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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 17th 2009, 09:13 PM
i just would like people to pray for my friend Maple, she was getting open heart surgery, but the doctor's made it worse, instead of better. so please pray for her. thank you. and god bless. (:
When you can't find your way home, and when life gets too hard to face on your own. I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown, I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 17th 2009, 10:04 PM
pray that i manage to make it through the school year without bleeding through my khakis.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 17th 2009, 10:48 PM
i pray for my mother to find peace in her heart and mind
and simply find the love that everyones know she deserves.
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prayer request -
August 18th 2009, 08:54 PM
hey id just like some prayers for my boyfriend.
he was in the hospital last night, he dislocated his shoulder amd was in a lot of pain.
not too serious but still.
i just want to make sure he heals completely and without a lot if pain.
he said something about surgery, and i just dont want it to be that bad for him.
just keep him in your prayers if you will(:
thank you.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 21st 2009, 12:22 AM
I just come to you with my hands raised high for you. I want to thank you for being so faithful and great. I want to thank you for helping me overcome temptation and for fighting off my pain. God, I pray for the people of TeenHelp. I pray that you are with them, and that they will find the permanate place in their hearts for you. Christians or not, I pray that you help them and that you use me to get through to them. I am going to serve you forever God. I have already changed so much for you, and now I want you to use me to help them. Everyone on this website needs you God. For some people, it's not enough to hear and believe. They need to see you, and hear your gentle voice. They need to feel your arms around them, and your presence with them at all times. Please God. I pray that you help them, and that you will let them know that their prayers are being heard, and that even though the answer might not come right away, you heard, and are working. Let them know patience is a virtue. Let them talk to you, and find you God. I pray for everyone on this website, and especially the people who are coming here asking for prayer God.
In your name.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 22nd 2009, 02:52 AM
pray for my father, he has lost his way, not religously
but on the path of his life. he is lost and hasnt any where to turn
to, i hope he finds himself in this world and make himself happy before
he dies.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 31st 2009, 07:05 PM
Monster., I prayed for him. I hope God will guide him in His grace to contentment.
My prayer is not only a request this time, rather an expression of gratitude; I'd like to share it with you guys.
Now everytime someone tries to "prove" me there's no God, I'd like to tell them this story, but it's too bad I promised my friend to shut my mouth about it. Oh well. See.. there's a wish I've had since the beginning of this year's spring. It was burning deep inside my heart like a torch and for the first time in my life, it's really given me HOPE (in relation to 'that matter'). I felt that it wasn't a coincidence (it's fate right  ), and I prayed to God constantly to at least in some way, somehow make this wish come true.
Sometimes, I myself lost faith that it could really happen. Friends (religious as atheistic ones), they all told me the same: "Loire, it's IMPOSSIBLE that this would ever happen. I mean, I know that for God, nothing's impossible, but, still... you know what I mean, don't you? Oh Loire... listen, there are just some things in life... that are meant for someone else, okay?"
(I have nice friends, haven't I? Always so optimistic. LOL)
But my wish was granted on the 20th of August, that means exactly 11 days ago, and it already feels like a very long time !!!
When I realized what had happened, my hands (I'm not lying) began to tremble and I could feel my legs shaking. My eyes started to fill with tears and I was on the edge of crying!! (Which would have been embarrassing, because my whole school would have seen me.)
I was speechless, but a thought repeated over and over in my mind: "Almighty Lord, THANK YOU. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."
My dear TeenHelp users making prayers in this thread, NOTHING's impossible. It's too bad I promised to keep silent about it, but maybe you can just believe me that it was indeed an (almost!) impossible wish to be granted - I really understand my friends why they had been trying to "wake me up". (Haha, my English is bad as usual.) If MY prayer could be granted, then yours will be surely, too. And if not - remember that God always knows best. So this will be my request: I pray that someone of you can get as happy as I am right now =) Everytime a bad thought comes up, I immediately remember this awesome miracle. God is great and good, keep the faith everyone =)
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
August 31st 2009, 07:42 PM
i did one of these today at the church when i went to see my grandad. i said
"God, please look after my Grandad the way he looked after me. He is truly missed and forever in our hearts." and another one but I won't post that as it's kinda personal.
In that order...
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
September 3rd 2009, 06:12 PM
God, I think that, secretly, the desire of my mom's heart is to have a man to love her and to know what it is to truly love a man. Please let her meet someone special... It doesn't necessarily need to be right now if it's not the right time, but please let her meet someone. I don't want to see her live alone for the rest of her life. I want her to find a man that she deserves and who deserves her... Someone who will be her everything and never let her down. Someone who will cherish every moment that they spend with her. Someone who will always take care of her. I know there's someone special out there for her... Please direct them so their paths will meet one day. I want my mom to be happy and know true love. Please, God... I love my mom and I would love for her to have a special man in her life so she's no longer alone. Show her true love.
