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breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 03:01 PM

Breast feeding in public... views and opinions please.

Personally, I will breast feed wherever I want... I wont have my baby go hungry because someone else finds it disgusting, nore will I hide away.

Recently my friend was told not to breast feed at a resturant, where she was having a meal with her family... she didnt listen and carried on! I say good on her, but can you imagine how horrible it must of felt for her to be told she was disgusting and offending people by feeding her baby!

Also, I will not cover baby's head with a towel when feeding (as suggested by a none motherly friend) would you like a towel on your head as you eat?

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 03:13 PM

One of the most natural things possible. Why would it bother anyone?

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 03:43 PM

I honestly am not offended by it, but I understand those who are.

Would you be ok with a man urinating in public? Both are natural functions, both expose a body part that normally needs to be covered, etc..
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by BigBL87 View Post
I honestly am not offended by it, but I understand those who are.

Would you be ok with a man urinating in public? Both are natural functions, both expose a body part that normally needs to be covered, etc..
This. If you're modest about it, fine. I don't have a problem with it, so long as your not out in the open flaunting it. (Yes I've seen that happen)

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 04:08 PM

In my personal opinion i think it is disgusting , there is a time and place for that type of thing and i dont really want to walk past it whilst im eating my Greggs sausage Roll.

I dont really care if you shoot me down for this, i dont think Breastfeeding should happen in public.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 04:09 PM

From experience... babies are hungry when they're hungry. They don't respond well to "Hey, you're going to have to wait until we leave this restaurant to eat." My son was attached to my boob all day when I first had him. And a woman shouldn't be confined to her home or a bathroom stall just because she is breastfeeding. And I can't fault a woman for not wanting to give their child a bottle instead. Like others have said... it wouldn't hurt to just cover-up a little while doing it.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 05:37 PM

I'm not going to lie, it does make me feel a tiny bit awkward, BUT I have no problem with people doing so. I would never tell someone to stop or even look like I was uncomfortable. It's natural and people have a right to feed their child.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by ThrashAttack View Post
there is a time and place for that type of thing .
So when I'm in the middle of a shop getting our weekly necessity's and my baby starts crying for food. I'm supposed to?
Drop what I'm doing and run home to feed
move aside so I'm not in the way and in a slightly more discreet area and feed there, despite the fact people can still see me.

I agree that breast feeding shouldn't be flaunted, Obviously there's no need to call attention to yourself breast feeding, But I also dont think it has to be hidden.
Unless the mother has some strange urge to show the world her nipple, there's nothing to see really, so I don't see the big deal.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by topov View Post
Unless the mother has some strange urge to show the world her nipple, there's nothing to see really, so I don't see the big deal.
Exactly, you barely even see boob even if you're looking closely.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 06:33 PM

I don't see anything wrong with breastfeeding in public, in fact there's nothing more natural than a mother breastfeeding her child. No mother should feel the need to hide it or be ashamed of it when out breastfeeding in public, as long as you're comfortable in it, then go for it. :]

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 07:33 PM

I don't know about other countries, but in the US we have places called public bathrooms...and they're pretty discrete places to do your business...not gonna lie. If I have to urinate, I won't stand up and piss in the vase with the pretty flowers or the ash tray...I will relieve myself in the bathroom. Public bathrooms work out pretty nice because let's assume that your baby is crying because it's hungry. You just gonna whip out your boob in front of people while they're eating their meal? Since society isn't used to that sort of thing, it's like the equivalence of a woman taking her shirt off when she has a bra. Like my grandmother for instance...I walked into the kitchen one day while my grandmother was lifting up her shirt, and even IF she had a bra on...I was still devastated.

Most places, as far as I know, have public restrooms. Is there any reason why you would breast feed in public when you can walk to a bathroom that's probably on the other side of the room and less than a minute of walking? If you went to a restaurant that didn't have a public bathroom, I'd file a complaint against the restaurant because public bathrooms are pretty much required. And then go up to the manager, throw my tits out and use them as milk machine guns and say "SUCK ON THIS MOTHA FUCKA"
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 07:38 PM

I don't think it's wrong but it is kinda awkward and it makes some people uncomfortable, I personally would never do it in public if I ever have a kid, but than again people who don’t like it can always turn their heads to the opposite direction.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 07:45 PM

I don't like it when women just whip out a boob and let the baby start sucking. If all the other woman can't do that, then what gives a mother the right to show her boob to everyone? If you're going to breastfeed, then you need to keep your breasts out of site. Period. I don't care what's going on, I just don't want to see it. Babies need to eat, yes, but you need to have some respect for the public as well, you know?

