Religion and Spirituality, Science and Philosophy Use this forum to discuss what you believe in. This is a place where everyone may share their views freely.
View Poll Results: Is Atheism a Religion?
9 |
16.07% |
Maybe (in certain circumstances -- yes)
5 |
8.93% |
Algernon, AnaMZ, Apollo, Batman., Blazer, C0co, CANDLEJA-, CoffeeAddict, DanielR, Doodle., dr2005, DragonRider, FeistyMidget, Fictional, FriendZoneMayor, hopefaithlove, Incompris, Jack, Jesus Christ., l0stCause, Lugez, Memories, Music, newurule, noise94, Oddoneout, OMFG!You'reActuallySmart!, OwlsInTheSky, Pelios, Penguin Queen, Purpure, SillyEvee, Spellbound, Stardaze, Storyteller., TakeTheLeap, TheNumber42, Union Of V, vanisheddreams, Xujhan
40 |
71.43% |
2 |
3.57% |
| |