Hello I’m Justin I had quite a history on here a few years ago maybe more then that now life is fast these days.
I’m not sure if anyone still uses this website or if it still functions please excuse my ignorance it’s been so long.
Really like the honest community here thought I’d pop back occasionally hope no one minds?

Update on me for people who remember me.
I moved to Switzerland permanently almost 2 years ago now I work in wealth Managment and investment advice life is completely different for me now I like to think I’m doing somewhat well for myself these days but I still have my own personal problems.
Back in October last year in Switzerland I was walking home from a party and some thugs tried to kill me and stabbed me 3 times in the head and I had quite serious injuries and nearly died very close anyway.
Still having my own personal issues with that but life isn’t perfect I hope everyone is well and keeping safe during this weird Covid 19 pandemic would love to interact with some old faces again!
Merry Christmas!