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Sex and Religion
so just to start off im Catholic. i recently got into my first relationship because of it and because of some of the things we did a few nights ago i got into thinking about sex and my religion. idk what to believe anymore. like i always thought all kinds of sex and pleasuring was bad and against religon. although i know alot of people who are religious and yet have sex...some of them alot. but it just got me wondering.....is oral sex against my religon? like will it make god hate me?
Re: Sex and Religion
Hey there Izzie and right off the bat I just want to say that it absolutely will not make god hate. I was taught that god does not judge you and is very forgiving. To me it just depends on your morals and what you believe. If you believe that sex is horrible and against the bible then that's what you have set in your mind. If you don't then you don't. Personally I find sex okay and I have nothing against those who are against it. So you kind of have to ask yourself what you believe and then go from there. Hope I helped.
Re: Sex and Religion
Considering that Catholism doesn't even allow the use of condoms within marriage, I'm going to assume you shouldn't be having oral sex out of marriage.
With Sex and Religion, Im a non-denominational Christian. I have sex, I don't particularly think I should, but I've got a bit laxed on this topic in recent years. Before I was a total right-wing Baptist, waiting till marriage. From what I understood the reason of waiting was, suggests to me that all sexual acts, including oral sex, were to be refrained from. I don't think God's going to hate you, but I would remain abstinent till you decide where you stand on the topic. |
Re: Sex and Religion
I know that catholicism is strict, but for normal (Bit of a weird term, isn't it? I'm sure you know what I mean..) christianity I follow abstinence and would more or less do anything other than sex if I had been with the person for long enough. I don't suppose that I should, but I can't imagine myself being able to last without anything, and I do feel bad for that.
To answer the question though. Oral sex is probably at your stage in catholicism (before marriage) frowned upon but will not make God hate you, by any stretch of the imagination. |
Re: Sex and Religion
On the question of sex, good/bad just rely on the bible for this. Remember that the Vatican has a track record of mixing up human and religious ideas. |
Re: Sex and Religion
I am not Catholic but Jesus said that if you even look at someone with lust that you committed adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28). And thou shalt not commit adultery is one of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:14). So if simply looking at someone with lust is a sin, then certainly oral sex is a sin. The Bible also warns that people who indulge in sensuality and sexual immorality will not inherit eternal life but will be cast into the hell (Galatians 5:20,21). Is oral sex a form of sexual immorality? Certainly. Is it sensuality? Definitely. The Bible also tells us that those who are Christians are not to even have a HINT of sexual immorality named among them (Ephesians 5:3). Not even a HINT. So to tell you it is okay, would be wrong. Just because people do it, does not make it right. There are many hypocrites in the church. If people go on sinning in such away, you can almost be certain that they are not saved. When you are saved you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, therefore you CANNOT keep on sinning deliberately(1 John 3:6). However, I am not Catholic, I am Protestant. I do not believe that you are saved by faith + works. I believe your are saved by faith alone through grace alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). The warnings of sexual immorality are there so that if you are indulging in these things without regret, remorse, or repentance than you are NOT saved and you can be sure of it so that your heart does not deceive you (1 John 3:6). If we are saved by works, we have something to boast about, but boasting is excluded from salvation (Romans 3:27) because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection (John 19:30). If work was needed for salvation then Christ died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). However, works make it evident that we are saved (James, Ephesians 2:10). Therefore because He died and if you believe you need not worry about being sent to hell because, he that believeth is not condemned (John 3:18). Do not ask if it is against Catholicism or religion, but if it is against a holy, just, and righteous God. You're religion will not judge you, God will. However, it is important to note... God is always gracious to receive sinners, but He hates sin. Therefore will He hate you? I am uncertain. It is clear God is a God of love, for He sent His Son, but He also said He loved Jacob, but Esau He hated (Malachi 1:3, Romans 9:13). One thing is certain, though He despises sin... He is gracious and mighty to save us from the coming wrath. I will note this: If you are on a faith + works salvation like much Catholicism teaches, God is not happy. He is in fact furious. He satisfied everything on Christ and you are saying that your works can save you. This is something that needs repenting of. |
Re: Sex and Religion
It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (Matthew 5:31)But then a lot of people would be queuing up for hell, wouldn't they? Not to mention the implicit suggestion that a woman's actions are the consequences of her husband's decisions... |
Re: Sex and Religion
okay so everyone's responses were making me feel alittle better until Michael.'s.....and now i feel completely unfixable and like i have no option but going to hell at this point.....and i havent even done that much "terrible" things. but what i have done just makes me feel like im a terrible person
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
one more thing. if just thinking about someone sexually is a sin isnt kissing and making out lustful and therefore sinful? so isnt EVERYONE going to hell? because i have not known one person in my entire life to get married to someone without ever kissing them before hand
Re: Sex and Religion
Well I'll answer sparkles first.
