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Talking about religion
I was wondering what other people's view on discussing religion is. I mean if you are Catholic would you sit down and have civil conversation with a Hindu? or if you are Seventh Day Adventist would you talk to a Mormon? And when I say talk I mean listen to...try and see their side and stuff.
My view on this is WHY NOT!?!? It's not wrong to learn about other faiths and connect with others who are of a different faith then you. Knowledge is power and leads to wisdom. And these type of discussions are great for getting rid of stereotypes too. Thoughts? |
Re: Talking about religion
I'm an atheist and I'd definitely be up for a *civil* discussion with, for example, a devout Christian. It'd be interesting and I'd like to challenge their views/be challenged myself.
Too many people brand themselves as one and declare every other religion/belief system to be obsolete and wrong. Those people are often too naive and immature to warrant talking to in the first place. :p |
Re: Talking about religion
I consider myself agnostic & I actually enjoy having those types of discussions with people. However, I don't like talking to closeminded people who have no facts to back up their beliefs yet try to force their religion down my throat. So it really depends on who I'm talking to.
Re: Talking about religion
Im am a Christian and Im willing to sit down and listen long as I get to share my side to. Although I WILL sit down and listen and talk about what you believe doesnt mean im willing to change what i KNOW about my God
Re: Talking about religion
I am a Muslim and I have more christian and atheist friends than Muslim friends. It is interesting to see what they believe and what I believe. I am interesting to learn about their beliefs and what they think of my belief. I think it is ignorant of people not to listen to someone else's belief because everyone has a reason to believe in what they do.
I dislike when people judge me because of my religion. Like some of the other people said I hate when people try to force their religion on me. I don't want to convert I just like to know more about what they believe. |
Re: Talking about religion
I'm willing to discuss religion with whomever, even if I know very little about a particular religion. I'm open for a civil debate as long as the person is willing and capable. I don't care all that much for a discussion or debate that turns into prophesizing or preaching, generally at that point I've lost interest unless the person returns.
Re: Talking about religion
Oh my gosh you guys are just great! Yes, this is what I was hoping for:) There are people that think like me haha.
And Katz! I have just recently learned quite a bit about Muslims and can I just say WOW! I never knew the kind of things you believed and I was overjoyed to find out that you guys have some of the same beliefs that my religion does!:) Im LDS (Mormon) by the way:) And Pyromania! I have quite a bit of respect for atheists, you guys tend to know more about Christianity itself then a lot of Christians, you guys know your facts and I admire that. When talking to my brother..who is somewhat of an atheist...I have to make sure I have my facts straight first or he will call me out on it (which I dont like) I do admit I dont know every little thing about my religion but I try my best to learn and understand. I know I have been blessed with the ability to gain understanding, thats why I love discussing topics on religion.....if people are civil about it:) Please keep commenting:) |
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
Melwirth The media and extremists from my religion did a hell of a job to make Islam look bad. We, muslims, belief is pretty close to all the monotheistic religions. I am glad you learned about Islam it makes me overjoyed and I hope other people that don't quite get Islam to do the same :)
Re: Talking about religion
Katz....I say you are right on the ball with being monotheistic, I mean from what I have heard. I'd personally even call you Christians, thats not a bad thing don't worry:) From what I have heard your beliefs are very close to mine......that even shocked me but I'd very much like to learn more about you religion and maybe kinda show you how similar we are, it's quite amazing actually.
Re: Talking about religion
I wouldn't do it just to debate or out of curiousity, but I would do it to try to lead them to Christ.
Re: Talking about religion
I don't mind discussing religion, I'm actually curious about all the different belief systems and I'm a pretty open minded person. The only thing I'm really intolerant of is intolerance, so the second someone tries to convert me, or tells me I'm wrong, the conversation is over. In my mind civil doesn't mean debate, convert, or agree. We all have a right to belive what we want and to have those views respected.
Re: Talking about religion
I love to discuss it. I just can't stand when they start to try and convert me. It usually turns into an argument after that.
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
I'm a Catholic, and I'm happy to talk about religion with anyone of any creed, culture or philosophical outlook - provided it's done from a position of mutual respect for the other person and with an open mind. Shouting contests aren't my cup of tea, nor is evangelising from either a religious or non-religious perspective.
Re: Talking about religion
Definitely, I'm always open to discussion with people of other beliefs/non-beliefs, and I don't mind being asked about being an atheist. There is one thing that I don't like though, and that is when people assume that a "civil" conversation means that I can't question what they think, and they can't question me. Perhaps it's because I value debate more than other people sometimes, but I'd rather have a civilised argument than a polite conversation where you know the other person thinks you're going to Hell, but can't be bothered explaining why!
