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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 06:13 PM
Breast-feeding is one of the most natural physical actions for a new mother to perform for her baby, and it's also vastly more healthy than formula food. I don't know why there should be any problem with it in public, because it's both important and necessary. Yes, women should try to be discreet about it, but having to go somewhere else entirely to do so is ridiculous and borderline discriminatory.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 06:41 PM
Most women are pretty discrete about it so i don't see a problem. If the baby needs to be fed then it needs to be fed. Being offended by someone breast feeding is pretty ridiculous considering all the other things going on in this world that you could take offence to.
..and our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears..
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Elle.
Most women are pretty discrete about it so i don't see a problem. If the baby needs to be fed then it needs to be fed. Being offended by someone breast feeding is pretty ridiculous considering all the other things going on in this world that you could take offence to.
In the greater cosmic scheme of things, does it really matter?
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Elle.
Most women are pretty discrete about it so i don't see a problem. If the baby needs to be fed then it needs to be fed. Being offended by someone breast feeding is pretty ridiculous considering all the other things going on in this world that you could take offence to.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Toast
There's a difference between wrong and inappropriate. I don't think anybody said there's anything wrong with it. There are, however, inappropriate times and places. I don't have a problem with people breastfeeding randomly in public, but I do it if it's in a restaurant. It can be a little bit gross to many people, so it is rude to do it around people who are trying to eat. Many people seem to need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. If they need to do it in a restaurant, they should cover up everything with a blanket. If the staff asks you stop, then you have to listen. Restaurants are privately owned and it's up to them what's appropriate in their restaurant or not. That's why many restaurants can have dress codes.
I never said wrong and inappropriate were the same thing. Ok, so what's the difference between a women breastfeeding in a restaurant to another public place. You're eating, so why shouldn't the baby? Jeeeez, you would think people would be more bothered about having a nice time and being with their friends/family/whoever to even notice a women breastfeeding. Do people really have nothing better to do when they are out than to watch a women breastfeed.
Originally Posted by Toast
Many people seem to need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them.
Ok, that's a bit over the top don't you think? Women who breastfeed don't think the world revolves around them, all they want to do is feed their child. Maybe it's the people who seem to have this huge problem that need to realise that
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dement
I never said wrong and inappropriate were the same thing.
Maybe, but you did imply it.
Originally Posted by Dement
Ok, that's a bit over the top don't you think? Women who breastfeed don't think the world revolves around them, all they want to do is feed their child. Maybe it's the people who seem to have this huge problem that need to realise that
Because the whole "I think this so you should all have to deal with it and I don't care what you think because you should think this" attitude is definitely not selfish at all.
Heaven is high and earth wide. If you ride three feet higher above the ground than other men, you will know what that means. ~Rudolf C. Binding
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 11:52 PM
Would you stop breast feeding if you were confronted by another customer?
Nope! Obviously I will do my best to be discreet and go as far as possible to be out the way , but if someone see's me and happens to confront me, I WILL NOT STOP. I've done as much as I can, I think it would be unfair to expect me to stop.
If, you were (for example) at your other child's school interview, and having a 30minute talk with the principal, and the baby started crying...would you breast feed then?
I'd probably ask if they minded me feeding, or ask if I could go somewhere to feed and then return for the talk.
Or how about when you were in a rush, and you were in town. You had to get back to the car by a certain time...would you stop to breastfeed?
Dependant on the situation (not one I would personally be in) but if I was close enough to get to the car, I'd rush like a mad woman and feed in the car... If I was far away, then yea I'd stop to breast feed... sometimes things just have to be done.
There is also bottles! I was bottle fed every time...and there is nothing wrong with me! Im sure if you were against bottle feeding, you could do it just once to see to your own baby's needs!
I'm against bottle feeding unless absolutely necessary... so no, I would not do it just that once, I would rather stop and breast feed. I think the consequences of trying to combine breast and bottle feeding are too high, and I don't want to risk it.
There's nothing wrong with a mother choosing to bottle feed her baby, and I would never suggest there's anything wrong with bottle fed children... but personally I wouldn't feel comfortable bottle feeding my child, surely theres nothing wrong with that either.
