I miss you so much
Just know your in my heart
And even though I still may love you and im falling apart
At least your happy now
With me not holding you back
And as long as your happy
I can try to move on
So just please get out of my heart
Used to be Misslostintears
If you ever want to talk or something, i am always here.
I've been around for a while now.
If someone tells you that something you love is wrong,
IF someone tries to destroy your dreams,
