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Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy Use this forum to discuss what you believe in. This is a place where everyone may share their views freely.
I found God!!! (plz say if this should be in the religion section) -
January 17th 2009, 03:23 PM
So I was talking to one of TH members today. I have done something i have wanted to do my whole life. The thing is there were never any christians to talk to. I started talking to a girl and found out it is easy to find God and once you do you will be saved. I can genuinly say a few hours ago I was a sinner and was destined for eturnal pain, but somehow now i believe in Christ and that he saved me.
And this thread is really to just go on about how great this day has been, but maybe i should make another one where you talk about being saved. I urge you all to find God and live peacfully forever. PM me if you want to be saved. It is amazing. just had to tell you guys - you won't believe how happy i really am.
Re: I found God!!! (plz say if this should be in the religion section) -
January 17th 2009, 04:05 PM
I'm happy you were able to find God in your life, religion is a good thing.
However, I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but I think you might want to be careful about trying to "save" people, as some might consider this shoving your beliefs down their throat.
But I'm happy you've achieved one of your life goals! (:
Re: I found God!!! (plz say if this should be in the religion section) -
January 17th 2009, 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by HudsonTrellie
I urge you all to find God and live peacfully forever. PM me if you want to be saved.
I'm glad you feel that way, each to their own.
The quoted part of your post, I'll be honest, offends me. I do not need saving, and I am living peacefully with atheistic views, in fact I believe religious people need enlightening but this isn't about that.
Re: I found God!!! (plz say if this should be in the religion section) -
January 18th 2009, 12:57 AM
I'm really glad you have had a wonderful, enlightening experience. I personally think your suggestion was simply just that. A suggestion and nothing more. I see no reason to be insulted by it and I'm sorry to those who do feel insulted, but there is no real point in complaining. If I'm reading and interpreting correctly, the last two posts seem fairly unruly. Please don't insult and mock here! Please let this person enjoy a moment of happiness! If you feel offended, why read this post? It's simply not for you.
Re: I found God!!! (plz say if this should be in the religion section) -
January 18th 2009, 11:18 AM
Hudson, a lot of good things can come from finding God. I'm glad you have found your religion and you have something that you can agree with. It is good to have morals, to have values, to have something to believe in. I hope you are enjoying your new life with God.