As for the BIG toilet debate, that has been covered so many times with the same replies and responce's I will say....
Ignoring everything everyone else has said.
There is nothing to stop me going to a public toilet to breastfeed, but I won't.
I don't like the idea.
(sorry I haven't managed to put down who I'm quoting, I'm rubbish with this stuff)
if a mother who is breastfeeding a 27 week old baby on a bus or in a café is asked to leave or to stop breastfeeding, she can take legal action on the grounds of sexual discrimination. If that same mother was feeding a child under 26 weeks, she could take action under the grounds of maternity or sexual discrimination.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 12:13 AM
Im curious to know why seeing a males nipples is okay, but seeing a females nipples is not? Considering both female and male nipples are exactly the same, except females use their nipples for the one and only purpose they were designed for.
And if you can't see the female nipple when breastfeeding, why is it any different to seeing a woman wearing a low cut top?
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 12:23 AM
As I'm late to this thread and can't be bothered to read every other post I'll just go ahead and post my opinion even if it's already been said.
Is breast feeding in public alright? Yes it is, we should we deny a little child food when we walk around the streets eating? Quite hypocritical to be honest. Why should we be allowed to eat but a child starve?
I saw someone compare it to urinating in public, they're quite different things, one's unhygienic which is why it can't be compared. Again, it's more comparable to someone eating a sausage roll on the streets.
It's not even like you can see anything to be honest, it's all covered up by the kid! And we let men walk around with out tops on, why is that any different? Why should they be allowed to walk around with out a top on? especially when society seems to frown upon breast feeding in public.
Some mention public toilettes, I'd just like to say 'because there's really enough room to do it comfortably in there isn't there' it's just stupid, hygiene aside.
Seriously, people who get offended or disgusted by breast feeding in public have such high double standards it's unreal, some people find the look of some foods disgusting and off putting, but restaurants won't stop serving them because of it will they? It's stupid.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Toast
Maybe, but you did imply it.
Because the whole "I think this so you should all have to deal with it and I don't care what you think because you should think this" attitude is definitely not selfish at all.
A baby cannot be selfish. Babies cannot be told "wait a few minutes." When a baby is hungry, you feed it.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by 3.1415926535897
As I'm late to this thread and can't be bothered to read every other post I'll just go ahead and post my opinion even if it's already been said.
Is breast feeding in public alright? Yes it is, we should we deny a little child food when we walk around the streets eating? Quite hypocritical to be honest. Why should we be allowed to eat but a child starve?
I saw someone compare it to urinating in public, they're quite different things, one's unhygienic which is why it can't be compared. Again, it's more comparable to someone eating a sausage roll on the streets.
It's not even like you can see anything to be honest, it's all covered up by the kid! And we let men walk around with out tops on, why is that any different? Why should they be allowed to walk around with out a top on? especially when society seems to frown upon breast feeding in public.
Some mention public toilettes, I'd just like to say 'because there's really enough room to do it comfortably in there isn't there' it's just stupid, hygiene aside.
Seriously, people who get offended or disgusted by breast feeding in public have such high double standards it's unreal, some people find the look of some foods disgusting and off putting, but restaurants won't stop serving them because of it will they? It's stupid.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
And what about 3year olds, they can't just be fed when they want.
What if you were to feed them before you went out but the child wasn't hungary? You'd take some sort of food with you.
My nephew is 2 years old, yes I know not my own child, but in the situation he may as well be.
If we are going out some place after dinner but he isnt hungary at the time, Im not going to not feed him whilst we are out. Thats wrong. If he's hungary he'd get fed where ever he may be.
It's a basic human right to be allowed food.
Some of you don't agree with breast feeding, but if you were in the situation: your baby is crying it's hungery, you forgot bottles, as you didnt think you were going to be out long, and you know baby likes breast milk any way, would you rush home to give the baby a bottle or would you breast feed?
Personally I'd breast feed, stuff what people think it's my body my baby, if i want to get my tits out i will, if it offends people then big wow, theres lots of nasty horrible things happing in this world to get offended at than seeing a baby latched onto a breast.
How many of you complain when you walk down a street on a night out, and girls have low cut tops on and might aswell have them out?
