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Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Having read the last few pages of this thread I actually feel physically sick.
Re: Abortion???
I don't care if a woman is depressed while she is pregnant as long as it is not seriously affecting her physical health. Her feelings are irrelevant to my stance in this debate. All I care about is that both her and the baby survive. She can deal with her feelings in therapy. Quote:
What I am saying is that I value the life of the mother equally with the value of the baby. So, if 20,000 women die from illegal abortions, this is better than the approximately 20 million babies who die per year from legal abortions alone. Quote:
Where I am living, you don't pay for healthcare. I didn't pay a cent for any of my doctor's appointments or check-ups, or ultrasounds, etc. I was speaking along the lines of if someone is an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. Smoking or drinking very occasionally during pregnancy isn't going to cause severe disabilities to the baby. And even if the baby has a disability, I would prefer both he or she, and the mother to survive the pregnancy. |
Re: Abortion???
But as my, and your own, statistics have shown there are just as many unsafe abortions worldwide. 48% unsafe abortions to 52% safe abortions. In what manner is it better to expose these 48% of women to unnecessary danger? If you consider a 4% difference a success then I guess you're right..... |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
No because, as I showed in the post before last which you didn't respond to, legality has no effect on abortion rate. The only thing that has an effect on abortion rate is good sex education and good access to contraception. As abortion legality makes no difference to the rate it is better to have it done safely to the women that want it rather than impose a restrictive law, based on pretty much nothing, which will result in the deaths of tens of thousands of women and the permanent injury of many thousands more. |
Re: Abortion???
I am not following. Jack said that there were 48% unsafe abortions and 52% safe. Doesn't that mean there really is not that much of a difference? And isn't it safe to assume that if abortions were made illegal everywhere people would still get them done? Given the statistic Jack gave wouldn't it be safe to assume that a good number of people in the world would result to getting back alley abortions which would really cut it down? I don't know. Maybe I am missing something? In the 60's and 70's (at least in US) abortions were illegal and many woman got them. And many suffered long term affects. It did not stop people from going out and getting abortions. |
Re: Abortion???
And I believe that there would be less than 42 million abortions worldwide every year if women faced legal action for having an abortion. That is my point. EDIT: Sorry for not replying to your post Jack, but as I think this addresses both posts, I figured I'd quote the most recent one. |
Re: Abortion???
Rape = I'm for abortion.
Anything else against it. There are a few other things. Such as a teenager who gets pregnant and the boyfriend leaves. That means she will be stressed out and alone. I think she can decide to abort it or put it up for adoption. Adoption is probably best. But still rape...go for it. I would hate being known I was made from rape. Then put up for adoption because my mother didn't want me. *shrugs* |
Re: Abortion???
This is a very interesting paper by Judith Thomson that explores this issue: Here is an excerpt: Quote:
Re: Abortion???
Firstly, most women are able to proceed with their lives during pregnancy. Granted, they may not feel too hot some of the time, but they do not give up their school, work, or social lives for a majority of the pregnancy, so it is really not comparable to being forced to lie in a hospital bed for 9 months straight. There would have to be severe medical complications for this to be the case, and as I have stated before I condone abortion in response to severe medical complications. Another flaw in this... I don't classify the baby as alive until 10 weeks gestation. So, I have no problem with a woman taking the morning after pill or having an abortion within the first 10 weeks. So the analogy is not comparable. It is more like, the person is given the choice as to whether or not to "plug" yourself into the violinist's body, and if you say yes and don't change your mind before the surgery to plug you in has gone too far, then you have an obligation to save his life. It is the same with CPR. No-one is forced to give a non-responsive person CPR, but once they have started, they are legally obligated to continue until an ambulance arrives. |
Re: Abortion???