However, first of all the verse you are talking about was indeed a law of the old testament covenant, we are no longer under that law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). God designed the previous laws for specific reasons, not all clarified, however, it was more or less to keep His chosen people safe and He demanded perfection in order that He could be among His people. However... again I go more into this on the response of Unions post, you should feel horrible as if you have no choice but to go to hell. This is the point of the law. It is to lead us to Christ. If you truly feel horrible look upon Christ. Jesus says in John 3:14 that just as Moses lifted the serpent up in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. The snake in the old testament was one Moses put in place so that if anyone were bitten by a snake, they would look upon the snake and be healed. In order to be cleansed from our sins we must trust in Christ sacrifice. Look at John 3:14, Jesus says the Son of Man MUST be lifted up. It wasn't an option. Christ was needed because we could not save ourselves. Christ died in place for your sins so that this guilt and condemnation you are feeling is put away with. Christ satisfied the wrath of God and when you believe this you will be saved and when you believe this you will repent and you will no longer want these sexual things because you'll want to commit your spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1) by obedience to Christ because He died for you and took the punishment that you deserve. Nothing you can do will save you, the only thing that can is the precious blood of Christ that He spilled out for you so that you can not only escape hell but be in a relationship with the living God forever. If you believe this open a bible to Psalms 51 pray this to God and cry out for mercy on your soul for the countless sins you have committed against Him and to God thank Him for His Son to save you from your sins. Christ died while we were sinners in order that we can be reconciled with Him. There is literally nothing you can do to be saved. Just trust Christ sufficiency and the Bible promises we will not be put to shame. Don't fear, UNLESS you continue in your sin without remorse, because then it is evident that you are more than likely not saved... just rest in the finished work of Christ and praise Him... repent from your sins for what He has done. Quote:
The reason why they are directed at women is because He was talking to the Pharisees which were all men. Women back then did not have an equal standing with men in society, so although they are directed at the husbands decisions it works likewise both ways. Paul says later on in his letter to the church in Corinth that if one or the other is an unbeliever than you are not bound to these standards. He even says that if the man wants to go and the wife is a believer and the man isn't, that the wife should let him go (1 Corinthians 7). Also even in standard English we refer to a person as he or she when we are referring to someone. If I were to say for example, "My classmate lost their pencil." This would be improper for it should say, "My classmate lost his pencil." There are some threats such as "If any man looks at a woman in lust he has committed adultery in his heart." Now does this means women are excluded from the statement? Not at all. It can be implied that even if a woman looks at a man in lust that she has become an adulteress in her heart. It's important to look at who the commands were directed at and why. The Bible isn't written to us specifically but it is written for us. For example, if I wrote a note to someone saying "I am going to kill you on such and such a day." Now, this person is going to give this note to the police to warn them and hopefully get a response from them. The same is with the Bible, though it is not written directly to us by the Authors, God designed it to be for us. So when you read the Bible it's important to understand the full context and not just the verse. [edit] I also looked up what someone (John MacArthur) had to say on this verse, he is very knowledgeable when it comes to expository teaching, probably one of the best out there. He says, "The assumption is that divorced people will remarry. If the divorce was not for sexual immorality, any remarriage is adultery, because God does not acknowledge the divorce." Then He says to see more on divorce see 1 Corinthians 7:15 note, so I am going to include that as well: 1 Corinthians 7:15 Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace. (NASB) MacArthurs Notes:
Although I'm not a fan on letting the Gospels interpret other gospels, when you look at the cross reference to that Matthew passage it becomes apparent that Jesus was referring to remarriage. |
Re: Sex and Religion
The point still stands, that if someone marries a second time and does not repent they have committed a major sin. Now if that person's decision to divorce was justified (which it should have been) and if their decision to remarry was also justified (which I hope it was), then they cannot repent - and therefore you effectively equivocate divorce with remarriage (sorry I didn't make that clear from the outset) with the other major sins.
