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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 19th 2012, 08:27 AM

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I'm sorry, I went through the pages, and maybe I missed something. When did they find out Trayvon had OFFICIALLY attacked Zimmerman before being shot, and where does it say that he had been selling drugs and all? I just can't find articles with sources of this, and I am honestly just asking for that. Currently, I do not see why this is self defense rather than manslaughter. I don't think 2nd degree will hold through, and if they try it, they'll lose.

something burning?
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 19th 2012, 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post
What's up kids?

Too many words?

Not comfortable with the topic of taking lives?

- Tyr
It was an interesting post, I'll probably try and pick up the book you recommended actually.

However, I'm still undecided on this issue, probably because i'm really apathetic towards it right now.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by Koharuchan View Post
Okay, you do realize that he's not talking about ALL white and black people? He's referring to all the idiots that want to make this a purely racial issue.

Also, as Yogi has already said, size means NOTHING in a fight. Just because a person is smaller, they automatically lose? Bullshit. Complete and utter BULLSHIT. Try telling that to a friend of mine. She's barely over 5 feet tall, and she beat the shit out of a guy MUCH bigger than her after he punched her and shoved her into a brick wall. The dude had a broken nose and a broken arm when she was done with him. Know why? Because although she may be little, she's fucking STRONG and she knows how to fight.

Let me give you an example. Some idiot tries to pick a fight with someone smaller because he thinks that gives him the upper hand. The smaller person knows karate. Who do you think would win that fight? I'd venture to say the smaller one who knows how to fight.

Another example. In middle school, my boyfriend got a lot of shit from other people. People tried to beat him up. He's taken down plenty of guys bigger than him, and he's taken down groups of people trying to jump him. How did he do this? He was stronger. Having size does NOT make you the winner and it does NOT make you stronger.

been gone a while surprised this is still opened

Yeah that's still a racial slur why it was removed

Yeah who is yogi? Some anecdotal individual with no scientific backing?

It does not make you strong automatically you can be huge and suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. I don't think you'll be any good at fighting then. But you still have not proven more times than not smaller is stronger than bigger when both parties are healthy. In your 20's you are in your prime healthwise trayvon was headed there. Zimmerman was already there. More times than not that isn't the case.
  (#164 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by thebigmole View Post
You are right if Trayvon was white this wouldn't have happened, because Zimmerman was going off of the description of a robbery suspect from his neighborhood. That description was of a BLACK PERSON! So yes you are right if Trayvon was white it wouldn't have happened, unless the description was of a white person instead of a black one.
Apparently in your mind you seem to assume that a robber suspect can't be white. Interesting
  (#165 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Maverick. View Post
It is a racist issue. If Trayvon was white would he have gotten killed? No. Whether you have a violent mentality or not, if you are a young black male, you are seen as a threat.
I don't really see them as a threat anymore I did back in MI but that was because most of them I presume are from Detroit and Chicago and they present themselves in a certain way. Being male and black to me I mean doesn't give someone magical powers anymore than any other male they all can be intimidating well to me at least but to another man I don't know that perception. I'd think it would be the same as skin color does not create more mass or any other types of stregnths more than anyone else. But really I don't really care how he looked because he didn't seem to have been that much of a threat imo... It to me doesn't have to do with race because not everyone sees that if someone

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 26th 2012 at 11:35 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post

You are confusing racism with profiling.

I profile people all the time. I make a living in the world of crime, killing and warfare, so I'm a lot more open about it than the average person. For the average person, they have this moral obligation to believe that every single person should be treated and judged the same irregardless of physical appearance, age, gender, race, behavior and how they dress. That is not realistic. Not only does this moral obligation (Which is only a recent change in human psyche) clash with our evolutionary instinct (Which has been in our psyche for thousands of years), but it is also impossible to execute in some areas of our life. There is sound psychology behind profiling, and if I remember correctly it is the Israelis who are the global leaders in the science of it.

There are a number of reasons why young black males are seen as threats, none of which has anything to do with racism.

I would be more than happy to explain it to you, but so far my other posts have gone unacknowledged. Why should I take the time out of my day to teach you something if you doggedly refuse to take it in?

- Tyr

Most people just aren't like you. And to explain that you are what you are is just a waste of time. We could profile Zimmerman just the same. From where I'm from they're actually a serious threat to some. I don't see it that way or at least I don't try to along with white males can be seen as a threat. Males in general could be as well what's your point besides that you're just taking one part of the population and exploiting it.
Originally Posted by TigerTank77 View Post
It could also be due to the fact that the DA is an incompetent moron.