In your name...
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Pray for Abbi -
September 9th 2009, 09:53 PM
My friend Abbi is in the hospital. She's about 8 months pregnant and is in recovery for Bulimia. She has igh blood pressure, and they might have to deliver her baby. Please pray that everything goes alright?
You are beautiful just the way you are.
Looking like a fallen star.
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Last edited by love__me; September 9th 2009 at 10:01 PM.
In that order...
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
September 21st 2009, 10:18 PM
I have no requests, but I want to thank God from the very bottom of my heart for my precious little baby boy that he's given my husband and I. Kaden is more than I could have ever imagined that he would be and I'm so thankful for him. I pray that we're able to raise him to be a man of God, of his word, and a man who will someday make a woman very lucky to have a husband as caring and loving as I do.
Thank you so much, God, for this amazing little person you've given us to care for, teach, and love.
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Pray for her... -
September 22nd 2009, 11:18 PM
On Friday, my close friend's Aunt got in a car crash.
She's in critical condition with cracked ribs which punctured her lung, which caused blood to get in, a cracked pancreas, cracked neck, a broken nose, and internal bleeding in her head...
It's really not looking good for her.
A prayer for her to pull through would be really nice... even if it's just a short one.
There's so many people that love her very much, and she's too young to go.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
September 23rd 2009, 12:51 AM
The people in the southeast who have lost property and in some cases their LIVES to the floods these past few days.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
September 23rd 2009, 01:10 AM
Myself, anyone else who needs it.
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Re: Pray for her... -
September 30th 2009, 01:59 AM
I will definitely keep her in my prayers.
Thanks for letting us know! (:
I wish the best for them.
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Re: Pray for her... -
September 30th 2009, 02:11 AM
I'm going to merge this with the prayer request thread.
May God work in your situation for a good outcome
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September 30th 2009, 08:07 PM
My aunt's coworker has an 8 year old daughter, Reagan, and Reagan has a 6 inch tumor wrapped around her spinal cord causing a lot of pain and right now the pain killers are not helping a lot. Today they are putting a stint in her chest to start radiation and chemo to shrink the tumor which hopefully will help with the pain. She has several broken bones in her arms, legs and hip area. Apparently the cancer is causing her bones to fall apart. The doctors believe she might have been born with this tumor that now has grown and become cancerous. She has been sick most of her life and from what I understand, they're just finding out about it. While I dont know her, I really want to reach out and get as many prayers for this little girl as possible. Regan also has around 40+ broken or fractured bones in her body. Today the tumor caused her back to break. She is not paralyzed but she can’t move because of the broken back. Last night they started chemo and she is getting sick from it today. Thoughts and prayers are MUCH appreciated!
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
September 30th 2009, 09:13 PM
Hey all... this is my first post here. I'm too physically and emotionally tired to start a new thread but I'm glad I found this one.
Sorry if it's selfish asking for your prayers for myself, but I am on the verge of suicide and I truthfully I need all the prayers I can get. Please pray for me. I am suffering from deep depression, self hate, OCD, emetophobia/cibophobia, (some days I can barely eat) I have a mild learning disorder...A couple of months ago I cut myself very lightly for the first time... My life is a mess. I've had depression since as far back as I can remember. My family and I aren't close at all and I've never gotten the love and comfort I really needed. I'm 21 and haven't had a job in 2 years. I don't know what I want to do with my life and I feel like I'm rotting away. I feel like I don't deserve anyone or anything and waking up is so hard to do. I feel like God hates me.
Please pray for something for me: happiness, guidance, direction. I don't know how much longer I can hang on.
Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to pray for me.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
October 1st 2009, 11:33 AM
Im starting to fall back into a bad cycle and I need help picking myself back up.
Im keeping all of you guys in my hearts and on my minds you can get through this. God loves you so very much anything is possible through him!
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
October 4th 2009, 04:36 AM
i have a listt.. my cousin has tumor wrapped around his spinal cord and it can't be removed by surgery. he is only 17. my dad to keep his health stable and his depression. my mom being able to afford our house and bills. my stepmom not have to be gun downed by a stranger at a stopsign again. my sister be healthy to carry another baby and attend college still. my friends sister has cancer that may possibly return after her chemo. me and my unhealthy habits that don't please the Lord. for everyone in the world who struggles.
In that order...
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 10th 2009, 11:54 PM
Please help Mathew keep his job. We really can't afford for him to lose it right now. =[
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 11th 2009, 12:44 AM
For my abuser, for anyone who has hurt me, and myself so I can get though the hardest times in my life and relize I can make my hard times lessons for myself and others. And anyone who needs it.