And I'm not going to breastfeed my child. It's either for my boyfriend or my child and my boyfriend has already taken that right. I will pump my breasts and bottle feed.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 07:51 PM

I can understand why some people might be uncomfortable about it. I also think they're silly and should suck it up, but that's strictly an opinion. I don't have any problem with it at all. Though that's really no shocker; I also think that women should be able to go topless any place a guy would, and I generally don't find near-nudity - or even just showing a lot of skin - to be a big deal. One breast behind a baby's head is nothing.

Originally Posted by Algernon
It's either for my boyfriend or my child and my boyfriend has already taken that right.

Says the woman talking about stuff the public doesn't need to know.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Xujhan View Post
I can understand why some people might be uncomfortable about it. I also think they're silly and should suck it up, but that's strictly an opinion. I don't have any problem with it at all. Though that's really no shocker; I also think that women should be able to go topless any place a guy would, and I generally don't find near-nudity - or even just showing a lot of skin - to be a big deal. One breast behind a baby's head is nothing.

Says the woman talking about stuff the public doesn't need to know.
Who considers TH a public, we're family here remember?

Geek? Nerd? More like intellectual badass.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 08:28 PM

Is there any reason why you would breast feed in public when you can walk to a bathroom that's probably on the other side of the room and less than a minute of walking?
What if your somewhere without public bathrooms, or the bathrooms are unhygienic and unusually filthy. I personally know of a few public toilets I don't even want to pee in, let alone breast feed a baby in.

If all the other woman can't do that, then what gives a mother the right to show her boob to everyone? If you're going to breastfeed, then you need to keep your breasts out of site. Period. I don't care what's going on, I just don't want to see it. Babies need to eat, yes, but you need to have some respect for the public as well, you know?
What's saying other women can't. Getting your breasts out as a public display is completely different to breast feeding, if a woman can produce milk why cant she breast feed.
The benefits of breast feeding are huge, and not just because of the health benefits for mum and baby, but for the bonding aspects too. Everyone has the right to make their own choice's, but personally I cant understand why anyone wouldn't want to have that extra bit of bonding time with there child.

I can understand that seeing a woman breast feed can be uncomfortable to witness and make some people feel awkward... but so can many other 'acceptable' social situation's, and we all live with them. Most breastfeeding mothers make the effort to be discreet as possible and go some where other people cant see them... but its not always possible.

As for the 'I don't wee in public' argument... If you were desperate for the toilet and there was no where none public you can go, would you not use a bush, pee in a grid ect... So long as your pee doesn't get anywhere it shouldn't there's little issue. Public urination is a problem due to hygiene more than seeing peoples body parts.
Not only that but some place's (I know of many in the UK) that have public urinal's, Your pretty much visible to the world peeing in one of them things but there socially acceptable.

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Last edited by topov; April 6th 2010 at 08:30 PM. Reason: hehe I said pee in a brush instead of bush
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Algernon View Post
Who considers TH a public, we're family here remember?
You'd whip it out in front of your grandmother then?

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Brandon View Post
I don't know about other countries, but in the US we have places called public bathrooms...and they're pretty discrete places to do your business...not gonna lie. If I have to urinate, I won't stand up and piss in the vase with the pretty flowers or the ash tray...I will relieve myself in the bathroom. Public bathrooms work out pretty nice because let's assume that your baby is crying because it's hungry. You just gonna whip out your boob in front of people while they're eating their meal? Since society isn't used to that sort of thing, it's like the equivalence of a woman taking her shirt off when she has a bra. Like my grandmother for instance...I walked into the kitchen one day while my grandmother was lifting up her shirt, and even IF she had a bra on...I was still devastated.

Most places, as far as I know, have public restrooms. Is there any reason why you would breast feed in public when you can walk to a bathroom that's probably on the other side of the room and less than a minute of walking? If you went to a restaurant that didn't have a public bathroom, I'd file a complaint against the restaurant because public bathrooms are pretty much required. And then go up to the manager, throw my tits out and use them as milk machine guns and say "SUCK ON THIS MOTHA FUCKA"
That's a very easy thing to say... try being a breastfeeding mom and actually doing that.