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
I'm baptist. I am willing to talk to anyone and everyone. I don't who or what they are. I have a respect for everyone. I'm best friends with a gay wiccan. I'm the daughter of an atheist and a catholic. My older sister is agnostic. My aunt is baptist. My cousins are christian. My best friend is Pentecostal. my other best friends are christians.
Re: Talking about religion
p.s. I don't try to bring people to Jesus to make them happy (though that's a plus). I try to bring people to Jesus to save their souls. |
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
I am always up front about my intentions.
Re: Talking about religion
To the OP: I love discussing religion. I'm an atheist though. |
Re: Talking about religion
Why would you think I don't believe what I say? I definitely do, so I want to know why you think that, because I want to make sure I'm not sounding like I'm joking.
Re: Talking about religion
I'm the only person in my town I know that considers their Religion "Norse paganism" So often many people ask me about it and I've actually like talking about other Religions. My Favorite part is when someone asks me "what the hell is that ?" When i tell them My religious views ^^
Re: Talking about religion
I call myself a Pentecostal Christian and I say yes. I'm probably bias though because when I go to college I want to gt a theology major. I like having knowledge and I think it'll be interesting to try and match things up :P if you go to this site http://www.elevationchurch.com.au/ and click on the worship style test, I rank under Intellecual :P I feel closer to God through studying. I will be the first to admit it, I am a geek and a really big NERD but I'm proud of it and call it a compliment if people call me one because they are just saying I am smarter than them :P
Feel free to PM me, any of you, I'm up for a challenge ;P Jay. And that is what being an awesome aussie takes ;) What up?! |
Re: Talking about religion
I just want to comment on the "awesome aussie" part. Before I ask a question, I'd just like to say that it might be slightly off-topic, but I'm curious in a religious context (as opposed to a general or cultural context). So, I'm curious, what exactly do you think makes an "awesome aussie"? Do "awesome aussies" have to associate themselves with a particular religion, or do we merely have to accept religious institutes? On topic, I'm an Atheist. Well, I'm an Atheist to the extent that I'm indifferent. I do not really care at all. I only care so far as I think associating oneself with a particular religious institute is folly, and that I think impromptu conversations on religion or beliefs are a slight annoyance. That being said, I'm generally curious about religion. I like to know how people think, and if people are influenced subjectively by a particular belief system, I'd like to know how it affects those thoughts. So, to a certain degree, I'm happy discussing religious beliefs. However, if I get any impression that someone is trying to push their beliefs onto me, or start a debate about their beliefs, I'll stop the conversation, because nothing is going to make me change my mind, and whilst I'm accepting of religious beliefs, I don't like them being thrust upon me. I tend to bite when people try to do it. |
Re: Talking about religion
Nah mate, I was just saying :P I have had wayyyyyyyy too much ice coffee :P sorry mate. I am just super hyped and I was meant to write that somewhere else :/ I wondered why my computer glitched when I wrote it, seemed to put it in a weird spot ..... lol! My computer is freaky weird :/
All I do is talk :P I listen and interject but I believe it is all conjecture. We don't know everything so it is hard to put someone into religion. I can switch from super hyper to serious in a second flat, quite proud of myself actually. Keep talking. Did I send you a message like weeks ago? Jay. |
Re: Talking about religion
I'm always willing to sit down and have a civilized conversation about someone else's beliefs...as long as it is actually a discussion, and my beliefs are also treated with respect and civility. In addition, it needs to be a simple exchange of ideas. I do not try and persuade people to practice my spirituality, and I do not appreciate it when others try and push me to conform to their religious beliefs.
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
I don't quite know what you mean by trolling, but if it's anything except saying the truth about what I believe, that's not what I'm doing. :)
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
[quote=Megan1;947637]I don't mind knowing what other people believe. When I said I wouldn't talk about it "out of curiosity", I guess I meant I wouldn't talk about it with the possibility of changing what I believe or caring about other beliefs. It is nice to know about them just so I'm not clueless while witnessing to people of that religion. It will help me to know how to reach them. I don't respect false religions or anything that goes against my God, so I wouldn't be listening because I care about their religion...but I would be listening because I care about the person, and knowing what they believe will help me to know how to share Jesus with them.
p.s. I don't try to bring people to Jesus to make them happy (though that's a plus). I try to bring people to Jesus to save their souls.[/QUOT Im sorry but really? really? to save their souls? Yeah thats fine and dandy but shouldn't our salvation bring us happiness and joy? I mean how do you try and convert people, do you tell them that they are damned to hell if they don't? That might be a little forward but that's what im gathering from what you have said. And what about all those people who werent able to learn about Christ while they were alive, what about the people who didnt have an opportunity to learn? I mean, I have that answer but I'm just wondering if you do? |
Re: Talking about religion
Oh yes, salvation definitely does bring happiness! I'm just saying that happiness isn't my focus when preaching to someone. My focus is getting them saved. The happiness is just a plus.
