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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 14th 2010, 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by BabyIndia
Lets just all get on with our lives for christ sake instad of arguing over petty little things.
I would agree with you, but this is a debating forum, and you can expect arguing in a debate. And it may sound petty to you, but its actualy quite a big deal, and as you can see a lot of people feel strongly about this. If it was as simple as saying "some people like ... and some people dont, get over it" We wouldn't have a debate thread, because there would be no point, people have to express their feelings as to why they think that! Therefore we have a debate!
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 14th 2010, 10:27 PM
I would agree with you, but this is a debating forum, and you can expect arguing in a debate. And it may sound petty to you, but its actualy quite a big deal, and as you can see a lot of people feel strongly about this. If it was as simple as saying "some people like ... and some people dont, get over it" We wouldn't have a debate thread, because there would be no point, people have to express their feelings as to why they think that! Therefore we have a debate!
This has gone beyond a debate, its turned into one big ****fest of arguing and whatnot
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 15th 2010, 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by ThrashAttack
This has gone beyond a debate, its turned into one big ****fest of arguing and whatnot
that sometimes happens with debates
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 15th 2010, 10:47 AM
Maybe if people stopped commenting on how this debate has turned into a rude "*****fest" people would be able to continue the debate.
I for one would like to know what people thought of the points that I made in my first post on page 7.
I find it strange that the users who are actually mothers and have experienced breastfeeding first-hand who posted got ignored.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 15th 2010, 12:07 PM
I for one would like to know what people thought of the points that I made in my first post on page 7.
so would i...
Now fight.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 15th 2010, 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
Maybe if people stopped commenting on how this debate has turned into a rude "*****fest" people would be able to continue the debate.
I for one would like to know what people thought of the points that I made in my first post on page 7.
I find it strange that the users who are actually mothers and have experienced breastfeeding first-hand who posted got ignored.
THIS is why I quite bothering with this thread. Even the people who are complaining of the pointless posts feel the need to also ramble on about how this thread is going nowhere (so I guess that includes me now  ).
Every good post I made got completely ignored for the most part. Every good point was over looked. Why? Because everyone just wants to argu about how everyone else is wrong. And people who have no idea how hard breastfeeding is (especially in the bathroom!), and how much confusion can be caused by switching between bottle and breast, and how pumping dries up your milk, felt the need to keep saying "Why don't you just do that!" after I and other mothers and mothers-to-be kept saying why you shouldn't. If you don't agree with breastfeeding in public, say it and leave it at that. But, keep your suggestions to yourself, because you don't really know what you are talking about. Ugh.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 15th 2010, 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
you have to be able to see your breast and your baby's mouth. You can't be covered up with a blanket or anything. I couldn't get coordinated enough to breastfeed without seeing what I was doing for several weeks.
This is exactly why I think the blanket/ towel option is impractical and unnecessary. I personally would rather display myself a little bit than stressing myself and then baby out, It just seems trivial... there are many other things I will be doing to be discreet.
When I was out, or if immature relatives were around and made a fuss, I took bottles of pumped breast milk and my baby ate that.Some women don't want to do this because of the idea that sucking from the nipple of a bottle and sucking the mother's nipple requires different techniques (a baby has to work less to eat from a bottle) and the baby might get confused and then refuse the breast. This eventually happened to me. This was very frustrating for my baby and myself.
The problem with this is that you cannot produce breast milk by pumping alone if you are not also breastfeeding. So my milk dried up and my daughter had to go on formula. You may say that there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding a baby and they get enough nutrients that way, and I agree. However, in order to exclusively bottle feed our daughter, it costs us over $150 a month in formula alone. That really adds up, and I can see a mother being okay with offending a few people to save that much money every month.
If anyone is still looking at this thread to debate their views on breast feeding in public and not just arguing about how rude people are... READ THAT ^^^^
I think its the best display of why some mothers WONT bottle feed!
As a mother to be, I have made the decision that unless my boobs fail to produce milk, or something terrible happens like they fall off, a bottle will not touch my baby's lips! If that means I have to flash a bit of nipple when out and about... so be it!
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 04:07 PM
No one wants to challenge any of the mothers in here who have actually experienced breast feeding a baby in public?
FYI, it's freaking hard to breastfeed ANYWHERE, but it is the best thing possible for a baby. And I honestly don't think it should be of concern to anyone else but the mother what, when, or where the baby eats.
If you don't want to see, look the other way.