When I was breastfeeding I had to be sitting somewhere with arm rests, or pile up a crap load of pillows around me. You have to be in almost perfect position to get the baby latched on just right. It'd be hard enough sitting on a bench or something... how in the heck am I supposed to breastfeed a baby in the restroom? Sitting on a toilet? Standing up in a stall? Impossible.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Algernon View Post
And I'm not going to breastfeed my child. It's either for my boyfriend or my child and my boyfriend has already taken that right. I will pump my breasts and bottle feed.
Are you talking about solely pumping and feeding? Because you aren't going to get very far with that. Most women will stop producing milk if pumping exclusively.

Besides that point... a lot of confusion can happen for the baby if switching between breast and bottle early on. Its really not recommended. If you are breastfeeding... (like I said in another post) I can't fault a woman for not wanting to use a bottle.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 09:40 PM

It'd depend on the circumstances when you're doing it but in general, I wouldn't find it disgusting, I'd just say it wouldn't be encouraged in certain circumstances. For example, suppose you're at a 5-star restaurant and with some very important clientele. In that case, I wouldn't view it as being an appropriate time but if you're at a small, clean, half-filled little truck-stop restaurant, then it may be more appropriate there. I'm not against it in public all the time, just in certain circumstances I think it should be done a bit later or elsewhere. Also, if you don't purposely let others see more boob than need be, such as flaunting it, then it's fine also.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by topov View Post
What if your somewhere without public bathrooms, or the bathrooms are unhygienic and unusually filthy. I personally know of a few public toilets I don't even want to pee in, let alone breast feed a baby in.
As for unclean bathrooms, what is it that you're going to be touching in the bathroom that would make that an issue?
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:17 PM

As for unclean bathrooms, what is it that you're going to be touching in the bathroom that would make that an issue?
well as above stated

You have to be in almost perfect position to get the baby latched on just right. It'd be hard enough sitting on a bench or something... how in the heck am I supposed to breastfeed a baby in the restroom? Sitting on a toilet? Standing up in a stall? Impossible.
Would you sit on a dirty toilet?

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Last edited by topov; April 6th 2010 at 10:29 PM.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:22 PM

As for unclean bathrooms, what is it that you're going to be touching in the bathroom that would make that an issue?
Try useing the public Toilets in my area
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:35 PM

What if your somewhere without public bathrooms, or the bathrooms are unhygienic and unusually filthy. I personally know of a few public toilets I don't even want to pee in, let alone breast feed a baby in.
Oh geez...not the "what if" scenarios. However, this is the only "what if" question that I will answer.

Typically, from what I've seen, the more public the restroom is...the less filthy/more hygienic. For instance...the pool that I went to over the summer was a private pool club. Bathrooms? Nasty as hell. The toilets weren't necessarily bad, but the bathroom in general was nasty. Gas station bathrooms? If you close the lid and cover the lid with some toilet paper or something, you're good to go. So if you go to a restaurant and the bathroom is filthy and such, then again...I'd file a complaint because it's not supposed to be like that. Now, let's just say that you were at my private pool and the bathrooms were nasty (the women's bathroom is considerably more nicer than the male's bathroom though). Typically, there's really not a whole lot of people at the pool to begin with. You could probably turn around and look towards the woods and people wouldn't notice what you're doing. Now, just because they don't notice, does that mean that it's okay to breast feed? If no one notices, then no harm no fowl. However, if I urinated in a plant while I was attending class and no one noticed, is that okay? It's okay to me because I wanted to piss in the plant, but just because no one saw me doesn't mean that my choice was justified.

That's a very easy thing to say... try being a breastfeeding mom and actually doing that.
Assuming that I was a breastfeeding mom, then I wouldn't breastfeed in public. If my baby so desperately needs milk in public, I'll pull out a handy dandy milk bottle for temporary use. Then once we get home, I'll pull out the girls in the comfort of my own home. Simple as that. Milk bottles are relatively cheap and effective. It gives the baby milk (maybe not as good as breast milk but still milk and still gets the job done). Everyone is happy.