'Cos if your not offended by that then you shouldnt be offended by a baby feeding.
It also really annoys me the amount of people saying it's disgusting or it's wrong, I'd like someone to please point out to me how its wrong, because when breast feeding you can't see nothing as the babies head is hiding the nipple.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 04:23 AM
Let me just say that just because I'm against breast feeding in public doesn't mean that I find breast feeding offensive. I'm a guy, why would I find women pulling out tits offensive? I actually think quite the contrary. I'm not some monster -- I'm a guy who wants to look at some nipples. Why? Cause it's in my nature. All that testosterone. A baby wanting to be fed is like a teenager wanting some nipple action. Do I think there's appropriate times to breast feed in public? Ab-so-lutely. If I take my woman on a romantic date to a nice restaurant, I don't want to hear a baby crying in the background, nor do I want to see a woman breastfeeding in public. If you're gonna do it, do it discreetly. If I don't see how, how am I gonna know? It's that simple. As long as you do it discreetly, I will have absolutely no problem because I won't know you're breastfeeding in the first place. Why you would bring a baby to a romantic restaurant is beyond me, but if it's places like Mcdonalds or Wendys...then I'll be fine getting my food and eating somewhere else just so you can feed your baby in peace.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by BabyIndia
What if you were to feed them before you went out but the child wasn't hungary? You'd take some sort of food with you.
My nephew is 2 years old, yes I know not my own child, but in the situation he may as well be.
If we are going out some place after dinner but he isnt hungary at the time, Im not going to not feed him whilst we are out. Thats wrong. If he's hungary he'd get fed where ever he may be.
It's a basic human right to be allowed food.
Some of you don't agree with breast feeding, but if you were in the situation: your baby is crying it's hungery, you forgot bottles, as you didnt think you were going to be out long, and you know baby likes breast milk any way, would you rush home to give the baby a bottle or would you breast feed?
Personally I'd breast feed, stuff what people think it's my body my baby, if i want to get my tits out i will, if it offends people then big wow, theres lots of nasty horrible things happing in this world to get offended at than seeing a baby latched onto a breast.
How many of you complain when you walk down a street on a night out, and girls have low cut tops on and might aswell have them out?
'Cos if your not offended by that then you shouldnt be offended by a baby feeding.
It also really annoys me the amount of people saying it's disgusting or it's wrong, I'd like someone to please point out to me how its wrong, because when breast feeding you can't see nothing as the babies head is hiding the nipple.
If the kid isn't hungry at the time, well isn't that just kind of tough. Some places don't allow food, for example some shops, you can't just bring out food then and there. And if its human rights to be allowed food, well next time im at school and im hungry, I will leave right in the middle of class! At pre-school even, kids have to wait until play lunch or lunch!
And ha, not always does the baby's head cover the breast! I have seen it many times and it is not pretty!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 01:00 PM
I’m not sure if this is even a relevant point or not, but I feel the need to say it.
But when you are in the hospital after delivery and you choose to breastfeed you literally have a couple dozen nurses, doctors, and lactation specialists touching your breasts all day. Its very hard to get the hang of breastfeeding at first, so everyone is grabbing them and shoving them into the babies mouth trying to get them to latch on.
When you are breastfeeding, your breasts are not your own anymore. I walked around topless or braless constantly no matter who was over at the house. You get used to people seeing them because after that hospital stay, you just don’t care anymore. That may be one reason why women aren’t embarrassed or discreet in public. I’m all for being discreet about it in public… but that might be why some aren’t.
Whether you are offended by it or not, find it awkward or not, it’s a woman’s right to breastfeed her child in public. I agree that all situations aren't appropriate, but its going to happen. A woman legally has the right to do it.
If you don’t want to breastfeed, there is nothing wrong with bottle fed babies. My son ended up being bottle fed because I found breastfeeding to painful and uncomfortable(and I didn’t like milk squirting everywhere every time my b/f tried to touch them lol) But breastfeeding is highly recommended, so if a mother is breastfeeding don’t encourage the bottle.
