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Rossiu July 18th 2009 08:19 AM

Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
Hey, I hate to sound ignorant or anything like that but I'm agnostic and to be honest I really don't know all that much about religions other than Catholic (I was raised Roman Catholic) and Christian. And I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put this in here or in relationships and dating. But I figure I will get a better response about the religious aspect in here.

It's fairly simple. I am thinking of pursuing a girl. Problem? She is Jewish and I am agnostic bordering on atheist I simply have no interest in participating in a religion. Now if I do get in a relationship with this girl will she try to push me into the religion?

Now it is clear that she IS very religious. She hangs out at this building on campus that is focused around the Jewish religion (I'm sorry the name slips my mind). Now people who are not Jewish ARE welcome but honestly..I'm not interested.

I have no problems with religion whether its christian catholic jewish muslim or whatever your choice is but I am not interested.

As of right now she doesn't bring religion up if possible but I have to be very careful to censor my friends when they find out she is Jewish since she takes serious offense to Jewish jokes and well.......they're mostly stereotypical guys and start saying them.

This may be a fairly shallow concern but its something that is big to me. Sorry if I caused any offense I'm not looking to argue if God is real or not I am simply looking for some advice so if you could lend me a hand I'd be deeply grateful for anything I can get.

She really is a wonderful girl but this is kind of a big issue.

<:3 )~ July 18th 2009 08:49 AM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
Well, it depends on the personality of the girl and on the girl individually. Even if she really is into her religion I think it depends on if she respects you enough for you to have your own beliefs. HOWEVER, I'm not going to sugarcoat things and tell you that a person with different religion, ethnicity, or socoioeconomic status is as easy as pie to have a relationship with. There will be things to work through. Extra things, in fact. But it certainly is not impossible. :)

Rossiu July 18th 2009 09:22 AM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
I completely understand there will be many issues to sort through I just don't want to feel like I'm being converted the whole time.

<:3 )~ July 18th 2009 09:39 AM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
I think that fear is kind of...unfounded, generally speaking. Those I've met with a thorough understanding of not only their religion, but of other religions tend to be understanding and laid back of the whole thing. However, I do not know this girl personally. So only you can really decide. :)

Rossiu July 18th 2009 09:57 AM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
I was already planning on going for it anyways since she has repeatedly started up what little relationship we have whenever I try to walk away from it so I figure she's smart cute and she's trying so at the very least it's worth a good shot.

I posted this here more to figure out what I may or may not be getting myself in to. She seems reasonable but then you never know until you jump into it.

TigerTank77 July 18th 2009 04:24 PM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
Do you know what sect of Judaism she claims herself to be a part of?

Melody Pond July 18th 2009 04:51 PM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
If her and her parents are Reformed Jews they may be ok with you not being Jewish. The main focus in Judaism is family and to continue the religion, the religion is passed down by the mother, if the mother is Jewish then so are the children, so you not being Jewish shouldn't cause too much of a problem.
If they are Orthodox it may cause more of a problem. I think the best thing would be to just ask her out and then she might say no because you are not Jewish but that is the easiest way to really find out.

P.S: The religious building of Judaism is a Synagogue.

PhoenixAlive July 18th 2009 08:30 PM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
Have you spent much time with this girl in the past? If you have, and she hasn't made a point of trying to convert you or go on and on about her religion, I don't think you'll have a problem. There are many religious people who are open-minded and understanding about other peoples' beliefs.

However, something you might want to consider is if she spends a lot of time at the synagogue, or whatever Jewish club is on your campus, she won't want to stop going in order to be with you. She might want you to hang out there with her once in a while (this isn't necessarily her trying to convert you. But if her social group is there, then it makes sense for her to want to spend a little time there with you). Also, if she is very religious and has friends who are Orthodox Jews, they might not be as accepting or as adverse to trying to convert you (which is out of her control)

Just a couple of things to think about. If you really like this girl, then that shouldn't get in your way though. Good luck! :)

TheKnight July 20th 2009 05:55 AM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?
What sect of Judaism does she adhere to? You should ask her...

Oiseau the Little Bird! July 20th 2009 11:05 PM

Re: Jewish girlfriend=pushing religion?

Originally Posted by Rossiu (Post 189982)
I was already planning on going for it anyways since she has repeatedly started up what little relationship we have whenever I try to walk away from it so I figure she's smart cute and she's trying so at the very least it's worth a good shot.

I posted this here more to figure out what I may or may not be getting myself in to. She seems reasonable but then you never know until you jump into it.

It is possible that she is just really into her culture and religion. If she shares these things with you, I don't think it's her trying to convert you or anything, but more of an attempt to give you a peek at what she likes and feels good about. That doesn't mean you have to be a part of those things too.

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