When I was breastfeeding I had to be sitting somewhere with arm rests, or pile up a crap load of pillows around me. You have to be in almost perfect position to get the baby latched on just right. It'd be hard enough sitting on a bench or something... how in the heck am I supposed to breastfeed a baby in the restroom? Sitting on a toilet? Standing up in a stall? Impossible.
From what I've seen, the biggest difference from a restaurant seat and a toilet seat is the cushion. If toilets were cushioned, would you sit in one then? Other than cushioned seats, what other difference do seats have that toilets seats don't have? Toilet seats have butt support, you can lean up against the back. I mean, it is designed to be a seat after all.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:44 PM

If my baby so desperately needs milk in public, I'll pull out a handy dandy milk bottle for temporary use. Then once we get home, I'll pull out the girls in the comfort of my own home. Simple as that. Milk bottles are relatively cheap and effective.
your advised not to combine breast and bottle feeding, as baby can become confused and may struggle to latch on to the breast once they have taken to a bottle.
Sometimes, a breastfed baby will totally refuse to take a bottle. <--- so the BBC parenting website tells me.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Brandon View Post
I don't know about other countries, but in the US we have places called public bathrooms...and they're pretty discrete places to do your business...not gonna lie. If I have to urinate, I won't stand up and piss in the vase with the pretty flowers or the ash tray...I will relieve myself in the bathroom. Public bathrooms work out pretty nice because let's assume that your baby is crying because it's hungry. You just gonna whip out your boob in front of people while they're eating their meal? Since society isn't used to that sort of thing, it's like the equivalence of a woman taking her shirt off when she has a bra. Like my grandmother for instance...I walked into the kitchen one day while my grandmother was lifting up her shirt, and even IF she had a bra on...I was still devastated.

Most places, as far as I know, have public restrooms. Is there any reason why you would breast feed in public when you can walk to a bathroom that's probably on the other side of the room and less than a minute of walking? If you went to a restaurant that didn't have a public bathroom, I'd file a complaint against the restaurant because public bathrooms are pretty much required. And then go up to the manager, throw my tits out and use them as milk machine guns and say "SUCK ON THIS MOTHA FUCKA"
Would you want to eat your meal in the bathroom??

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by topov View Post
your advised not to combine breast and bottle feeding, as baby can become confused and may struggle to latch on to the breast once they have taken to a bottle.
Sometimes, a breastfed baby will totally refuse to take a bottle. <--- so the BBC parenting website tells me.
And a 20 minute wait for milk will not do irreparable harm to the baby, to wait to get into the car/find a less public place if you don't want to use a bottle. It really doesn't come down to rights, it comes down to common courtesy. Do women have the right? Sure, but I think it is courteous do at least make it less public.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:48 PM

Breastfeeding is a natural means of feeding a baby, and the healthiest way. Babies do not understand that they need to wait to eat. When they want to eat, you have to feed them. Breastfeeding is completely different that using the bathroom, so that is a ridiculous argument. As long as it is discreet, there is nothing wrong with a woman nourishing her hungry baby.

The bottle argument doesn't work especially for babies that are exclusively breastfed. What should a Mom do if she doesn't want her baby taking a bottle until her baby is 6 months or even a year old? Starve it? No.

Don't be ridiculous. Grow up and accept that there are things that must be done.

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Last edited by Gidig; April 8th 2010 at 05:55 AM. Reason: Please don't verbally attack people.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by BigBL87 View Post
And a 20 minute wait for milk will not do irreparable harm to the baby, to wait to get into the car/find a less public place if you don't want to use a bottle. It really doesn't come down to rights, it comes down to common courtesy. Do women have the right? Sure, but I think it is courteous do at least make it less public.
Common courtesy? To make your baby scream and cry because it's hungry??

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by hopefaithlove View Post

Would you want to eat your meal in the bathroom??
I agree with this.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If your bothered by it, don't look. Simple. [:
Babies need to eat, not be starved. People need to NOT be immature, and understand, its a natural thing.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by Angelina. View Post

I agree with this.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If your bothered by it, don't look. Simple. [:
I agree with this too. Look away and leave moms who are doing the right thing for their baby alone.

Just wait until you all have babies and you're out with your significant other and it is screaming. If the mom is breastfeeding, she is going to do what she needs to do to soothe her baby.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by hopefaithlove View Post

Common courtesy? To make your baby scream and cry because it's hungry??
Look back to the towel idea mentioned earlier as well. There are ways to make it less public, and I imagine there are nifty things you can buy if you don't want to use a towel. Waiting isn't the only option, but making it less public, in my opinion, is common courtesy.

