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Broken Record June 3rd 2009 05:34 AM

Love & Religion
Okay to start out with: I am not a religious person whatsoever. I was raised in a Christian family. I've taken anthropology classes that made me feel even less warm towards the idea of following any one religion. At most I am agnostic, but I lean more towards an atheist view.

So I've been with this boy for about 6 months now. He is totally the sweetest guy I've ever dated. He's everything I have ever wanted in a lover.We work so well together. We haven't had a single argument yet! We're already really close, in fact we'll be moving in together soon.

Him and his family are Jehovah's Witness. I don't know much about them, except they don't celebrate holidays.

So it really has me worried. Is it possible that a relationship could work out between someone quite religious and an atheist? Should I convert? Do I need to break it off now?

Also since my family is Christian... what will I do about holidays?? It kinda saddens me to think he can not celebrate with me. I couldn't imagine having to tell my family, "I can't celebrate this year, it's now against my religion."

Music is my Life June 3rd 2009 05:42 AM

Re: Love & Religion
I think that it is your decision. I was told by the reverend at my school that many religions view that getting to God is like a mountain with many paths to the top. If you want to convert, you can. If you don't then don't. What religion he is in shouldn't decide weather you want to stay together or not. About the holiday's thing, I don't know. That would be something that you would have to take up between him and you. I am not saying that it isn't an issue. And I don't think that you should break up with him, just because he believes something different than you. But you should talk about the holidays.

Zeph June 3rd 2009 05:43 AM

Re: Love & Religion
I firmly believe love can surpass religion-based conflicts. My mom is Jewish, and my dad is Christian. We celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas with no issues at all.

(Sorry, I'm so, so tired, but I saw this thread, and I wanted to post something. I had a whole long post written out, but I just re-read it and I didn't think it made much sense, so I erased it. I was about to just not post anything at all, but I just want you to know that a difference in religious beliefs isn't going to kill your relationship. Love is powerful.)

Broken Record June 3rd 2009 05:51 AM

Re: Love & Religion

Originally Posted by Zeph (Post 156354)
I firmly believe love can surpass religion-based conflicts. My mom is Jewish, and my dad is Christian. We celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas with no issues at all.

(Sorry, I'm so, so tired, but I saw this thread, and I wanted to post something. I had a whole long post written out, but I just re-read it and I didn't think it made much sense, so I erased it. I was about to just not post anything at all, but I just want you to know that a difference in religious beliefs isn't going to kill your relationship. Love is powerful.)

I'm very glad that you did post! Just hearing about your family just made me feel much more optimistic! Thank you. :)

EmilyNicole June 3rd 2009 07:36 PM

Re: Love & Religion
I know this situation very well.
I'm agnostic and all my boyfriends have been christian. In fact, the last one went to a very prestigous christian private school. I don't think you should ever change yourself for somebody else. That is, unless changing your religion is a personal choice. I think you have to think of it as, 'I would never ask him to change his religion. Would he do the same to me?' and no one should ask you to do that. So if he hasn't, Then that's a good thing. A guy that really likes you is willing to take you the way you are, No changes.
I still celebrate religious holidays, Though they're not the same as what everyone else thinks. They're more of a tradition that my family enjoys.
Yes, a relationship CAN work out between 2 people with different religions.
My mom once told me of a couple. The man was devote Catholic. The woman was Atheist. And when the man went to church on Sundays, The woman would watch the young children in the nursery at the church and then meet him outside afterwards.
So, see. It doesn't have to be a problem, If the two people really love eachother. :)

emilyerin88 June 4th 2009 05:26 PM

Re: Love & Religion
I feel the same way you do about religion. I too have taken anthropology/biology classes, that have changed my view, and just seeing some people and being in certain situations has made me think twice about religion. I am not religious, though I did go to church when I was younger. My boyfriend is a Christian...not extreme, but we get into arguments every now and then about how we want to raise our kids,etc. I don't think you should convert unless you want to. Personally, I couldn't be a Christian (or any religion, for that matter) because I know too much about truth to try to force myself into thinking something else is true. If that made ANY sense. So if you want to, do. If not, don't. Maybe you and your boyfriend could split up on the holidays...you spend them with your family, he spends it with his...
It can work...all you need is love. :)

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