I'm not trying to be rude. It really aggravates me when people who know absolutely nothing about how difficult breastfeeding or anything about being a mother are bold enough to tell a mother that they should be out of sight when they do it. Did you know that, in most places (in America, at least) it's illegal for any company, store, etc. to tell a mother that she cannot breastfeed there? I can think of at least 2 big lawsuits relating to this.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
No one wants to challenge any of the mothers in here who have actually experienced breast feeding a baby in public?
You mean other than those who told the mothers to use a pump, feed elsewhere or use formula? Pretty sure they've already been challenged multiple times.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
I'm not trying to be rude. It really aggravates me when people who know absolutely nothing about how difficult breastfeeding or anything about being a mother are bold enough to tell a mother that they should be out of sight when they do it.
So does this mean to say that arguments from non-mothers who haven't breastfed are less valued? This thread is going to have many non-mothers because of the TH forum, a bunch of people aren't parents so expect such arguments.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
Did you know that, in most places (in America, at least) it's illegal for any company, store, etc. to tell a mother that she cannot breastfeed there? I can think of at least 2 big lawsuits relating to this.
I was unaware of that but are you making a point out of this or just giving a little "did you know" blurb?
Originally Posted by PunkRoxS9
Anyway, I don't get why its offensive or innapropriate for a women to breastfeed in public when a) you dont see anything b) worse things happen and c) you wouldn't want a screaming baby crying for food while you eat, giving you a headache and disrupting your meal. What is innapropriate about something so natural??
Since you gave 3 arguments (a, b and c), I'm going to address them in order of ease to agree/disagree with.
Your second argument is moot. Yes worse things do happen but so what? The point isn't to look at other horrible events, it's to address this one topic: breast-feeding. Thus, creating a tangent as an argument is moot.
Your first argument I'm going to agree with but also there's the sound the infant makes. When eating at a restaurant, the sound may be undesirable despite not seeing much of the woman's breast. But the main reason is the stigmatization of women's breasts being sexual objects and the fact that the breast is outside of the clothing purposefully while others are eating is what may also be undesirable. You may not see it but you know it's there. It also may be awkward to talk to the woman while she's eating and breast-feeding, so it's pretty much as though you're being ignored, which can be rude depending on the situation.
Your third argument you have a point on but it seems to be a lose-lose-lose situation. The baby crying can get irritating and ruin my dining experience (lose). The mother breast-feeding, for reasons in the above paragraph, can ruin my dining experience (lose). If the mother takes the baby into the bathroom to breastfeed, then as other mothers have said, it's difficult and very time-consuming but it's also something that ruins the dining experience for everyone both as a group and for the mother (lose). So what should the mother do? Pumping into a bottle works but if the bottle gets empty, then we're back at this dilemma. It seems to be taking the cake and eating it because there's no good alternative. If the baby is given formula but the mother is against that, then is not going to work. Something has to give otherwise this lose-lose-lose situation puts the mother on her ass with no route to take.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 07:23 PM
I agree with you alot there. Yes mothers do need to feed there childs but a screaming baby does get annoying as hell. Ive experianced multiple times where the baby has not stopped crying and the parents havent even done anything to stop there little brat from bawling its eyes out.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
You mean other than those who told the mothers to use a pump, feed elsewhere or use formula? Pretty sure they've already been challenged multiple times.
No. If a mother wants to EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed, which a lot of breastfeeding mothers do, they should not have to pump or use formula just to suit someone else. And I don't believe that a mother should have to inconvenience herself anymore than what she already has to to exclusively breastfeed. Exclusively breastfeeding a baby (who is hungry every 2-4 hours, if not more) is hard work. You have to eat healthy and more often in order to keep your supply up, you have to not exercise as much as you'd like to because doing so too much can decrease your milk supply, and you have to let the baby eat from you OFTEN in order to keep up your supply. Missing a single feeding can decrease your supply very easily and by quite a bit. When I started breastfeeding my son, he fed EVERY hour on the hour... Day and night. Should I have never gone out just because *gasp* I might offend someone if they see me feeding and caring for my son? I think not.
Pumping decreases your supply as well. The pump pulls milk from the breast differently than an actual baby does. It doesn't get as much, therefore, making your body think it needs to produce less milk. And once your supply goes down, it's VERY difficult to get it back up.
I used to pump once a day. Just once. And just doing that made my supply go down so low to the point that I wasn't making enough to keep my son satisfied and HAD to switch to formula.
