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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:07 PM
You would not want to eat in the bathroom, so why should a baby have to?
Is the baby going to say "mom, I do not appreciate you going into the bathroom while I suck on your nipple"? Hopefully it doesn't say that! A baby has no authority. The mother is the mother. She chooses. And if you take a baby into a public restroom and you expose thy nipple, I'm sure that it's going to want to feast regardless of the location. Unless you have some sort of evidence that says babies respond negatively to being breastfed in bathrooms!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
As for unclean bathrooms, what is it that you're going to be touching in the bathroom that would make that an issue?
Jesus, do you know nothing about breastfeeding? You can't just do it easily you know
I think most objections are down to ignorance. A lot of people seem to not understand how discrete breastfeeding is. A lot of the women who breastfeed in public wear breastfeeding tops so you really aren't going to be seeing a lot or any of the breast.
Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my throat.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by her_beautiful_mistake
Jesus, do you know nothing about breastfeeding? You can't just do it easily you know
I think most objections are down to ignorance. A lot of people seem to not understand how discrete breastfeeding is. Most women who breastfeed in public wear breastfeeding tops so you really aren't going to be seeing a lot or any of the breast.
No, I don't know much about breastfeeding, being 18 and never having had a child. Regardless of this fact, I don't really appreciate being called ignorant, because I'm far from that.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Brandon
Is the baby going to say "mom, I do not appreciate you going into the bathroom while I suck on your nipple"? Hopefully it doesn't say that! A baby has no authority. The mother is the mother. She chooses. And if you take a baby into a public restroom and you expose thy nipple, I'm sure that it's going to want to feast regardless of the location. Unless you have some sort of evidence that says babies respond negatively to being breastfed in bathrooms!
It's DIRTY!!! That's the problem!!! You wouldn't eat your meal in there because it's dirty!!!! It's unsanitary.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by her_beautiful_mistake
Jesus, do you know nothing about breastfeeding? You can't just do it easily you know
I think most objections are down to ignorance. A lot of people seem to not understand how discrete breastfeeding is. A lot of the women who breastfeed in public wear breastfeeding tops so you really aren't going to be seeing a lot or any of the breast.
I agree with this completely.
People against it must have never been in public with a screaming baby when it was hungry.
[Edit: Line Removed]/SIZE]
There is always hope. PM me anytime.
SH Free since 10.20.08
Last edited by Pandamonium; April 19th 2010 at 07:18 PM.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Brandon
Is the baby going to say "mom, I do not appreciate you going into the bathroom while I suck on your nipple"? Hopefully it doesn't say that! A baby has no authority. The mother is the mother. She chooses. And if you take a baby into a public restroom and you expose thy nipple, I'm sure that it's going to want to feast regardless of the location. Unless you have some sort of evidence that says babies respond negatively to being breastfed in bathrooms!
Because a baby doesn't know the difference? A lot of you are talking like the child is going to have an opinion about what's going on. It's not.
Babies have seriously under-developed immune systems and I would not consider it advisable to breastfeed in a public toilet. Little 'uns are way more suseptable to illnesses than you or I, you're just putting your baby at risk because people like you can't handle seeing a very small amount of breast. No thanks, I'd rather make sure my baby is safe and risk offending you.
Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my throat.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
I can be empathetic as well, but they need to place themselves in the baby or mother's positition. It is immature and ignorant. Breastfeeding is a normal thing that must be done. Deal with it.
You act as though I'm offended by it, I'm not. I've said that repeatedly. As per the towel/blanket idea, there is just some common courtesy to the whole deal.
And for the record, it isn't something that MUST be done. There are options, some people just prefer not to use those options. I was the only breastfed child in my family, and I will say that I am the closest to my mother which is possibly an effect of that bonding. I personally prefer breastfeeding to bottle feeding from a psychological perspective. That being said, as I have repeatedly said, there is just some common courtesy to doing it.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by BigBL87
You act as though I'm offended by it, I'm not. I've said that repeatedly. As per the towel/blanket idea, there is just some common courtesy to the whole deal.
And for the record, it isn't something that MUST be done. There are options, some people just prefer not to use those options. I was the only breastfed child in my family, and I will say that I am the closest to my mother which is possibly an effect of that bonding. I personally prefer breastfeeding to bottle feeding from a psychological perspective. That being said, as I have repeatedly said, there is just some common courtesy to doing it.
We agree about the simple common courtesy of using a blanket or a towel.