There is absolutely no way second degree is going to stick. None. Zip. Zero.

Also, there are no hate crime charges being filed, because there was no hate crime.
Yeah but he's more well educated and well experienced with the matters of this case? You or the DA? Plus what are you going to do about it?

Overall I will surmise whatever happens I don't care as long as he was charged that's all I wanted... And am happy they made the right decision...
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
Apparently in your mind you seem to assume that a robber suspect can't be white. Interesting
I just face palmed myself so hard I think I'm going to have a bruise. I'm not sure why this concept is so hard to understand. Zimmerman's neighborhood had been having break-ins recently. There was a description of the person suspected of committing these break-ins. That SPECIFIC description of these SPECIFIC robberies happen to be of a BLACK MAN. Now in what way shape or form does that equate me saying that ALL robbery suspects are black?

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
Apparently in your mind you seem to assume that a robber suspect can't be white. Interesting
And you don't seem to understand what he was saying. The robber suspect, according to the reports, WAS BLACK. And Trayvon's appearance happened to fit the description of the BLACK robbery suspect. That doesn't mean a robber can't be white. It means that the robber in that particular case WAS BLACK.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by thebigmole View Post
I just face palmed myself so hard I think I'm going to have a bruise. I'm not sure why this concept is so hard to understand. Zimmerman's neighborhood had been having break-ins recently. There was a description of the person suspected of committing these break-ins. That SPECIFIC description of these SPECIFIC robberies happen to be of a BLACK MAN. Now in what way shape or form does that equate me saying that ALL robbery suspects are black?
duh this is so obvious yet you can not seem to see it

if trayvon were white he STILL could have bee suspected for recent robberies if he fit the description. I wouldn't even waste a face palm I'm not going to because it seems you can't see that he could have had the same scenario if he were white
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 05:05 PM

you fail to see my point in this.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
duh this is so obvious yet you can not seem to see it

if trayvon were white he STILL could have bee suspected for recent robberies if he fit the description. I wouldn't even waste a face palm I'm not going to because it seems you can't see that he could have had the same scenario if he were white
THE DESCRIPTION WAS OF A BLACK MAN NOT A WHITE ONE. So therefore in this specific situation if Trayvon had been white he would NOT have fit the description because the description was of a BLACK MAN. Black, not white, black.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
duh this is so obvious yet you can not seem to see it

if trayvon were white he STILL could have bee suspected for recent robberies if he fit the description. I wouldn't even waste a face palm I'm not going to because it seems you can't see that he could have had the same scenario if he were white
Do you really still not understand? The robbery suspect was BLACK. Trayvon fit the description of this BLACK robbery suspect. Had he been white, he would not have been suspected because the suspect was BLACK, therefore this would not have happened.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
been gone a while surprised this is still opened

Yeah that's still a racial slur why it was removed

Yeah who is yogi? Some anecdotal individual with no scientific backing?

It does not make you strong automatically you can be huge and suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. I don't think you'll be any good at fighting then. But you still have not proven more times than not smaller is stronger than bigger when both parties are healthy. In your 20's you are in your prime healthwise trayvon was headed there. Zimmerman was already there. More times than not that isn't the case.
First, Yogi (now Tyr.) is a user who commented here. You should read through the posts you've missed before you comment on a debate forum.

Second, you really don't know how a fight works. NEVER judge someone's strength by size, that is something that should be common sense. I've already given you examples, and I've already tried to explain that in a fight, thinking you have the upper hand just because you're bigger is just stupidity and arrogance. Being arrogant in a fight can get you seriously injured or even killed, depending on how severe the fight becomes. NEVER underestimate an opponent based on size. That is not what matters in a fight.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 09:49 PM


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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
Yeah who is yogi? Some anecdotal individual with no scientific backing?
Edited:Please do not use that type of language.

Excuse me?

I have degrees in Criminology and International Service, as well as my time and training as a light infantryman. I can provide academic citations to back up what I am saying, and I have also provided my own real-life experience as examples.