Breastmilk has live antibodies in it to help boost a baby's immune system and actively fight off bacterias and other possibly harmful things in your baby's body. It is statistically shown that breastfed babies get sick less often than formula fed babies. Formula does not have live antibodies and formula also makes a baby gain more unnecessary weight than what breastmilk does. Not to mention, breastfeeding helps to create and unbreakable bond between mother and child. It's an amazing feeling knowing that your son/daughter gets all of their nourishment from you and ONLY you.
So I should lower my standards for my baby and give him something that I really don't want to because it offends someone to see me feeding my baby the NATURAL, and most normal way that there is?
And yes, I think that if people in here were giving their input without knowing all of that, doing any research about why mothers want to breastfeed, or even bothering to learn anything about it, I think that they should probably not give too much input. If you're just here to say, "I don't want to see it... Gross!", you don't know anything about the matter and should probably not have a say. There's a reason why we don't let children vote for President... Because they know nothing about politics.
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Last edited by LucyLouWho; April 17th 2010 at 08:11 PM.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 08:28 PM
Breastmilk has more nutrients inside it then formula
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
I'm not trying to be rude. It really aggravates me when people who know absolutely nothing about how difficult breastfeeding or anything about being a mother are bold enough to tell a mother that they should be out of sight when they do it. Did you know that, in most places (in America, at least) it's illegal for any company, store, etc. to tell a mother that she cannot breastfeed there? I can think of at least 2 big lawsuits relating to this.
Well considering this is a TEEN help forum, I am guessing the majority of people here are not mothers (correct me if im wrong - but gosh I hope im not wrong on that one!) You dont see all that many 13-19 year olds pregnant compared to 20-30 year olds (again, I may be wrong, I am just assuming!)
I also understand you dont have to be a teenager to be on here, but still its kind of silly to get angry because people on a TEEN help site aren't mothers and don't know everything about parenthood!!
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
And yes, I think that if people in here were giving their input without knowing all of that, doing any research about why mothers want to breastfeed, or even bothering to learn anything about it, I think that they should probably not give too much input. If you're just here to say, "I don't want to see it... Gross!", you don't know anything about the matter and should probably not have a say. There's a reason why we don't let children vote for President... Because they know nothing about politics.
Sorry to break it to you, but this isn't the forum then that you want for this type of debate. As for doing research, here's a pretty interesting thing. Others, including yourself are/were breast-feeding pregnant mothers and for those on here who are not or are male, asking you is one great way to get research on the topic. But since we don't have the common ground immediately established that you seem to want, I don't know why you're here for this debate. I don't know if you're aware of this or if you are but for some reason don't go elsewhere for this particular debate.
So, let's start, you used to breastfeed because it's healthy for the baby and creates a closer mother-child bond. Any other reasons? What did collegues at work or the father have to say about it?
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 11:36 PM
stupid quoting..
i think they should be able to breastfeed anywhere, but obviously not explicitly. If they take their shirt off, or are being silly about it, then they should be politely asked to be quieter about it.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 17th 2010, 11:44 PM
I agree, there has to be limits when it comes to breastfeading. A mother take her entire shirt off to do it would be too far.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by RainOnMe
i think they should be able to breastfeed anywhere, but obviously not explicitly. If they take their shirt off, or are being silly about it, then they should be politely asked to be quieter about it.
Exactly. I'm not saying that it should be okay for women to flash their nipples around in public. But, for goodness sakes, if she wants to feed her child while she's out, she should be able to.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
Sorry to break it to you, but this isn't the forum then that you want for this type of debate. As for doing research, here's a pretty interesting thing. Others, including yourself are/were breast-feeding pregnant mothers and for those on here who are not or are male, asking you is one great way to get research on the topic. But since we don't have the common ground immediately established that you seem to want, I don't know why you're here for this debate. I don't know if you're aware of this or if you are but for some reason don't go elsewhere for this particular debate.
So, let's start, you used to breastfeed because it's healthy for the baby and creates a closer mother-child bond. Any other reasons? What did collegues at work or the father have to say about it?
I'm not the one who brought up the topic on this site, but I have had this debate elsewhere... Between myself and other mothers. I realize that the majority of the people on this site aren't parents. Breastfeeding is SO hard... People seem to think that it just comes naturally and it's easy to just pop your boob out and put a baby on it, but it doesn't work that way. It just bothers me when people make suggestions like giving the baby formula, pumping, or going into the bathroom to feed the baby. I mean, really? If the mother wants to exclusively (no bottles, pumping, etc... just the boob) breastfeed her child, she should have to go into a nasty public bathroom to do it?