Originally Posted by hopefaithlove View Post
I'm sorry, but to those of you who are against it, you are incredibly immature and ignorant.
And your approach to those who disagree with you is incredibly immature and ignorant. I don't find it offensive/uncomfortable, but I can empathize with those that do. Like I said after the previous quote, there are ways of making the exposure less public that do not harm the baby at all. You can't tell me that the baby gives two hoots if there is a towel over them or not. They are so engrossed in feeding, I'll bet they probably don't even notice the difference.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by BigBL87 View Post
Look back to the towel idea mentioned earlier as well. There are ways to make it less public, and I imagine there are nifty things you can buy if you don't want to use a towel. Waiting isn't the only option, but making it less public, in my opinion, is common courtesy.
I definitely agree with you that there are means of making it more discreet. A recieving blanket covering works too, and they have products specifically for breastfeeding in public. Those should be kept on hand, but I don't think a woman should have to be any more curteous to people other than covering up with a towel, blanket, etc. She should not have to leave or go in a bathroom.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by hopefaithlove View Post

I definitely agree with you that there are means of making it more discreet. A recieving blanket covering works too, and they have products specifically for breastfeeding in public. Those should be kept on hand, but I don't think a woman should have to be any more curteous to people other than covering up with a towel, blanket, etc. She should not have to leave or go in a bathroom.
I think we've reached an agreement. Yay! The less public place thing is just one example, but the OP, as I understand it is even opposed to the towel/blanket idea.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:00 PM

Don't be ridiculous. Grow up and accept that there are things that must be done.
I know Woeman have to Breast feed there Babys when its needed but not everyone wants to see that in Public, if i was running a Town or City i would build special Units where Woeman could do that
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by BigBL87 View Post
Look back to the towel idea mentioned earlier as well. There are ways to make it less public, and I imagine there are nifty things you can buy if you don't want to use a towel. Waiting isn't the only option, but making it less public, in my opinion, is common courtesy.

And your approach to those who disagree with you is incredibly immature and ignorant. I don't find it offensive/uncomfortable, but I can empathize with those that do. Like I said after the previous quote, there are ways of making the exposure less public that do not harm the baby at all. You can't tell me that the baby gives two hoots if there is a towel over them or not. They are so engrossed in feeding, I'll bet they probably don't even notice the difference.
I can be empathetic as well, but they need to place themselves in the baby or mother's positition. It is immature and ignorant. Breastfeeding is a normal thing that must be done. Deal with it.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:02 PM

Would you want to eat your meal in the bathroom??
Are human beings not capable of waiting five minutes to eat? Just because your food is on the table doesn't mean you're obligated to eat it in the bathroom. Whenever I'm eating and I have to use the restroom, I don't take the food with me to the bathroom because I know that I can hold off on the french fries for 5 minutes. It's not gonna kill me to be responsible to focus on my child than to finish off the large fries.
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by ThrashAttack View Post
I know Woeman have to Breast feed there Babys when its needed but not everyone wants to see that in Public, if i was running a Town or City i would build special Units where Woeman could do that
If you don't want to see it, don't look! It's not like you can see anything unless you stare or go up close.

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Brandon View Post
Are human beings not capable of waiting five minutes to eat? Just because your food is on the table doesn't mean you're obligated to eat it in the bathroom. Whenever I'm eating and I have to use the restroom, I don't take the food with me to the bathroom because I know that I can hold off on the french fries for 5 minutes. It's not gonna kill me to be responsible to focus on my child than to finish off the large fries.
You would not want to eat in the bathroom, so why should a baby have to?

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Re: breast feeding in public - April 6th 2010, 11:04 PM

Seeing a woman breastfeed may be awkward or uncomfortable for some people, but to say it's disgusting? That's going way too far. There are a lot of things that happen in public that I dislike (eg. smoking or teenage boys walking around with their underwear showing because of how low their pants are), but if no one is going to stop those things, why should a woman not be allowed to breastfeed when their baby's life depends on it?

I think that bathrooms should be used for the most part, but sometimes that's impractical or not possible. I don't agree with women flaunting their breastfeeding in public, but that's because I feel that breastfeeding is more of a private matter. As long as it's discreet, what's the problem?

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