On the male female thing, I misread that - I took it to mean by divorcing his wife the man is responsible for the woman's remarriage, while it actually seems to mean that when you divorce, your marriage becomes somewhat null and void, so any sexual acts committed can be seen as adultery - am I right? |
Re: Sex and Religion
The reason I'm mentioning this is because of how you were influenced by Michael. and possibly others, with the idea that someone says something and although you may not understand it, you agree with it anyways. The point is, you don't need to rely on what others tell you about the belief you adhere to in order to make your decisions. I know you want to anyways for reassurance and confusion but this is something you ideally need to figure out yourself. This is not to mean that you shouldn't talk to others about it but rather that you shouldn't be influenced by one person even if you don't quite agree or understand the concepts. Religion is highly subjective and you have no need to take the same subjective interpretations someone gives you as being "the word" or the way you should interpret it. It's fine having two people give two different interpretations of the same passage but it's not fine if a person instantly adheres to the interpretation one of them gives without doing much consideration themselves. But just for the hell of it, I'll play game. Is oral sex a sin? Doesn't matter because according to the bible, you're off to hell anyways unless you repent, ask for forgiveness, etc... . Will God hate you? Yes. If you read the bible, especially the Old Testament, he has no problem hating or killing. In fact, he's a pretty angry and sadistic god even to those who believe in him, so I'd have to say, yes he'd probably be pretty pissed off at you but then again he tends to be pretty pissed off with other believers so you're no exception. In fact, it's reasonable enough to say he would hate you already ignoring the oral sex. Alternatively, in the bible it generally says he hates the actions people do and not necessarily the believers, so you can take that approach to it. Either way though, he's hateful to you or your actions or both. With all that said, DON'T go into fear thinking god will hate you and so forth. |
Re: Sex and Religion
If their marriage is justified in the eyes of God then there is no need to repent, but if you divorce because of something so simple as a burnt piece of toast, your marriage is NOT justified therefore if you do remarry, it is possible to repent. You simply don't do it again and beg God for forgiveness and to have mercy on you. The law of divorce was given through Moses because of the hardness of hearts. God simply says Himself that He hates divorce. You see marriage is supposed to signify the bond between Christ (the husband) and the church (the wife). Christ will never forsake His church therefore He is basically saying, "I hate divorce and I would never do it, but because you are fallen human I will permit divorce for unfaithfulness." God wants us to forgive each other for our sins, not divorce. But either way, is divorce a sin? It can be if for the reasons outside of a biblical context -- but it can be forgiven through the blood of Christ -- you don't lose your salvation if you divorce. I hope this makes sense I just woke up so forgive me if it's a bit scattered. [edit] It's important to note that repentance doesn't physically save you though, it is Christ. But when we look upon Christ in faith, we repent. Therefore a genuine saving faith includes repentance. Just figured I'd put this in here so that we don't get confused about repentance. It's not about how much you repent or how much faith you have, but upon the object of faith and if you truly believe and trust on Christ -- how could you NOT repent from sin? |
Re: Sex and Religion
I'm not really religious, but I think that what you believe in The Bible (or whatever holy book you posses) is up to you. If you wish to take it word for word and literal, that's fine. If, however, you decide not to take it not so literally, that's okay too. There are many different view points about different things when it comes to religion, and you can freely choose your own. |
Re: Sex and Religion
In the Catholic church, the main reason to have sex is to procreate. Procreation is supposed to take place with a husband or a wife who you are going to spend the rest of your life with.
