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Goatboy May 27th 2010 04:55 PM

Leaving a family religion
OK so as any of you have read my previous posts know I have left Christianity (I am now a panendeist - I have basically been one for many years).
This was not an easy decision, and was one that I thought very hard for for a long time.
Unfortunately my decision has caused a rift between me and my parents.
Not so long a go because I refused to agree with my parents beliefs and my dad punched me in my back, took away my money and said it would have been better if I had never been born - thanks dad!

My mum to my questions about the bible has said these sort of things:
homosexuals and pagan babies in the bible were killed in retaliation and the babies went to heaven so its OK (more hypocrisy!!)
god ordered genocide to prove that he is holy (seriously how does that make sense)
God is working in Israel, and those who obstruct Israel deserve death even if they are babies (what threat is a baby ?)

Sounds like a nice god right, well I certainly haven't seen psalm 137 sung in church maybe because if it was everyone would cease being Christians

Anyway this thread is about family not religion, so please only answer about my situation

What I would like to ask is has anyone else gone through a similar situation, and what did they do when their family acted negatively about them leaving the family religion

Anyway I could tell you a lot more but this situation is rather complicated, so please don't guess at my situation or tell me I need Jesus (because I don't)

abandoning May 27th 2010 05:16 PM

Re: Leaving a family religion

Hope the best.
I'm sorry your parents are crappy christians, who would want to follow a relgion when people act like that.


Keep your chin up, if they're truly christians, they'll act in forgivness and forgive you for what ever they feel you have "done" to them, in my opinion nothing.

But humans are humans my love... don't expect us to act anything but.


if you need to chat, you can PM me.

MadPoet May 27th 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Leaving a family religion

I've never switched from a family religion before myself, seeing as I have always remained a Christian, but I have doubted a lot in the past and been close to it, and it became extremely difficult for me to approach my family on the topic of religion. You feel as if you are not accepted by your family when you are no longer a part of their religion or if you are doubting your religion. In order to completely understand your families current mindset, though, you have to understand Christian belief. Most Christians believe that if you do not believe in God, you'll be sent to Hell. To believe that your family member who you deeply care about will not be accepted into Heaven is going to be a difficult thing. So try to keep that in mind, and realize that this is probably hard on your family as well as it is on you.

It also sounds like the topic of Religion is going to have to be mostly avoided with your family. Some families can openly talk about religion and speak their mind without causing turmoil, but others just can't. Every family has a topic that they tend to stay away from, and it sounds to me like Religion is going to have to be that topic for you and your family. If it ever does come up though, try to respect your families religion. Christians are very defensive about their religion, I've learned, and a lot of them, especially the ones who were raised in Christianity, simply cannot understand other religions. If your family is not willing to move on from their judgments, you're going to have to be the one who sets the right example. Try not to badmouth Christianity, especially not in front of them. Do what you can to show your family that even if you are not a member of their religion, you still accept and respect it. Once you start to do this, they may follow in your footsteps and be a little bit more tolerant of your beliefs as well.

It's going to take time, but eventually the situation will improve. Family is family no matter their beliefs. Hope this helps. :) Take care.

captain_obvious May 28th 2010 01:19 AM

Re: Leaving a family religion
After I chose to not practice religion anymore, it caused some tension between me and my family as well. As long as you are still a good person, it dosen't really matter what religion you practice or if you don't practice any religion at all. In my opinion, everyone has the right to choose what religion is right for them including not being affiliated with a religion at all.

To answer your question, demonstrate to your family that you are still a good person and hopefully, it will become easier for your family to accept your decision on religion. If you are happy with the religion that you practice, continue to practice it despite objections from your family.

Goatboy May 28th 2010 08:12 PM

Re: Leaving a family religion
Thanks for the advice guys.

I do try to avoid religion and politics being discussed with my family. Unfortunately they don't. The only reason I became interested in religion and politics is basically because my family forced me too. It's not that they're 'evil' or anything like that. It's just that what they say is well... provocative. I would rant on, but I need only say one word - zionism. I wish my family would stop treating me like an idiot, that's all. And why should my beliefs bother them, I am fully capable of thinking for myself. And no I am not "bad- mouthing Christianity". I was just pointing out some of the things which are causing all this.

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