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 28th 2009, 12:54 AM
In light of Romans 1, I believe the Lord has given me over to my desires do to an unrepentant heart. Not fully understanding the salvation message, I am fearful to give up on self. I am not certain I have truly been born again in Spirit. I believe my heart may be deceiving itself. Please pray that if God has not given me over that I would come to true biblical repentance and understanding saving faith and repentance. And if I am saved, please pray that the Lord would comfort me and take me out of this despondent state I have fallen into.
It is difficult to know whether Satan and my heart are deceiving and lying to me or whether I am truly unborn. I do not wish for comfort notes saying "I know your saved." Because in all honesty, you don't know my heart. I just wish for prayers. Thank you.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 28th 2009, 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by onion
In light of Romans 1, I believe the Lord has given me over to my desires do to an unrepentant heart. Not fully understanding the salvation message, I am fearful to give up on self. I am not certain I have truly been born again in Spirit. I believe my heart may be deceiving itself. Please pray that if God has not given me over that I would come to true biblical repentance and understanding saving faith and repentance. And if I am saved, please pray that the Lord would comfort me and take me out of this despondent state I have fallen into.
It is difficult to know whether Satan and my heart are deceiving and lying to me or whether I am truly unborn. I do not wish for comfort notes saying "I know your saved." Because in all honesty, you don't know my heart. I just wish for prayers. Thank you.
Hi onion!!
Given the fact that Satan would LOVE for you to believe that you are now 'unborn' [Or never really were 'saved' in the first place] I would say that the possibility that you are being deceived by him is extremely high.
Satan doesn't play fair. You should know that!!
That said..... rest assured..... there is at LEAST one person in this world who is praying for you.
[I was referring to myself - in case you missed that!! lol  ]
I pray for everyone else here too!!!
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 29th 2009, 06:45 PM
i pray that my friend (hopefully boyfriend soon) Jarrett finds himself. he's so lost and it makes me so sad because he's such a good person, even if he doesn't believe he is. he's a good person, he cares about people, he has such an interest in life and what he can do...i just hope that he can find peace with himself, and one day, he'll be able to take off his mask with someone (maybe me-or maybe everyone!) and not be afraid to show who he really is. i feel like i understand him so well, and i feel like i know that he's not a bad person. i pray for his security in himself.
I want a moment to be real
Want to touch things I don't feel
Want to hold on, and feel I belong
And how can the world want me to change?
They're the ones that stay the same
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
November 30th 2009, 10:31 PM
This may be hypocritical as Im agnostic... but I'm willing to do anything right now
Please save grandma, at least so she can be at jessicas christening... if not, don't let her suffer, make it peaceful, and please be with my dad and make his pain go.
faith is a bluebird that you see from afar
it is real and as sure as the first evening star
can't touch it, or buy it, or lock it up tight
but its there just the same
making things turn out right
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
December 1st 2009, 03:43 AM
Please pray for me to help me build a solid relationship with my god, I've struggled to do this and i need help...i just want to be closer to my heavenly father
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
December 14th 2009, 03:17 AM
I just want to thank God for leading me in the right direction and leading me to my plan that You have for me. I trust You with everything in me. Thank you so much for giving your life so I could live mine. I thank you for all of my amazing blessings.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
December 14th 2009, 05:15 AM
I just recently found God again!! Yay!!
I thank God for my wonderful boyfriend who appeared at the right time in my life. I also thank God for my wonderful friends and Sorority Sisters.
If you would, please help me pray for the following people:
My wonderful boyfriend: He has Spina Bifida, and that makes me a little afraid sometimes but that does not make me love him any less. Please pray that he has a full life and that he lives life to the fullest as best he can. I want to be with him for the rest of my life and I want everything for him. I don't want him to ever feel bad for having Spina Bifida and I want him to know that he was put here on this Earth for a reason.
My best friend from college: She just recently got engaged and I hope for the best for her. I want her to be fully happy at whatever she decides to do. I also hope that her relationship with her fiance lasts forever, meaning I would like them to grow old together. I love seeing them together and they are a perfect match.
My best friend from high school: She is having a difficult time with life right now and I want her to have everything. She does not go to college, because the class fell through, and she is having trouble finding a job. Please help me pray that she either goes to the right college to get the education she deserves and/or gets a job that she really enjoys. I really want her to come to my college next year because I think this college is perfect for someone like her. Plus, I will be there with her until her last year which would be a real test, but it will help her learn the life skills she needs to learn.
Me: I put myself last because I am very unselfish. I even feel bad for putting me in here in the first place. Please pray for me. Pray that I don't end up like my father, living at his mom's house with no job and no money. Please pray that I never lose hope and faith in the lord. Please pray that God helps me through all my future troubles, whatever they may be. Please pray that God reminds me in some subtle way to pray and/or read the bible. I want to stay connected to God this time. And the three people I mentioned above also believes in God.