- Tyr

Last edited by Maverick.; April 27th 2012 at 08:24 AM. Reason: Rudeness
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 26th 2012, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by Caliber View Post
If civil rights leaders of the past like Martin Luther King who pushed for equality were alive today, they'd be ashamed of the state this country is in now. Somebody who is "white hispanic" kills a black person and it's a giant hate crime uproar across the states. And then black people like the kids in this article use it as an excuse to get angry at whites and commit crimes themselves. You're angry about the Trayvon case, so you beat an innocent white person you randomly pick on the street? I'm damn tired of all the crazy pointless crap that this case is stirring up. A 17 year old kid got shot, and just because he's black it's all across the states. Rallies and marches for justice, and justice is not what's happening. Slapping him with second degree murder was probably the stupidest thing that has happened in this case. Someone got shot, it happens every damn day in this country, but do we see nationwide rallies and marches for those victims? No. So many people go crazy about this saying it was a giant race issue, and it wasn't. They made it into one. What happened to the equality those people fought for? Because this isn't equality. Not giving a damn about all the other people getting shot, but then blowing this out of proportion because a white shot a black, is not equality, it is racism. This was not second degree murder nor was it a hate crime, it was manslaughter. And people want to make it all about race. It's pathetic.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 12:36 AM

Unpopular opinion: Innocent people are murdered every day. Guilty people walk away with no punishment every day. Why are we making such a big deal out of this now? I mean, there were students on my campus (which is across the country) who did a hoodie march and chanted about wanting justice. They just went through campus doing it, but what's that gonna change? I mean, yeah, it's awful that this happened and it's awful that the guy wasn't put in prison, but stuff like this happens every day, and seeing something on the news then putting on a hoodie doesn't make you an activist.
That's my opinion on the Trayvon Martin thing. It's WAY blown out of proportion.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Koharuchan View Post
If civil rights leaders of the past like Martin Luther King who pushed for equality were alive today, they'd be ashamed of the state this country is in now. Somebody who is "white hispanic" kills a black person and it's a giant hate crime uproar across the states. And then black people like the kids in this article use it as an excuse to get angry at whites and commit crimes themselves. You're angry about the Trayvon case, so you beat an innocent white person you randomly pick on the street? I'm damn tired of all the crazy pointless crap that this case is stirring up. A 17 year old kid got shot, and just because he's black it's all across the states. Rallies and marches for justice, and justice is not what's happening. Slapping him with second degree murder was probably the stupidest thing that has happened in this case. Someone got shot, it happens every damn day in this country, but do we see nationwide rallies and marches for those victims? No. So many people go crazy about this saying it was a giant race issue, and it wasn't. They made it into one. What happened to the equality those people fought for? Because this isn't equality. Not giving a damn about all the other people getting shot, but then blowing this out of proportion because a white shot a black, is not equality, it is racism. This was not second degree murder nor was it a hate crime, it was manslaughter. And people want to make it all about race. It's pathetic.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 02:45 AM

Originally Posted by thebigmole View Post
THE DESCRIPTION WAS OF A BLACK MAN NOT A WHITE ONE. So therefore in this specific situation if Trayvon had been white he would NOT have fit the description because the description was of a BLACK MAN. Black, not white, black.
yeah and it could have been of a white guy as well. You don't seem to get what you said and maverick said. My point is if trayvon were white it COULD have happened... You don't seem to get that was all I was saying in this part.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
yeah and it could have been of a white guy as well. You don't seem to get what you said and maverick said. My point is if trayvon were white it COULD have happened... You don't seem to get that was all I was saying in this part.
Then why did you imply I was a racist when you said this "Apparently in your mind you seem to assume that a robber suspect can't be white. Interesting" It doesn't make sense. All I had said was that if everything about the situation was the same except Trayvon was white it wouldn't have happened because the description of the robbery suspect was of a black man. If it had been of a white man and Trayvon had been white then yes the same thing would have happened.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:09 AM

Originally Posted by Koharuchan View Post
First, Yogi (now Tyr.) is a user who commented here. You should read through the posts you've missed before you comment on a debate forum.

Second, you really don't know how a fight works. NEVER judge someone's strength by size, that is something that should be common sense. I've already given you examples, and I've already tried to explain that in a fight, thinking you have the upper hand just because you're bigger is just stupidity and arrogance. Being arrogant in a fight can get you seriously injured or even killed, depending on how severe the fight becomes. NEVER underestimate an opponent based on size. That is not what matters in a fight.
I've been here from the start and as far as I know yogi has not proven anything with his long posts. Come up with studies where the smaller person has more strength and maybe I'll take your posts more seriously...