When reality is a prison, your mind can set you free.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Brandon
Let me just say that just because I'm against breast feeding in public doesn't mean that I find breast feeding offensive. I'm a guy, why would I find women pulling out tits offensive? I actually think quite the contrary. I'm not some monster -- I'm a guy who wants to look at some nipples. Why? Cause it's in my nature. All that testosterone. A baby wanting to be fed is like a teenager wanting some nipple action. Do I think there's appropriate times to breast feed in public? Ab-so-lutely. If I take my woman on a romantic date to a nice restaurant, I don't want to hear a baby crying in the background, nor do I want to see a woman breastfeeding in public. If you're gonna do it, do it discreetly. If I don't see how, how am I gonna know? It's that simple. As long as you do it discreetly, I will have absolutely no problem because I won't know you're breastfeeding in the first place. Why you would bring a baby to a romantic restaurant is beyond me, but if it's places like Mcdonalds or Wendys...then I'll be fine getting my food and eating somewhere else just so you can feed your baby in peace.
Mothers of children deserve to go to nice restuarants too, not just people that don't have any children.
And all of the women I have seen breastfeeding in public have all been descreet about it. So I don't know why you think that when women breastfeed that they're going to bare all of their breast, the baby is going to take up the whole area anyways. I personally know someone who is currently breastfeeding a newborn and you can't see nothing because the baby is in the way.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 06:06 PM
Surely these people who find it innapropriate or awkward for breastfeeding to be done in public would rather the baby eats than have them scream and scream while you eat. My little sister is 2, and when she was a baby she used to scream her head off until she couldnt breathe properly. Would you rather they suck on their mothers tit infront of you, or scream and possibly throw up or stop breathing in front of you?? x
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 06:32 PM
Mothers of children deserve to go to nice restaurants too, not just people that don't have any children.
In the post you replied to, when did I say that mothers who have children don't deserve to go to nice restaurants too? Nevar. Nor did I say that children shouldn't go to nice restaurants. I said that if I take a woman to a nice restaurant and all I hear is a baby screaming or a mother breast feeding without being discreet/making it obvious and distracting, then I'm probably going to walk up to the family and ask them to keep their baby under control or I'm gonna complain to the restaurant. It's like when men and women who bring babies to movie theaters...I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who gets pissed off when babies ruin the moment. Completely ruins the mood and you don't get your money's worth. You're not obligated to take your child everywhere you go. If you can't afford a baby sitter than I don't know why you would be going to a nice restaurant in the first place.
And all of the women I have seen breastfeeding in public have all been descreet about it. So I don't know why you think that when women breastfeed that they're going to bare all of their breast, the baby is going to take up the whole area anyways. I personally know someone who is currently breastfeeding a newborn and you can't see nothing because the baby is in the way.
I never said that I'm going to see nipple action, I said I want to see nipple action. Like when a woman wears a revealing dress that shows pretty much all of her tits except the nips, then I'm gonna be waiting for that nipple slip. Not saying it's going to happen, just waiting for it to happen.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
A baby cannot be selfish. Babies cannot be told "wait a few minutes." When a baby is hungry, you feed it.
Actually, they can be selfish. Babies and children are all very self-centered because they don't realize that they aren't the most important thing in the world. It's not their fault, but still one of the reasons I hate children.
Originally Posted by Brandon
In the post you replied to, when did I say that mothers who have children don't deserve to go to nice restaurants too? Nevar. Nor did I say that children shouldn't go to nice restaurants. I said that if I take a woman to a nice restaurant and all I hear is a baby screaming or a mother breast feeding without being discreet/making it obvious and distracting, then I'm probably going to walk up to the family and ask them to keep their baby under control or I'm gonna complain to the restaurant. It's like when men and women who bring babies to movie theaters...I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who gets pissed off when babies ruin the moment. Completely ruins the mood and you don't get your money's worth. You're not obligated to take your child everywhere you go. If you can't afford a baby sitter than I don't know why you would be going to a nice restaurant in the first place.
I was going to say that, but you worded it nicely.
Heaven is high and earth wide. If you ride three feet higher above the ground than other men, you will know what that means. ~Rudolf C. Binding
What's the difference between the two because I've seen plenty of men with a chest too.
So it's all right for a mother to neglect their baby by starving them in order to make a few people who feel uncomfortable happy?
