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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
Fallen Offline
I am epic lol, so is my dog.
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Poem: One bright day... - June 9th 2012, 09:23 PM

One bright day in the middle of the night

two dead boys got up to fight

one was blind and the other couldn't see, so chose a dummy as the referee

Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other

A blind mind went to see fair play, a dumb man went to shout "hooray"

A paralyzed donkey passing by, Kicked the blind in the eye

Knocked him through a nine inch wall, in a dry ditch and drowned them all

if you don't believe this story is true, ask the blind man he saw it too

My reward for going 200 days, this puppy
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
Agony Offline
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Re: Poem: One bright day... - June 9th 2012, 09:55 PM

Haha that was good :P made me laugh keep up the good work

When I'm sad I think, "I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt!"

You can't change fate, but you can change your attitude towards it.
Former user: xArchDreamerx

Became a HelpLINK mentor on July 13th, 2013
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bright, day, poem

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