Otherwise it's all what you think and has nothing to do with me. Yogi has proven also to speak ignorantly about certain people. Why would I believe anything he said? He shows his true colors his true level.
This argument would not go well with a test on many scientific laws...
You use anecdotal experiences instead of what is more likely....

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 06:14 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:13 AM

Originally Posted by thebigmole View Post
Then why did you imply I was a racist when you said this "Apparently in your mind you seem to assume that a robber suspect can't be white. Interesting" It doesn't make sense. All I had said was that if everything about the situation was the same except Trayvon was white it wouldn't have happened because the description of the robbery suspect was of a black man. If it had been of a white man and Trayvon had been white then yes the same thing would have happened.
ermm I never said racism there... Try again.

And you never said if everything were the same. Maverick said if Trayvon were white that it wouldn't have happened not if trayvon was white and everything was the same. He did not provide that information...
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post
Excuse me?

I have degrees in Criminology and International Service, as well as my time and training as a light infantryman. I can provide academic citations to back up what I am saying, and I have also provided my own real-life experience as examples.

- Tyr

Where's the proof behind typing this? I don't believe you've proven you have degrees just because you say you are? Citations don't prove anything sorry

I'm just saying that mass tends to follow strength. You can only talk about irrelevent facts. I am a lot smaller than you and I can share that experience. We all lives we can share our experiences with. And in my situation I have not experienced that. Sorry not everyone thinks like you...

Last edited by Maverick.; April 27th 2012 at 08:19 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:39 AM

You have tried to exploit one type of people my mom is much more educated than you could dream of... Guess what I wouldn't take anything serious she said either about this. Because she is biased against latinos. You already showed your hand over cards. I don't think you expect me to take you seriously...

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 03:45 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
I've been here from the start and as far as I know yogi has not proven anything with his long posts. Come up with studies where the smaller person has more strength and maybe I'll take your posts more seriously...
Edited:Please watch your language

Combatives FM 21-150


a. Mental Calm. During a fight a soldier must keep his ability to think. He must not allow fear or anger to control his actions.
b. Situational Awareness. Things are often going on around the fighters that could have a direct impact on the outcome of the fight such as opportunity weapons or other personnel joining the fight.
c. Suppleness. A soldier cannot always count on being bigger and stronger than the enemy. He should, therefore, never try to oppose the enemy in a direct test of strength. Supple misdirection of the enemy’s strength allows superior technique and fight strategy to overcome superior strength.
d. Base. Base refers to the posture that allows a soldier to gain leverage from the ground. Generally, a soldier must keep his center of gravity low and his base wide— much like a pyramid.
e. Dominant Body Position. Position refers to the location of the fighter’s body in relation to his opponent’s. A vital principle when fighting is to gain control of the enemy by controlling this relationship. Before any killing or disabling technique can be applied, the soldier must first gain and maintain one of the dominant body positions (Chapter 3, Section I).
f. Distance. Each technique has a window of effectiveness based upon the amount of space between the two combatants. The fighter must control the distance between himself and the enemy in order to control the fight.
g. Physical Balance. Balance refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium and to remain in a stable upright position.
h. Leverage. A fighter uses the parts of his body to create a natural mechanical advantage over the parts of the enemy’s body. By using leverage, a fighter can have a greater effect on a much larger enemy.
That is field manual 21-150. The internationally accepted standard for hand to hand combatives. Throughout the rest of the manual it continually stresses that physical size and strength are not directly related to winning the fight. Physical strength and size is certainly not mentioned in the basic principles of hand to hand combat.

So why are you so obsessed with the size of the two people here? That's all you want to discuss. Size. You are beyond obsessed with it. My previous posts were to do with the psychology of killing - I have not mentioned size in either of those posts.

As I said far earlier in the thread, size has little bearing on the outcome of a fight. Mindset, technical ability and experience are all far more important in the world of combat. You don't seem to understand that, but I somehow doubt you have ever been involved in that world.

Good riddance.

- Tyr

Last edited by Maverick.; April 27th 2012 at 08:26 AM. Reason: Rudeness
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:43 AM

now read my last post
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
now read my last post

You don't accept anything which isn't from your own little reality, do you?