I kind of witness like they do on The Way of the Master if you've ever seen that show (you can Youtube it if you haven't), except not in such an interview style like they do. I do it in a more personal conversation way usually (every case is different). You definitely need to talk about sin and hell, because otherwise they won't know what they need to be saved from and know that they need a Savior. But, you also need to make sure that you make it clear that ALL humans deserve hell and it's not just them- they're not worse than anyone else. I try to relate it back to myself so they know that I was a sinner who needed to be saved too (just 2.5 years ago) and I'm not singling them out. Look at The Way of the Master, minus the interview style, and that's basically what I do. The bible doesn't give a word for word answer to your question about people who didn't learn about Christ while they were alive. However, I'm pretty sure that they would stll go to hell. Here's my reasons why. Test these against the bible and see if you find anything that says otherwise (I'm not saying that in a debating way; I seriously want to know if it says otherwise): First, God is sending people to hell for their sins, He's not sending them to hell for not accepting Jesus. Accepting Jesus is just the way out. Even if God had never sent Jesus for any of us, it would be completely fair to send us all to hell, because we all sinned. Jesus is just the much-more-than-fair gift that we were given. So, I'd say whoever doesn't choose that gift (eitehr because they couldn't or because they chose not to) just gets what they originally deserved anyways- which is hell. Second, if people could get to Heaven by not knowing the gospel, why did Jesus say it's so important that we share the gospel and get them saved? Wouldn't it be better to not tell anyone the gospel so they could get to Heaven for not knowing? Third, there is a scripture that says that no man has an excuse to not believe in God, because nature and His creations are proof enough that He is real. The bible also says that if you seek, you will find. So, according the bible, not me, anyone can know there is a God without being told. And from there, if they choose to seek Him and not ignore it, they will find the truth somehow (whether God sends a missionary to them, brings them to a church, tells them audibly...which is rare but has happened, etc). Reguardless of this though, the bible tells us to preach the gospel...so I'm going to preach the gospel either way. |
Re: Talking about religion
Re: Talking about religion
Hey guys,
I'm going to interject here, I'm not picking sides here though, just food for thought: Matthew 28:19 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Also: there is a verse about the coming of the end of the world, it tells us that the end will come when the whole world is preached to, when all has heard of who our God is. Then he will come, there will be many wars and rumours of wars, but all will be like the first pains of child birth. Found it: Matthew 24:14 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached through all the world for a witness to all people; and then the end will come. Many will give up their faiths, many will be persecuted. I ask this: Whom among you would stand strong? Who would figt for what you believe? Jay. |
Re: Talking about religion
To answer your topic: yes, I would fight. To answer the actual topic: I like discussing religion with believers, mostly because their beliefs amuse me. |
Re: Talking about religion
Haha, sorry, I was watching the debate between Melwirth and Megan1! And thought I'd add in my own question which seemed to be laced in with the quotes I mentioned.
:) It's good to know someone would fight. I would to. JAy. |
Re: Talking about religion
I consider myself Agnostic, and I wouldn't mind talking to somebody civilly about religion. I strongly dislike close-minded people, who don't even consider another person's beliefs or morals, based on whatever stereotypes or little facts they have.
I accept every person and they're religion, no matter what. I find religion intriguing, and would be totally open to talking about it. ~paula |
Re: Talking about religion
I absolutely would sit down with people with faiths that differ from me. I'm Catholic, so I've heard of the, "You're not Christian" bullshit people try to pull on me (my brother's Christian mother-in-law being a prime example). Rather than people accusing me, I would rather them just ask to clarify what they don't understand (or what they think they understand, but are only getting one part of it). I will explain my faith to anyone who asks to the best of my ability.
By the same token, I want to understand other religions. I would love to sit down with someone who practices Islam, for example, to get a better understanding of their religion since I know the religious extremists (read: terrorists) can't speak for the entire faith. I think I could be open-minded to what they believe as long as they don't try to convert me. I want to understand, but I don't want to change my faith. But, yes, I would love to be educated about other faiths in more than just the overview I got in my world history class in 9th grade. I want to know how people of other faiths think, what their traditions are, etc. You can get information from textbooks, but why not go straight to the heart of the faith by talking to those who practice it? |
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