You are right, it isn't something that MUST be done. Most women do it because it is better for the baby and his or her immune system. In cases where the mother has chosen to breastfeeding, it must be done.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by her_beautiful_mistake
Babies have seriously under-developed immune systems and I would not consider it advisable to breastfeed in a public toilet. Little 'uns are way more suseptable to illnesses than you or I, you're just putting your baby at risk because people like you can't handle seeing a very small amount of breast. No thanks, I'd rather make sure my baby is safe and risk offending you.
Although they have underdeveloped immune systems for a period of time, on the same standing, children who are never exposed to germs will get sick a whole lot more than kids who are.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
No, I don't know much about breastfeeding, being 18 and never having had a child. Regardless of this fact, I don't really appreciate being called ignorant, because I'm far from that.
Don't make assumptions on topics you know nothing about. Problem solved.
Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my throat.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
Although they have underdeveloped immune systems for a period of time, on the same standing, children who are never exposed to germs will get sick a whole lot more than kids who are.
That argument is not even relavent to making a baby get breastfeed in a bathroom. No, parents can't and shouldn't shield their children from every germ, but in some cases, there is no reason not to shield them.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by her_beautiful_mistake
Then don't make assumptions on topics you know nothing about. Problem solved.
Don't be rude when it's completely unnecessary. Another problem solved. If I state something that's incorrect, I can be informed of what the reality is without being called ignorant.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
Yeah, I would actually, if it was deemed necessary.
And it's really about time the ignorance comments stopped. This is a discussion, not a thread to bash people.
but that's the point, it isn't necessary to use the bathroom. Come on, you are seriously saying that you would take your food and eat it in the bathroom? It isn't "bashing people" to say that they are ignorant, it is simply saying that they don't know enough about the subject. I think it is a bit ignorant really if you think that it is necessary for a woman to go to the toilets to feed her child. As for comments about letting the child wait, you clearly haven't been around a hungry baby before!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
That argument is not even relavent to making a baby get breastfeed in a bathroom. No, parents can't and shouldn't shield their children from every germ, but in some cases, there is no reason not to shield them.
It is relevant, because it was a reason given for why you can't feed a baby in a restroom.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dement
but that's the point, it isn't necessary to use the bathroom. Come on, you are seriously saying that you would take your food and eat it in the bathroom? It isn't "bashing people" to say that they are ignorant, it is simply saying that they don't know enough about the subject. I think it is a bit ignorant really if you think that it is necessary for a woman to go to the toilets to feed her child. As for comments about letting the child wait, you clearly haven't been around a hungry baby before!
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dement
but that's the point, it isn't necessary to use the bathroom. Come on, you are seriously saying that you would take your food and eat it in the bathroom? It isn't "bashing people" to say that they are ignorant, it is simply saying that they don't know enough about the subject. I think it is a bit ignorant really if you think that it is necessary for a woman to go to the toilets to feed her child. As for comments about letting the child wait, you clearly haven't been around a hungry baby before!
I have been around a hungry baby before, more than one actually. I have a cousin who breastfed her baby, and I'm nearly positive she never did it in public.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
I have been around a hungry baby before, more than one actually. I have a cousin who breastfed her baby, and I'm nearly positive she never did it in public.
She must've had a calm baby or never went in public then.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
I have been around a hungry baby before, more than one actually. I have a cousin who breastfed her baby, and I'm nearly positive she never did it in public.
Well then you would know that most babies who are hungry will just scream and cry. Babies don't think "Oh we're in a restaurant, I should be good and wait for a feed". They want to be fed when they want to be fed. If your cousin never breastfed in public then that's her choice, it must have been awkward at times but even so, if a woman WANTS to breastfeed then she should be able to do that. I'm not even sure I understand what you find so terrible about breastfeeding.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
My opinion: I think breast feeding should not be done out in the open in public.
I'm done with this topic now, this is getting ridiculous.
This is the debates forum, it's not ridiculous just because people are debating your points. Like I said before though, what is it that is so awful about breastfeeding in your opinion?
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:27 PM
There's nothing awful about breastfeeding, seeing as it gives the baby antibodies that it can't get otherwise. But I don't feel that it needs to be done in front of other people, unless it's family or close friends.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
There's nothing awful about breastfeeding, seeing as it gives the baby antibodies that it can't get otherwise. But I don't feel that it needs to be done in front of other people, unless it's family or close friends.
If there is nothing awful about it then why shouldn't it be done in public?
Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my throat.
Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
There's nothing awful about breastfeeding, seeing as it gives the baby antibodies that it can't get otherwise. But I don't feel that it needs to be done in front of other people, unless it's family or close friends.
It's not like people are doing it in front of people on purpose. They don't go out and yell "I'm breastfeeding! Who wants to see?" It NEEDS to be done and you never know when or where you'll be.