- Tyr

EDIT: How am I exploiting anybody here?
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post

Combatives FM 21-150

That is field manual 21-150. The internationally accepted standard for hand to hand combatives. Throughout the rest of the manual it continually stresses that physical size and strength are not directly related to winning the fight. Physical strength and size is certainly not mentioned in the basic principles of hand to hand combat.

So why are you so obsessed with the size of the two people here? That's all you want to discuss. Size. You are beyond obsessed with it. My previous posts were to do with the psychology of killing - I have not mentioned size in either of those posts.

As I said far earlier in the thread, size has little bearing on the outcome of a fight. Mindset, technical ability and experience are all far more important in the world of combat. You don't seem to understand that, but I somehow doubt you have ever been involved in that world.

Good riddance.

- Tyr
this is in war and trained soldier not children who are too young to even be citizens.

That's not the same thing. And if this is how you think you can support the My Lai massacre...

Just saying...

Last edited by Maverick.; April 27th 2012 at 08:26 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post

You are confusing racism with profiling.

I profile people all the time. I make a living in the world of crime, killing and warfare, so I'm a lot more open about it than the average person. For the average person, they have this moral obligation to believe that every single person should be treated and judged the same irregardless of physical appearance, age, gender, race, behavior and how they dress. That is not realistic. Not only does this moral obligation (Which is only a recent change in human psyche) clash with our evolutionary instinct (Which has been in our psyche for thousands of years), but it is also impossible to execute in some areas of our life. There is sound psychology behind profiling, and if I remember correctly it is the Israelis who are the global leaders in the science of it.

There are a number of reasons why young black males are seen as threats, none of which has anything to do with racism.

I would be more than happy to explain it to you, but so far my other posts have gone unacknowledged. Why should I take the time out of my day to teach you something if you doggedly refuse to take it in?

- Tyr
Originally Posted by Tyr. View Post

You don't accept anything which isn't from your own little reality, do you?

- Tyr

EDIT: How am I exploiting anybody here?
right there everyone can be seen a threat not just black guys you took one type of people and exploited it. All your posts are pretty biased seemingly. I might see your point if you acted normal maybe that's beyond your abilities.

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 05:03 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 04:04 AM

sorry never done any drugs in my life I'm a pretty pure person sorry if it's a struggle in your life teenhelp is a really supportive place maybe you can find the help you need I support you as well in that and as far as I know I'm allowed here and have been very polite idc if you dislike my opinion... That doesn't mean I don't belong here to say what I think as much as you do. I stand by what I said in this situation. He was not a soldier just a kid. So it doesn't apply. But it seems like you are just upset I don't agree I have my opinion you have yours. I haven't attacked your opinion only pointed how wrong you are about exploiting black men as a threat when you well know we all are. And can be profiled. If you can't even try to support it when faced with this without exploiting a race of people I can't take it seriously that's just how I am. We all can be seen as threats... You don't like what I say but you know it's true and you can't change what I think. But you have to think not everyone is as easily swayed...

You can make personal attacks but it doesn't pertain to the subject...

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 05:12 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 04:56 AM

Well SoCal, thankfully, your opinions aren't being taken into consideration in the trial. Only the facts.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 05:02 AM

and neither are yours or probably anyone else's in teenhelp.

That's why I asked what are you going to do about it?

I am pretty content with how it was dealt with. If you don't what are you going to do about it? That you disagree with how it was handled? Anything? I mean people can make change will you?

I don't care if he's claimed guilty or not. Just that he was charged.

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 05:09 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
I've been here from the start and as far as I know yogi has not proven anything with his long posts. Come up with studies where the smaller person has more strength and maybe I'll take your posts more seriously...

Otherwise it's all what you think and has nothing to do with me. Yogi has proven also to speak ignorantly about certain people. Why would I believe anything he said? He shows his true colors his true level.

and never take a science test please... Because by this thought process it won't take you far.

You use anecdotal experiences instead of what is more likely....
Okay, you listen right now. I have not personally attacked you in any way, I am here debating your opinion. Don't start attacking me here. This is a debate forum where we debate the opinions and issues discussed. This site is not a place for bashing.

Second, all you keep going on about here is size. Tyr (Yogi) and I have already tried to explain this multiple times, but you don't believe us. If you're so sure that size is what matters most, and that size automatically wins you a fight, no matter how skilled the smaller opponent is, you show us links to studies and statistics that prove it. THEN we'll talk.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 05:45 AM

Originally Posted by Koharuchan View Post
Okay, you listen right now. I have not personally attacked you in any way, I am here debating your opinion. Don't start attacking me here. This is a debate forum where we debate the opinions and issues discussed. This site is not a place for bashing.