I was kind of talking about the nipples, if you read what I quoted, they were talking about nipples. Anyway, some men have 'man boobs' but they do not look the same!
OMG babies dont starve if you dont feed them for 30minutes! Thats ridiculous! If im starving hungry at school when it first starts (8.30am) well morning tea doesn't start till 11.05am on one day...I dont starve!
Originally Posted by Brandon
In the post you replied to, when did I say that mothers who have children don't deserve to go to nice restaurants too? Nevar. Nor did I say that children shouldn't go to nice restaurants. I said that if I take a woman to a nice restaurant and all I hear is a baby screaming or a mother breast feeding without being discreet/making it obvious and distracting, then I'm probably going to walk up to the family and ask them to keep their baby under control or I'm gonna complain to the restaurant. It's like when men and women who bring babies to movie theaters...I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who gets pissed off when babies ruin the moment. Completely ruins the mood and you don't get your money's worth. You're not obligated to take your child everywhere you go. If you can't afford a baby sitter than I don't know why you would be going to a nice restaurant in the first place.
Yes I totally agree with that!
Originally Posted by BadFish
Whether you are offended by it or not, find it awkward or not, it’s a woman’s right to breastfeed her child in public. I agree that all situations aren't appropriate, but its going to happen. A woman legally has the right to do it.
Women also have the right to feel uncomfortable about other women breast feeding!
Last edited by Casey.; April 11th 2010 at 04:03 AM.
Reason: Merging posts.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 9th 2010, 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by emma01
Women also have the right to feel uncomfortable about other women breast feeding!
You have the right to feel however you care to about something, but you don't always have the right to impinge on someone else for the sake of your feelings.
The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
I was kind of talking about the nipples, if you read what I quoted, they were talking about nipples. Anyway, some men have 'man boobs' but they do not look the same!
OMG babies dont starve if you dont feed them for 30minutes! Thats ridiculous! If im starving hungry at school when it first starts (8.30am) well morning tea doesn't start till 11.05am on one day...I dont starve!
They don't starve but they scream for 30 minutes then. If babies are left hungry, they could eat really fast and get a gassy stomach. It's not good to let a baby wait so long to eat if there is no reason to.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Toast
Actually, they can be selfish. Babies and children are all very self-centered because they don't realize that they aren't the most important thing in the world. It's not their fault, but still one of the reasons I hate children.
I was going to say that, but you worded it nicely.
That is really irrelevant to the debate. Babies don't know any better than to be self centered. When there is a baby, their needs are the most important thing at the time. Babies and children are VERY different. Feeding a baby has nothing to do with being selfish.
Boy oh boy do I feel bad for some of your future babies.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
They don't starve but they scream for 30 minutes then. If babies are left hungry, they could eat really fast and get a gassy stomach. It's not good to let a baby wait so long to eat if there is no reason to.
Well if the mother was driving and had the baby in the car and was on a motorway, she couldnt just pull over!!!!
Also when a baby cries, it doesnt always mean its hungry!!! If the baby feels sick, more milk isnt going to fix that one!!!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
Well if the mother was driving and had the baby in the car and was on a motorway, she couldnt just pull over!!!!
Also when a baby cries, it doesnt always mean its hungry!!! If the baby feels sick, more milk isnt going to fix that one!!!
To be honest babies are asleep most the time they're in the car, and if they do scream most of the time you can pull over, or if you're on a motorway you can just get off it, it may be inconvenient but babies come before getting from A to B.
And a mother can normally tell what's wrong with the baby and will do the most appropriate thing depending on the situation.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
Well if the mother was driving and had the baby in the car and was on a motorway, she couldnt just pull over!!!!
Also when a baby cries, it doesnt always mean its hungry!!! If the baby feels sick, more milk isnt going to fix that one!!!
This is so wrong. I babysit and have pulled over multiple times with mothers so that they could feed their babies. Of course when we say when a baby is crying, we mean that it is crying because it is hungry.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
I was kind of talking about the nipples, if you read what I quoted, they were talking about nipples. Anyway, some men have 'man boobs' but they do not look the same!