Also, I pray for everyone on TeenHelp and their friends and families.
God bless everyone!
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
December 23rd 2009, 08:02 PM
I would be grateful if everyone could please pray for my friend from work, Sarah. She's pregnant with a baby girl. In the last few years, she's had 2 miscarriages. Last year she had an abortion cos of the pressure from the father of the child. She really wants this baby, please pray for her to have the courage to be strong, to make the decision that she wishes to make. Please keep her and her baby safe
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
January 10th 2010, 08:06 AM
I've posted before but I really need prayer (I may not be on these forums for a while as I need to really think things through). Basically let me explain my situation.
I am very introverted which those of you who belong to the faith understand how difficult introversion and faith conflicts with one another. I fear that I may not be saved. I am not certain because I know the devil tries to convince those who are saved that they are not and those who are not saved he tries to convince them that they are saved (this way he wins the battle on both sides). Anyways... my series of doubts upon examining my faith has lead me to sin and a large despondency that I cannot seem to control leading into a deep depression. My heart is condemning me but I know God is faithful and if I have a spark of belief then I know I am saved, but as of now... examining my life -- I am not certain whether I have a genuine saving faith or not. Though many people seem to say, "well you are wise with the Bible -- by the things you say I can tell you're saved." Knowledge of things biblical does not save you, therefore I believe my heart may be deceiving me.
I need prayer that God would be faithful in keeping me faithful and that if I am not saved that He would lead me to a genuine saving faith and repentance in order that I can be fruitful for the kingdom and leading others to Christ. And if I am saved that He would return me to the joy of salvation and make me fruitful for the kingdom and leading others to Christ.
This despondency has become very selfish, but I need to figure out my faith and if it is my faith or God granted saving faith. Please just pray for my soul and a solid knowledge based on truth and not feelings regarding the state of my soul.
I don't really wish for encouragement, but they don't hurt.. just prayers. Thanks.
In that order...
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
January 26th 2010, 02:45 AM
Mathew needs dayshift. Please allow an opening for him to take. We really need this.
And I also want to thank you for all of the blessings that we already have... Including the fact that Matt even has a job. That's a huge blessing considering how jobs are lately. And our son... I'm so thankful for him every day. Thank you for holding our marriage together through the tough times and I pray that we'll grow to be even stronger together as time goes on.
Thank you. Amen.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
January 31st 2010, 06:01 PM
Dear God,
Thank You so much for everything You have given me. I am so thankful that You gave me the strength, courage, and hope to get through everything that I have. I know that I am so lucky for what I already have, but please, please, please help connect me with the person we talked about last night and the night before. Thank You, God, for listening. I love you.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
February 11th 2010, 05:31 PM
It's not a nice feeling when you need to pray to someone and you don't believe in God. I don't know where to go.
I'm getting blood test results tomorrow morning and I know I should try not to worry about it but I can't help it...I'm really really really freaking out. I'm really really worried about this. I feel a bit selfish requesting this but if anyone out there could just even send a thought my way I'd be so grateful...
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread Volume II -
March 26th 2010, 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by bitesize
It's not a nice feeling when you need to pray to someone and you don't believe in God. I don't know where to go.
I'm getting blood test results tomorrow morning and I know I should try not to worry about it but I can't help it...I'm really really really freaking out. I'm really really worried about this. I feel a bit selfish requesting this but if anyone out there could just even send a thought my way I'd be so grateful... 
It's never selfish to ask for prayers. <3 PM me anytime you need a prayer.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread -
March 26th 2010, 05:46 PM
I am praying for all of you and your requests. <3
Please pray for a few of my loved ones who need to find Jesus in their lives (I don't want to post names, but pray for them, God will know who it is).
Also for a little girl I know who has cancer.
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread -
March 26th 2010, 06:28 PM
I have one.
That my mom recovers okay from her broken neck.
survivor. :)
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread -
March 27th 2010, 10:00 PM
Praying for her Angelina. <3
Take care. 
You have to have the negative things in life to be able to appreciate the positives. TG 05/04/2013
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Name: Robert
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread -
June 11th 2010, 04:40 AM
My life really sucks right now... Im depressed, my friends basically left, I cant break my addictions, and I hope to God that high school is better than my last school... Im Roman Catholic by the way.
i live. i laugh. i love.
I've been here a while ********
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread -
July 13th 2010, 06:43 AM
I pray that my vacation goes well and that we stay safe.
I pray that I won't hurt my stepdad even though I'm sure I'll get frustrated with him extrememly.
And I pray that Elijah's flight home is safe and that he's happy.
When you can't find your way home, and when life gets too hard to face on your own. I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown, I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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