Second, all you keep going on about here is size. Tyr (Yogi) and I have already tried to explain this multiple times, but you don't believe us. If you're so sure that size is what matters most, and that size automatically wins you a fight, no matter how skilled the smaller opponent is, you show us links to studies and statistics that prove it. THEN we'll talk.
that wasn't meant to be an insult...

I wasn't bashing I thought that was obvious.
I am giving my opinion that's what I've done all along...

I already said not automatically.

I said more times than not that more mass will be victorious.

Sorry for your misunderstandings and seriously I'm just saying my opinion no attacks

oh and I'll get you a link
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 05:55 AM

newton's law of motion


simple laws constituted in motion shows that with each action is a reaction. If that reaction includes more weight, that reaction will be equal. Therefore each hit they make has an equal effect. And therefore, trayvon martin's hit would be less heinous and less of a threat.

That's all it's a scientific law. I just was saying that's where my thought process relies. And not just that. I remember I bumped this old women I was yes taller than but was at least 50 lbs heavier. I bumped her she was at least 60 and nail me to the wall. I couldn't get away because of her weight despite she was old and cripple. I've also noticed with other average sized women when they bump into me I easily get bruised because their heavier weight. That's what I'm saying less weight less mass creates more chance of injury... It's the reason men are stronger than women...

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 06:01 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
that wasn't meant to be an insult...

I wasn't bashing I thought that was obvious.
I am giving my opinion that's what I've done all along...

I already said not automatically.

I said more times than not that more mass will be victorious.

Sorry for your misunderstandings and seriously I'm just saying my opinion no attacks

oh and I'll get you a link
Yes, because telling someone not to take a science test because their thought process won't get them far in it isn't bashing? My mistake.

Listen to me here. Just because someone has more body mass it doesn't give them an advantage. It's common sense and basic knowledge. I've seen many fights, and I have many friends who have been in fights. When my uncle was in high school he was on the wrestling team and I always went to see his matches. From every fight I've seen, I can tell you body mass means NOTHING. It is skill that wins a fight, not mass. A person can be huge and not know what the hell he's doing whereas his opponent is smaller but has fighting experience. You just can't go on size. If you do, that's what'll get you hurt in a fight.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
newton's law of motion


simple laws constituted in motion shows that with each action is a reaction. If that reaction includes more weight, that reaction will be equal. Therefore each hit they make has an equal effect. And therefore, trayvon martin's hit would be less heinous and less of a threat.
Aren't you forgetting how much force is behind the punch thrown? Someone can hit another person all they want, if the other person is physically stronger it doesn't matter.

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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 06:05 AM

no not your thought process your argument to win at this argument is to me false. You think fine never said you thought wrong.

They're skill professionals. Not young children.

I already gave you my experience and so of course it is anecdotal all what you're saying has several anecdotal basis and don't talk about average joes. Rather soldiers or wrestlers are your concern

Last edited by girlfromsocal; April 27th 2012 at 06:12 AM.
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 06:08 AM

yea and my point is trayvon was weaker. By his bmi and weight and age he was the weaker individual for all you know trayvon could have felt he was fighting for his life you don't know. You aim to make zimmerman a victim. Instead of looking at it fairly. Maybe if zimmerman is really innocent now he'll be found not guilty. But he had to at least been charged imo. And the professionals in this case agree with that. I don't claim to say he's guilty or not. Just that I like that he was charged. That's done and that's what we all have to live with...
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Re: Trayvon Martin - April 27th 2012, 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by girlfromsocal View Post
yea and my point is trayvon was weaker. By his bmi and weight and age he was the weaker individual for all you know trayvon could have felt he was fighting for his life you don't know. You aim to make zimmerman a victim. Instead of looking at it fairly. Maybe if zimmerman is really innocent now he'll be found not guilty. But he had to at least been charged imo.
Okay, riddle me this. How could you possibly know exactly how strong Trayvon was? You're saying that based on his body mass and age he was weaker, and you have no proof of that. You can try to use science to argue your point all you want, but the fact will always stand that your size does not give you an advantage or disadvantage in a fight, it is your physical strength and skill. You have no way of knowing how strong Trayvon was or how skilled he was at fighting, so you can't prove anything here.

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