OMG babies dont starve if you dont feed them for 30minutes! Thats ridiculous! If im starving hungry at school when it first starts (8.30am) well morning tea doesn't start till 11.05am on one day...I dont starve!
Personally, I think that guys walking around with their 'man boobs' hanging out is far less attractive than a woman's breasts. My view is that as long as a woman is discreet, then why shouldn't they breast feed? Arguing that some women aren't discreet doesn't make it fair for all the women who are.
And there is a huge difference between a 15-year-old and a under 2-year-old. Younger children need to eat more often, and arguing that they don't is just ignorant on your part. Arguing that babies should just deal with it and learn to eat at appropriate times is like saying that babies shouldn't wear nappies and should just learn to go to the toilet like older children. It's absolutely ridiculous and demonstrates that you don't seem to know that much about babies.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Brandon
I never said that I'm going to see nipple action, I said I want to see nipple action. Like when a woman wears a revealing dress that shows pretty much all of her tits except the nips, then I'm gonna be waiting for that nipple slip. Not saying it's going to happen, just waiting for it to happen.
Basically what you are implying is that breasts are sexual objects?
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 04:47 AM
I don't think there's anything wrong with women breastfeeding in public. If the baby has to eat, he/she has to eat. People would complain if the baby didn't eat and started screaming and making a huge fuss. Either way, people aren't going to be happy.
I think if a woman does breastfeed in public, she should do everything she can to keep from exposing too much of herself - covering with a large t-shirt or blanket, taking care of it in a more secluded area, etc. Although breastfeeding in public should be considered okay, I still think there should be some restrictions.
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Toast
Actually, they can be selfish. Babies and children are all very self-centered because they don't realize that they aren't the most important thing in the world. It's not their fault, but still one of the reasons I hate children.
Abstract thinking such as that requires certain parts of the brain to be developed, which in babies, isn't fully developed, so you're hating on them for something they cannot control even if they somehow wanted to.
Originally Posted by emma01
Well if the mother was driving and had the baby in the car and was on a motorway, she couldnt just pull over!!!!
Also when a baby cries, it doesnt always mean its hungry!!! If the baby feels sick, more milk isnt going to fix that one!!!
True it doesn't always mean it's hungry but from what I've seen, most mothers can tell when the baby is hungry and when it's sick or wants something/someone. It's not just a universal wah wah wah. Seeing as how I'm a male, if I were driving and the baby started wailing away in the backseat, I could simply keep driving to wherever or if I was far away, pull over into a restaurant or similar place and do whatever needs to be done, then put the baby back in and hit the road again. I see no reason why one cannot pull over, it's pretty easy.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie
And there is a huge difference between a 15-year-old and a under 2-year-old. Younger children need to eat more often, and arguing that they don't is just ignorant on your part. Arguing that babies should just deal with it and learn to eat at appropriate times is like saying that babies shouldn't wear nappies and should just learn to go to the toilet like older children. It's absolutely ridiculous and demonstrates that you don't seem to know that much about babies.
What about a 3 year old at pre-school/kindergarten, compared to a 1 year old. Im not saying they should learn to eat at appropriate times, i never said that. But they do not need to be fed there and then!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
I see no reason why one cannot pull over, it's pretty easy.
I was talking about motorways, where one cannot just pull over. And on the busy streets, there can be traffic jams blocking the road for ages.
I know it was me that brought it up, but this is getting a bit off topic. Im going to say that I think babies don't need to be fed right away, and in certain circumstances, they cannot be fed right away! So surely they can wait until somewhere private!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 10th 2010, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
What about a 3 year old at pre-school/kindergarten, compared to a 1 year old. Im not saying they should learn to eat at appropriate times, i never said that. But they do not need to be fed there and then!
They do need to be fed there and then. Do you think women would get up several times in the middle of the night if their babies didn't need to be fed then? And do you think women enjoy unbuttoning their shirts in public to breast feed their babies, especially when people come up to them and accuse them of being rude and inappropriate? Of course, they don't, but they do it anyway because it's necessary.
Three year olds are usually at the stage where they can wait and don't need to be fed all the time. But most children aren't breastfed after the age of 2, so I don't see how that point is relevant?