It really depends on your opinion of whether or not you think oral sex is "sex" or not. I would recommend you pray to God and ask Him to lead you to making the right decisions that go along with your faith. Good luck :) |
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
From a christian background, there is nothing that you can do to make god hate you.
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Where is Nightmare when you need him?
Michael, while you may be trying to help, this is your basic message to this poor girl: "You can engage in sexual activities, but you should feel horrible about and resent and regret every action." You DO realize that that is a mindset that will traumatize her, right? It would appear she is unsure of where she stands on the subject, and here you come force feeding negative connotations to her choices. If she chooses to wait until marriage fine, but if waiting is not the choice she makes, she shouldn't have to completely scar herself for life by coming to hate herself and her sexual desires, which is what you're basically telling her to do. Sparkles, make the decision that makes you happy and if it really becomes a problem for you, see your pastor or local religious leader or support group. |
Re: Sex and Religion
as long as you are a good person i don't think God will hate you just for oral sex.
Re: Sex and Religion
Read Psalms 30, 51, 139. There should be great weeping over sin. This is why Christ died for us. It is so offensive to God that He sent His Son to die for us. Are we hopeless? Without Christ, yes. Is she capable of saving her self? No. She simply has to trust in Christ and the sufficiency of the cross and trust that God's grace is capable of forgiving her sins just as it was capable of saving mine, David's, and Paul's... and any other Christian for that matter. Don't get me wrong. I am not condemning her, but giving her hope. Whether you choose to be angry at this message or not is your choice. Few actually choose to listen to it, Paul was in fact stoned for sharing such a message. I am not condemning her, no, but giving her hope in the sufficiency of Christ's blood who died for her and apart from Him there is no salvation. Rican, I am not simply trying to help her, but lead her to Christ. So Izzie, please see that your sorrow is needed, but look to Christ, see His sufficiency. Your sin is deserving of judgment, as was mine. But Christ paid that penalty so you don't have to and any pride in yourself to bring about salvation will not save you. You are hopeless without Christ, but because He died you are free. Cling to the cross as Augustus Toplady did: Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die. |
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
thanks everyone. most of these are really helpful :)
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Sparkles, what it really comes down to is this. No one knows one way or another about what you're asking. Some have said yes, obviously, others will say no. If you choose to follow a particular set of beliefs, ask someone who's well versed in those beliefs. If you choose to believe the bible, then read it. Personally though, I'd encourage you to decide what you believe yourself. Do you think god would hate you for having sex? Do you think god has any problem with sex in the first place? No one knows, so nothing makes a priest's or a philosopher's opinion any more correct or valid than your own. Whatever you choose, just make sure that your beliefs make you happy. Always feeling miserable and inadequate is no way to live. Hope you're having a good day! :) |
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Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
Re: Sex and Religion
This thread makes me feel ill.
Look its tough when religious belief collides with what you feel is right/what you want to do. Many catholics would say oral sex is wrong, but then I know PLENTY of catholic couples with only one or two children so either they're using condoms/other birth control, or they're just not having sex. Go figure. Personally I don't believe in God. But I think anyone who tells you what to do is out of order because really its your decision- if you believe in a loving and forgiving God then do what you feel is right by that. That may be abstinence it may not be but at least you'll know you made your own decision. Good Luck x |
Re: Sex and Religion
You may have more biblical, theological or historical knowledge and understanding regarding the bible and so you can have more in-depth intepretations, I have no disagreement with that. However, I disagree when you make the jump to say that since you have more knowledge and understanding, that your interpretation is correct because you do not know what the authors intended because they never told you or you never asked them and got an answer. Whether your interpretation has more weight than, say mine is irrelevant when it comes to deciding who is correct in their interpretation since you can have more details but you are just as likely to be wrong as I am. |
Re: Sex and Religion
I'm not here to get into a religion debate, but here's my two-cents:
First of all, God will never hate you. God created human-kind out of love and it will always stay that way. He loves everyone no matter what. Second, I think ultimately, it is your choice and your own comfort that matter. If it feels right to you and isn't hurting anyone, do it. Simple as that. As far as what people think, if they can't support the love-filled relationship you have, forget them. -Grasshopper |
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