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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 10th 2009, 06:14 PM
I'm a fairly new Christian. I was saved about a half year ago. I love Jesus with everything I have <3
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 18th 2009, 12:49 AM
Diest, with a little catholic thrown in. (mostly just morals)
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 28th 2009, 04:25 PM
I'm atheist. However, I've never read any sort of Holy Scripture, so I figure I'm sort of like theTwilight haters who have never read the book. My goal for 2010 is to read as many Scriptures as I can.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 28th 2009, 09:15 PM
Anglican Christian, ruled be a scientific mind, I would like to get back in touch with some Christian teachings but that's not easy to do in my current situation.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 28th 2009, 09:25 PM
I was raised as a Christian, but over the past few years I have come second-guess my faith. I somewhat believe that I have lived before, like that I have a spirit from before my time. I have come to question maybe Hinduism, or some religion that believes in reincarnation. Typically, though, I push religion to the side because the thought of the world or my soul going on forever gives me a headache (literally.)
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 28th 2009, 09:46 PM
Deist. =) With some Wiccan beliefs. Mixed with a little undecided. =P
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 28th 2009, 09:53 PM
I'm catholic, as is my mom.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 31st 2009, 05:19 AM
I call myself an agnostic, but that's not quite true. I have my own set of beliefs about a higher being and life after death, but they're not that of any religion, and I do think that there is no way we can really tell.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
December 31st 2009, 03:46 PM
I was raised a Catholic.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
January 3rd 2010, 03:39 AM
I'm Catholic. But I don't follow it extremely closely. There are some things that I don't completely agree with.
I do love my faith though. Very much so.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
January 3rd 2010, 03:49 AM
Atheist- Agnostic.
I believe that there's something-someone higher...
but i dont believe in anything dealing with the bible,
or that higher someone is protecting you and guiding you in anyway..
your life is yours, not made step by step. . .
maybe the bible is a quideline of "perfection"
but i dont believe that theres someone listening to your prays
or making your life something to make you stronger.
you make the choices,
you make the steps,
you learn from what you witness
you learn from what you go through,
you make the outcome,
you deal with the outcome,
you deal with it alone
you come into the world alone,
and you die alone,
no happy endings,
no shining place up above,
no pretty little girl with wings
or a man with a body sculptured perfectly
this is the life you live, and you die
becoming the next piece of dirt. . .
we create a cycle. . . until it comes to an end. . .
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
February 8th 2010, 05:32 AM
Christian. I love God.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
May 6th 2010, 03:34 AM
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
May 6th 2010, 03:34 PM
Voted: Other
I do have a belief system, it's actually based on something called the Church of the 8 paths. Its hard to explain xD
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
May 28th 2010, 08:14 AM
I'm an agnostic.
Jesus paid it ALL.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
June 7th 2010, 12:11 AM
Christian like I have been under my other names.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
June 7th 2010, 11:53 PM
Protestant here!
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
June 8th 2010, 03:04 AM
I really don't know, I wouldn't fall under any category really I like certain things from certain religions, but I think it's really impossible to know what's right and what's wrong. I might have found my "God" but as I said, I don't think I'll ever know. It really amazes me how people can be so certain and positive that one religion is right, and they don't even question it.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
July 22nd 2010, 01:44 AM
I don't know, I couldn't vote. Growing up my parents didn't really forced anything on me growing up. My dad's muslim and my mum's a jew, I think I'm getting in touch with my jewish self more and more. But I also have an interest in Krishnaism.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
July 23rd 2010, 11:05 PM
Wiccan (solitary)
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
July 27th 2010, 05:09 PM
I am one of the five mormons on th haha. I believe in everything my church is... I just can't live with myself when I live it right. I like girls and am vaguely transgendered and that really doesn't work with my church... :\
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
July 27th 2010, 06:01 PM
Bible-believing Christian. That's all there is to it.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 10th 2010, 05:24 AM
I am muslim and very glad to be one. Many people think that Muslims are terrorists but we are not actually it is a very peaceful religion. I believe in God and prophet Muhammed(pbuh) and all the prophets before him. I believe in the Quran the holy book. And a lot of ppl I know seem to not know this but Islam is actually the continuation of Christianity and judaism, but in the year where GOd had said that prophet Muhammed was a prophet the christians and Jewish didn't accept him even though they knew he was a very honest man and had not once lied. Oh I really do love God and prophet Muhammed and I love you peoples too so I'll pray u guys go to heaven and pray for me too
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 16th 2010, 04:38 PM
I'm Christian, ND. I believe that being a Christian is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, not about fitting into a certain church.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 16th 2010, 09:08 PM
I'm undecided...
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 21st 2010, 12:36 AM
Hmm...baptized as a Roman Catholic, then as a Jehova's Witness but I am atheist. To me, there is no god. If there ever was, he's gone now.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 21st 2010, 04:45 AM
I'm a Secular Jew
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 21st 2010, 05:10 AM
I'm Christian.
I don't always go to church, but i still believe. <3
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
August 21st 2010, 07:07 AM
Christian NC
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 7th 2010, 01:41 AM
I'm a non-denominational Christian. ^^
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 7th 2010, 11:48 PM
I am Christian.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 9th 2010, 01:45 AM
I consider myself to be a Unitarian Universalist Humanist.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 23rd 2010, 12:57 PM
Atheist :|
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 23rd 2010, 07:29 PM
I was baptized Roman Catholic, but I've been a practicing Buddhist for the past few years. If my family knew, I would be disowned...
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 23rd 2010, 08:44 PM
Roman Catholic. I was agnostic for a while during my teens and probably atheist in all but name on a few occasions, but I've ended up back at Catholicism and it looks like I'm staying there.
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If you're referring to dr2005's response, it's not complex, however, he has a way with words  .
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 24th 2010, 03:59 AM
I am LCMS Lutheran. We Believe!! (theme of the 2010 national LCMS youth gathering of which i attended)
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 24th 2010, 04:30 AM
100% Catholic. I believe everything the bible and the Pope say, no matter what. My faith has wavered a little bit in the past until I learned how important it is.
I was raised Catholic. Ill pass it on to my kids.
I went to Catholic school, now a Catholic high school. My kids will do the same.
I have no intention of having sex before marriage, and I will never use a condom or abortion. I masturbate a lot, but I'm working to stop it...
My priorities are: God first, (family should be second, but not me... oh well), friends, and sports.
I believe that God is science. he causes everything scientific. After all, he made it.
I believe that someday, everyone will be Catholic!
Last edited by MWF; September 24th 2010 at 04:50 AM.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 24th 2010, 08:08 AM
After lots of thinking and such I changed my vote to Deist.
Mostly because right now it's a combination of that and undecided.
I believe there is a Higher Power somewhere. Like my mother, I also believe that there is one and only one but that different religions see it/her/him differently and worship them in different ways.
I'm fascinated by Wicca but I don't practise it, right now I just like learning about the spiritual properties of crystals/gemstones.
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 25th 2010, 04:36 PM
Atheist, all the way.
One million miles away...
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Re: Your Religious and/or Spiritual Beliefs Version III -
September 27th 2010, 10:46 PM
Christian however there are a lot of things in the bible that I don't necessarily agree with. Usually I just tell people I believe in God.
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