My husband was all for breastfeeding our son. My family wasn't crazy about it because they wanted the chance to feed him too (bottle feeding), but all in all, they understood why I wanted to breastfeed. As far as coworkers go, I have none... I go to college full time and my husband supports us. But what does that matter?
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 01:42 AM
When it comes to the pros of establishing a bond between the mother and the baby through breastfeeding, how is that fair to the father? The baby is usually given to the mother first after birth, so there's already a bond forming due to that fact. I understand that there are antibodies in breastmilk that aren't in formula, but I don't think there's a significant difference in the child's health. But that's a different topic, we're not discussing breastfeeding vs bottle feeding.
Just with the bonding aspect, it doesn't seem to be a fair argument.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Myss
When it comes to the pros of establishing a bond between the mother and the baby through breastfeeding, how is that fair to the father? The baby is usually given to the mother first after birth, so there's already a bond forming due to that fact. I understand that there are antibodies in breastmilk that aren't in formula, but I don't think there's a significant difference in the child's health. But that's a different topic, we're not discussing breastfeeding vs bottle feeding.
Just with the bonding aspect, it doesn't seem to be a fair argument.
Considering the father doesn't have breasts, it would be a little hard to for him to breastfeed. And if BOTH parents agree that they would like for their child to be breastfed, I don't see where the problem is. When I got pregnant, my husband automatically assumed that his son was going to be breastfed because that's what he wanted for him. If there is a disagreement between parents on this subject, however, it's between the two of them to come up with a decision, I would imagine. But I would hope that if the mother had any desire at all to breastfeed that the father would stand behind her on that. There are others ways for father and baby to bond such as skin-to-skin snuggling. I was actually given a pamphlet by my lactation consultant about this very subject... It listed several ways father and baby could spend bonding time together. If both parents are doing their part, the child won't have a problem bonding with either of them.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
Considering the father doesn't have breasts, it would be a little hard to for him to breastfeed. And if BOTH parents agree that they would like for their child to be breastfed, I don't see where the problem is. When I got pregnant, my husband automatically assumed that his son was going to be breastfed because that's what he wanted for him. If there is a disagreement between parents on this subject, however, it's between the two of them to come up with a decision, I would imagine. But I would hope that if the mother had any desire at all to breastfeed that the father would stand behind her on that. There are others ways for father and baby to bond such as skin-to-skin snuggling. I was actually given a pamphlet by my lactation consultant about this very subject... It listed several ways father and baby could spend bonding time together. If both parents are doing their part, the child won't have a problem bonding with either of them.
Obviously I'm aware that a man can't breastfeed. I'm more saying that you don't HAVE to breastfeed anywhere and everywhere to establish that bond, because as you stated as well, there are other ways to bond.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Myss
Obviously I'm aware that a man can't breastfeed. I'm more saying that you don't HAVE to breastfeed anywhere and everywhere to establish that bond, because as you stated as well, there are other ways to bond.
But if you're out and your baby gets hungry, you should probably feed him/her. When I breastfed, I didn't just put him on the boob whenever I felt like it. He would let me know when he was hungry by crying... And he wouldn't stop crying until he got what he wanted.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by RainOnMe
i think they should be able to breastfeed anywhere, but obviously not explicitly. If they take their shirt off, or are being silly about it, then they should be politely asked to be quieter about it.
Agreed, if they're taking their shirts off, then regardless if it's in a restaurant, mall, gym, etc..., they should be given a warning to put their shirt on and act appropriately, otherwise give them the boot.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
I'm not the one who brought up the topic on this site, but I have had this debate elsewhere... Between myself and other mothers. I realize that the majority of the people on this site aren't parents.
Yet you asserted that non-mothers who haven't breastfed shouldn't have much value in what they say, hence, the majority of the site shouldn't discuss in this debate.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
Breastfeeding is SO hard... People seem to think that it just comes naturally and it's easy to just pop your boob out and put a baby on it, but it doesn't work that way. It just bothers me when people make suggestions like giving the baby formula, pumping, or going into the bathroom to feed the baby. I mean, really? If the mother wants to exclusively (no bottles, pumping, etc... just the boob) breastfeed her child, she should have to go into a nasty public bathroom to do it?
