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Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy Use this forum to discuss what you believe in. This is a place where everyone may share their views freely.
Confused about my religion? -
October 2nd 2010, 10:58 PM
Well, I'm really confused right now. I know what I do and don't believe, however I really don't know if I'm the only one or if there is actually a religion like this. I believe in angels and demons, I believe in possesion, and I believe in demons sort of having a well ruler? One who is more powerful then all, so I guess you could say devil. However I do not believe in god, or jesus, or anything like that. I don't believe in heaven and hell, I believe all of these things either live here, or another world. Does this make any sense to anybody? I feel kind of crazy for thinking like this. Anyone else the same or similar?
And she fights so you won't ignore her,
'cause thats her biggest fear.
Keep your head up gorgeous,
they'll kill to see you