Women are allowed to proceed with their lives as in breathing and living when pregnant but maternal-leave can jeopardize a job not to mention pregnancy in general can challenge or break financial security. Also, pregnancy (of an unwanted child) affects the mental health of a woman as well as any relationships she has with work, boyfriend/husband, parents, etc. I especially point to Judith Thomson's paper because she addresses the issue of whose rights - mother's or fetus's - outweigh the other's if at all. Quote:
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
I don't understand why some people think abortion isn't okay if you have unprotected sex by choice, but it is okay if contraception fails. If you are using contraception then you should know that it isn't 100% effective. So why shouldn't they have to deal with the consequences in the same way as people who don't use protection?
[Don't get me wrong, I'm still pro-choice, I just don't understand why there are two different rules...] |
Re: Abortion???
Okay, I read the rest of the paper, and I have a few more comments.
There are many laws which precede what I believe should be made law regarding abortion. With regard to squatters, as well as CPR as I mentioned before, you are not obligated to do anything, but after a certain point or a certain amount of time, you are legally obligated to either continue CPR until an ambulance arrives, or allow the person to live in your house until he chooses to leave. This is the same thing that I want for abortion. Most women discover they are pregnant within 5 weeks. At that point and even a few weeks after, all it takes is a pill to end the pregnancy, and the baby is nothing but a cluster of cells. However, as the author of this article states herself, by 10 weeks the baby "already has a face, arms and less, fingers and toes; it has internal organs, and brain activity is detectable". At this point I would consider it murder to abort the baby, and could only condone it in the case of medical risk to the mother. Quote:
I also want to direct your attention towards this portion of the article. Quote:
After 10 weeks, you can carry the baby for less than three more months and then have a c-section to allow it to survive. |
Re: Abortion???
If you believe conception creates a life that has rights, then how can the appropriateness of abortion be situational? I don't agree with using abortion as a form of birth control (meaning, being stupid about using contraception and having multiple abortions), but whether you are allowed to have one should not be based on how the life was created. If the legality of abortion would become based on situations, then the only way I could agree with it is if abortion were only legal to those facing health risks because of the pregnancy (pregnancy due to rape and pregnancy in girls who are underage could even fall under this category. I believe "health risk" could be defined in multiple way such a psychological health and physical health). But whether the person got caught up in the moment and didn't use protection, had a condom break, whatever the case, should have nothing to do with it. |
Re: Abortion???
First I want to say thanks for reading the article. This is a much more interesting conversation than the circular arguments which have played out 3 pages too long.
Thomson does make issue that what if pregnancy lasted only an hour? Would abortion then be just if it only cost you one hour of your time to have the child? At what point is it not really a burden to carry a child? Quote:
I am trying to figure out if she is saying then, that abortion can be cruel or indecent, but still should be a woman's "right" despite the 'small inconvenience' posed to her such as a one hour pregnancy. She has already stated, as you pointed out, that the point at which a fetus is a person, but it seems that one could use this paragraph to defend the stance that abortion should be a right even if it is cruel. |
Re: Abortion???
Okay it may just be me but I thought it was obvious, if you have unprotected sex, you are pretty much setting yourself up to have a baby, usualy when you have unprotected sex, you are either planning on using the ECP, planning to have a baby or just plain stupid. If you use contraception, you are obviously intenting NOT to have kids, and you did everything possible to PREVENT it from happening an shouldn't be punished for somethin that isn't your fault, most people use contraception for a reason. Isn't that common sence? |
Re: Abortion???
Common sense would be not having sex at all until you know you can handle the possibility of getting pregnant. |
Re: Abortion???
I'm sorry I can't respond to more of your post right now but I have to go to work. I'll finish later. Cheers. |
Re: Abortion???
The basis which this entire article seems to rely on is that a woman does not invite a baby to inhabit her body, whether or not the sex is consensual, or contraception was used. I agree with this. The legality of abortion should not rely on whether a condom was used. However if a woman does not terminate the pregnancy by 10 weeks (which is quite a large window of opportunity) , by her negligence to do so, she assumes responsibility to continue the pregnancy. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
If you still don't see the difference, then I will put it like this, your friend had drowned in the pool and there was not much hope to save her. One girl and performed CPR on her and called for help as quick as possible, but it was too late. Another girl didn't bother trying to save her, and didn't call for help asap. Either way she died, but would you not sympathise more with the girl who tried to prevent her from dying EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT AFFECTIVE? I know this has nothing to do with abortion but im trying to get you to understand what I mean. |
Re: Abortion???