If the mother wants to go to the bathroom to do it, then that's fine or if the way she's doing it in a restaurant is close to getting her booted out (i.e. stripping off the shirt), then she should go to the bathroom or elsewhere to do that.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
My husband was all for breastfeeding our son. My family wasn't crazy about it because they wanted the chance to feed him too (bottle feeding), but all in all, they understood why I wanted to breastfeed. As far as coworkers go, I have none... I go to college full time and my husband supports us. But what does that matter?
Do you recall posting: "I think that if people in here were giving their input without knowing all of that, doing any research about why mothers want to breastfeed, or even bothering to learn anything about it, I think that they should probably not give too much input"?
Originally Posted by Myss
When it comes to the pros of establishing a bond between the mother and the baby through breastfeeding, how is that fair to the father? The baby is usually given to the mother first after birth, so there's already a bond forming due to that fact. I understand that there are antibodies in breastmilk that aren't in formula, but I don't think there's a significant difference in the child's health. But that's a different topic, we're not discussing breastfeeding vs bottle feeding.
Just with the bonding aspect, it doesn't seem to be a fair argument.
You have a point there and I can think of a few reasons for why it occurs. Either it's the enculturation that women take care of the children while the men don't as much. Cross-cultural studies have shown that mothers universally care for their family's wealth and child's well-being the same while the fathers in certain countries value the wealth before the child. I have the authors written down if you wish for the reference. Second, is oxytocin, which is a neurochemical known to be involved in the maternal relationship moreso than in the paternal relationship.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
Considering the father doesn't have breasts
You must have failed courses in biology because males do have breasts as well as nipples and males can secrete fluids from their nipples, such as milk although it's not common and needs certain conditions for it to occur. Have you ever seen males with nipple piercings? Nothing more to say for this.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
Agreed, if they're taking their shirts off, then regardless if it's in a restaurant, mall, gym, etc..., they should be given a warning to put their shirt on and act appropriately, otherwise give them the boot.
Yet you asserted that non-mothers who haven't breastfed shouldn't have much value in what they say, hence, the majority of the site shouldn't discuss in this debate.
If the mother wants to go to the bathroom to do it, then that's fine or if the way she's doing it in a restaurant is close to getting her booted out (i.e. stripping off the shirt), then she should go to the bathroom or elsewhere to do that.
Do you recall posting: "I think that if people in here were giving their input without knowing all of that, doing any research about why mothers want to breastfeed, or even bothering to learn anything about it, I think that they should probably not give too much input"?
You have a point there and I can think of a few reasons for why it occurs. Either it's the enculturation that women take care of the children while the men don't as much. Cross-cultural studies have shown that mothers universally care for their family's wealth and child's well-being the same while the fathers in certain countries value the wealth before the child. I have the authors written down if you wish for the reference. Second, is oxytocin, which is a neurochemical known to be involved in the maternal relationship moreso than in the paternal relationship.
You must have failed courses in biology because males do have breasts as well as nipples and males can secrete fluids from their nipples, such as milk although it's not common and needs certain conditions for it to occur. Have you ever seen males with nipple piercings? Nothing more to say for this.
She just means that people who are against breastfeeding in public who aren't mothers themselves don't understand and need to do research and be empathetic of breastfeeding moms.
I don't think you need to say "you must have failed courses in biology." C'mon. You knew she meant they can't breastfeed.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!!
You must have failed courses in biology because males do have breasts as well as nipples and males can secrete fluids from their nipples, such as milk although it's not common and needs certain conditions for it to occur. Have you ever seen males with nipple piercings? Nothing more to say for this.
I didn't come here to debate my intelligence, okay? I'm very much aware of all that you just said. Males do not have the NATURAL ability to nurse their young. Although whether or not a man can breastfeed is completely irrelevant to this debate. Next time you run out of things to say, can you please not bring my intelligence/knowledge into this?
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Last edited by LucyLouWho; April 18th 2010 at 03:26 AM.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 06:45 AM
I didn't come here to debate my intelligence, okay? I'm very much aware of all that you just said. Males do not have the NATURAL ability to nurse their young. Although whether or not a man can breastfeed is completely irrelevant to this debate. Next time you run out of things to say, can you please not bring my intelligence/knowledge into this?
You dont have to be so rude about it
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by hopefaithlove
I don't think you need to say "you must have failed courses in biology." C'mon. You knew she meant they can't breastfeed.
What I knew from that was a) she probably knew men cannot breastfeed, which is false as shown in my explanation about it and b) she may have not known men have breasts. Clearly, you don't know what I'm thinking and neither of us can claim we know what each other is thinking so let's not pretend ourselves here on that, unless you somehow have evidence other than my "confession" to show you actually do know what I'm thinking.
Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg
I didn't come here to debate my intelligence, okay? I'm very much aware of all that you just said. Males do not have the NATURAL ability to nurse their young. Although whether or not a man can breastfeed is completely irrelevant to this debate. Next time you run out of things to say, can you please not bring my intelligence/knowledge into this?
You made an incorrect statement in your argument and I called you on it, that is all it was. If I said men had no breasts and someone called me on it, fair enough, my own fault. But fair enough, the wording of my comment wasn't the most appropriate of statements so apologies for that.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 09:13 AM
Us males have breasts, we started as females but our biology changed and we lost those main features and gained new ones. Thats why men have nipples.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 07:42 PM
I don't see what's so uncomfortable about seeing a woman breastfeeding in public, let alone breastfeeding in a restaurant. Babies have every right to eat anywhere where everyone else is eating. So what's so uncomfortable about it?
I was with a friend yesterday at a restaurant who is currently breastfeeding and she started breastfeeding in the restaurant. Nobody complained about it, why because the newborn was fussy and needed to be fed.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 07:57 PM
A bunch of us have said it so, so many times.
A woman's breasts are sexualized objects due to society, so therefore, when a woman's breast is no longer concealed when she's in public, it makes some people uncomfortable.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
A bunch of us have said it so, so many times.
A woman's breasts are sexualized objects due to society, so therefore, when a woman's breast is no longer concealed when she's in public, it makes some people uncomfortable.
Nobody is denying that, they are just saying that a few people being uncomfortable shouldn't mean that a woman can't breastfeed.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dement
Nobody is denying that, they are just saying that a few people being uncomfortable shouldn't mean that a woman can't breastfeed.
I was responding specifically to C0Co's post, asking why it makes people uncomfortable.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
A bunch of us have said it so, so many times.
A woman's breasts are sexualized objects due to society, so therefore, when a woman's breast is no longer concealed when she's in public, it makes some people uncomfortable.
I know, I was one of those people that have mentioned that in an earlier post.
Originally Posted by Dement
Nobody is denying that, they are just saying that a few people being uncomfortable shouldn't mean that a woman can't breastfeed.
Last edited by C0co; April 18th 2010 at 08:19 PM.
Reason: merging two posts together.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by C0co
I don't see what's so uncomfortable about seeing a woman breastfeeding in public, let alone breastfeeding in a restaurant. Babies have every right to eat anywhere where everyone else is eating. So what's so uncomfortable about it?
I was with a friend yesterday at a restaurant who is currently breastfeeding and she started breastfeeding in the restaurant. Nobody complained about it, why because the newborn was fussy and needed to be fed.
People there may not complain either because they didn't care as their food was more important or they figured that if the mother didn't feed the child, then the child would continue being fussy (I assume that means screaming, crying and being obnoxious).
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 18th 2010, 11:25 PM
Humans eat in public, humans get hungry.. So babies get hungry too. I don't understand why people are so uptight about it.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 19th 2010, 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by .Brittany.
Humans eat in public, humans get hungry.. So babies get hungry too. I don't understand why people are so uptight about it.
When adults eat, its a bit different to breastfeeding. People are uptight about it because they are uncomfortable that the breast is being revealed, which is quite understandable, maybe not for you if you don't mind seeing it, but some people can be quite uncomfortable, and there is nothing wrong with that!
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 19th 2010, 07:30 AM
there is nothing wrong with that!
Why do you need to use an explernation mark at the end of every paragrath you write?
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 19th 2010, 12:44 PM
I think it's silly for everyone to keep going on about how breasts are considered 'sexual' and that's why women shouldn't breastfeed in public.
If you go to a beach, you see women who wear practically nothing. Bikinis do not cover much. In fact, a lot of low-cut bikinis don't even cover all of the breast. The same with low-cut dresses. But people don't object to this. What people usually object to is seeing a woman's nipple. Following that, it isn't "breasts" that are 'sexualised', it's just the nipples. And since guys have nipples as well and are allowed to wander around anywhere without their shirts on, it's just a ridiculous double-standard.
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 19th 2010, 12:49 PM
I agree, Breasts are a completely natural thing
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 19th 2010, 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by emma01
When adults eat, its a bit different to breastfeeding. People are uptight about it because they are uncomfortable that the breast is being revealed, which is quite understandable, maybe not for you if you don't mind seeing it, but some people can be quite uncomfortable, and there is nothing wrong with that!
How is it different?
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