I don't see why it matters though as to how they got pregnant, which also may be where ShimmeringFaerie is confused. If a woman has sex but does not want a child, she should have access to abortion simple as that. It should not matter as to whether she used the birth control and whatever else as it's implying the situation of intercourse must meet all the criteria you set forth, otherwise no abortion. That's pretty dumb to me because the abortion is simply there to end the fetus so the future child does not occur. How one got pregnant is irrelevant to the procedure yet you're making it obligatory and relevant. It's like saying you go into a hospital with a broken arm and the doctor asks how the arm got broken. Depending on the situation, the doctor may say "too bad, you deserved it so no cast, sling, splint or pain medications for you". However, it doesn't matter on the event that occurred when the arm was broken, all that matters is the fact that the arm was broken. |
Re: Abortion???
Thank you, I'm glad that someone else understands what I'm saying :).
I can see the difference between the two women obviously, but I don't see why that difference matters? |
Re: Abortion???
Well just to make it clear, im not for abortion in either cases, but as I have been told I have to either be pro-choice or pro-life, and i certainly don't believe it should be ILLEGAL, because there are certain reasons that I think abortion should be allowed, such as if the woman was raped or is too young to actually look after a baby, there will be other reasons that I would accept to, but simply not wanting a baby is not a good reason for me.
And i get what you mean by the broken arm, but in my defence, here's another example, if two women have cancer, one is 80 and the other is 40, they will treat the 40 year old over the 80 year old. And don't try to proove me wrong as this is happening to my family friend, he has prostate cancer and they are just going to let nature take it's course because he is too old, so YES, doctors do sometimes act depending on the situation. |
Re: Abortion???
And your cancer example is a completely different situation. Yes, they have the same condition, but age is a factor. In the pregnancy example, the only difference is how they got pregnant (ie with/without contraception). |
Re: Abortion???
If it's a contraception fail i still think it's wrong. When you have sex you KNOW nothing is 100% effective. The only way to be POSITIVE that your not going to get pregnant is to NOT HAVE SEX AT ALL. So to me nothing is really an excuse.. But that's just my opinion. It should always be in the back of your mind that nothing is one hundred percent effective & if you don't know that, you should be having sex at all, should you?
Re: Abortion???
But to humour your irrelevant tangent, you're right about the age factor. Congrats on that. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Abortion is selfish. I understand if It's going to kill the mother at an early stage, or It's a tubal pregancy... But just because you messed up? Too bad, too sad. |
Re: Abortion???
Example. If you're fourteen, and your boyfriend is 15, and you guys are using condoms only and one breaks and you're too "scared" to get Plan B.... That's just pure idiotic. I've been sexual active for four years. I'm on the pill, been on all kinds of birth control, I've never been pregnant, and I'm STD free. There's NOOOOO reason why the rest of the population can't because I'm just an average woman.
Re: Abortion???
I don't think any of us can say what other people should do with their pregnancies, their bodies. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
You can disagree all you want, I have no problem with that. You can give another example, I'm fine also. However, when you bring up an argument or example that is irrelevant to the topic at hand but persist it is relevant, then it becomes problematic. |
Re: Abortion???
Oh dear, this is getting extremely confusing. Just forget everything okay. I cannot debate things like this over the internet when people dont understand what I mean by certain things, (my fault not yours - I am not smart enough to know how to explain things to people 4 years older than me) also sarcasm doesn't go well while talking on the internet...my apologies. I don't think any new points are even going to be brought up in this debate, so i'm going to stop commenting because it's doing my head in. Sorry if i've pissed you off.
Re: Abortion???
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