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Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
I don't agree with abortion. Though under certain circumstances, I do agree with. If a woman was raped, then I think it's okay. They couldn't help the fact they were raped and ended up pregnant.
Now if they weren't raped it's a different story. If they felt mature enough to have sex they must face the consequences. Theres so many woman these days who have sex and say "If I get pregnant I'll get an abortion." Or "I'm using a condom or birthcontrol it's impossible for me to get pregnant" Thats not true at all. I think not even giving a baby a chance is cruel, if you can't take care of the baby, adopt it. There is so many loving families looking for a baby that can't have one of their own. I think adoption (Unless the woman was raped) is cruel and immature of a woman. Like I said earlier, if you think you're mature enough to have sex, you have to deal with the consequences. |
Re: Abortion???
And well if the women were too scared to file a report, that's sort of too bad, if they desperately wanted an abortion, they would have to file the report. I know what I said sounded mean towards woman who are too scared to file a report, but I really dont think anyting can be done about them. |
Re: Abortion???
On the other part I do agree women should not be afraid to file a report. |
Re: Abortion???
As for lying about rape to get an abortion - if this were the only way to get a legal abortion, I'm sure incidents of illegitimate rape-excuse would skyrocket. Thus, just saying "abortion only legal in incidence of rape" is a very shortsighted and probably un-policable policy. *************************************** liketheangel said: Quote:
************************************** The thing about abortion is that people tend to look at it as black and white. Murder vs. discontinuation of pregnancy. Thing is: there are so many more factors than just the fetus. Can the woman financially, emotionally, physically survive a full-term pregnancy, let alone a birth and the possible care of a child? How will a birth affect the mother's relationships - such as with her lover, parents, support system, work. Instead of wasting billions of dollars fighting over abortions legality we should be encouraging our government to explore why the abortion rates in their country are X high and what policies can be enacted to mitigate factors leading to abortion rates (e.g. high school pregnancies and sex ed programs that don't teach safe sex). |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
You would be surprised about what people can/do lie about. Some people just don't have the morals that you would hope. As for what you and angelina think about people have been raped? I think that's a bit harsh don't you think? Imagine you had been raped, plenty of women are too traumatised to talk about it for a while and by then it could be too late for an abortion. By just saying "oh thats too bad" to them, well you are just going to worsen their situation. Your ideas are un-useable in my opinion and if these are your thoughts on rape then maybe a bit of empathy is needed. Quote:
Re: Abortion???
I don't think your ideas are practical at all because women who have been raped should be treated with empathy and care, especially in the days after the attack. They shouldn't be told while in a hospital recovering from physical injuries or elsewhere, "well, time to get a pregnancy test then you can file a report about it". There's a time to say to people to quit their whining and grow a backbone and then there's a time to show empathy. This case it's the latter. |
Re: Abortion???
Well obviously i don't want both the mother AND baby to die, that's not what I'm saying. I just think abortion is WRONG. If you have unprotected sex, then you should have to deal with the consequences. Now pushing that aside. If you want an abortion bad enough, you will choose to file a police report. If you really DO want an abortion you will take those steps. Regardless- It's an unborn baby we are talking about here. This baby is so innocent. I don't think it's right to kill it. Everyone deserves a chance at life. If you cannot raise it, adoption is a great thing. :) I will always say that abortion is MURDER of an unborn child. No matter what the circumstances are... everyone deserves a right to live. |
Re: Abortion???
If the mother (and father) don't want it, then they can end it and the fetus got a chance at life. It wasn't a long life but it was one, so it fulfills your statement of "everyone deserves a chance at life". Quote:
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
We'll I've heard of people getting an abortion after 25 weeks. I def think that should be illegal, because its a baby then. A baby can survive at 25 weeks gestation. But that seems to be besides the point obviously.
I know I'm not going to win this. I'm still going to stay with what i believe, being pro-life and all. :) |
Re: Abortion???
In my opinion, abortion is wrong. I'll never have one. And if someone I know has one, I'll never think of them in the same way. And no one is going to convince me that it's right or ok or any of that.
I have a son who was just a "bunch of cells" that would have been legal to have aborted. He's very much alive today... A living, breathing, happy little fella' that I would give my own life for. I'd never, ever take his life. Not for all the money, happiness, friends, freedom, anything in the world. If you kill something that is alive (and yes, even if you consider it a "bunch of cells", those cells are still alive and growing all the time), you're a murderer. And no one is going to change my mind. :) |
Re: Abortion???
I'm sure people that don't have a child like you do, see this a bit differently and don't quite understand what its like to bring a new life into this world. It disgusts me that people think abortion is okay. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
A fetus is not a Baby yet, yes its a lving thing but a fetus cannot think or act like a newborn child can.
Re: Abortion???
But regardless it's still living. Killing it is murder to me. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
As for your adoption comment, I've already addressed why that is NOT a cure-all for unwanted pregnancy. |
Re: Abortion???
I guess you're not a big fan of police who uphold and protect the society where you and your son are because after all, if need be, they do kill others. You can only be a murderer one way and that is the legal way. Legally, it's not murder. You can call it killing all you want but labeling an abortionist as a murderer due to his/her job is a flawed argument. Furthermore, your flawed argument allows for you to call a person who plucks a flower out of the ground a murderer, even if it's a child who for whatever silly reason does so. It makes no sense. Quote:
If you're not going to address the arguments presented and simply restate over and over what you believe, then that's not what a debate is. That's a broken record. |
Re: Abortion???
My partners, Cousin gave birth about 2/3 months ago, her baby was only 25 weeks old born, she only weighed just about a 1lb, nearly 3 months on and she is 4lbs, babys can survive from 25's.
I don't think I'd ever have an abortion even if it was rapist's baby :/ |
Re: Abortion???
My cousin's daughter was born at 23 weeks and is completely healthy today.
I'm done debating. It's angering me haha. I know what i believe and I'll just stick to that. :D |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation. And I hope it never comes down to something like that. If I found out I was pregnant today and heard of complications tomorrow... I would already consider that "bunch of cells" my son/daughter. That's like asking me if either me or my son had to die, which would I want to die... I can tell you right now that it most definitely wouldn't be him. He is my future. I realize that not everyone thinks that way, but that's just how I feel. I just wish people could realize what they're throwing away. I don't hate anyone that gets abortions... I just hate that precious little lives are being wasted. I'm not really talking about medically necessary abortions. I'm talking about the "I got knocked up by accident and don't want the baby" kind of abortions. |
Amen! Couldn't have said it better myself. There is nothing in the world that will change the fact is in murder. And know what? I might be preggo right now, but If I am, I'm not going to have an abortion. No way. Quote:
I'd like to see someone on the stand for murder and say, "yeah, I shot him, but It wasn't murder." :hehe: |
Re: Abortion???
This thread frustrates me. People will say it's not a child yet. It's a bunch of cells. >.< It will be a child. Women after abortion go through so much emotional shit.. and 1/3 of women that get an abortion regret it. Yeah call me a broken record that's fine. I need to stay away from this thread haha. xD
Re: Abortion???
Also, everyone who is "pro-life" seems to continue to ignore everything that is said by everyone who isn't. You keep going on about accidental pregnancies and for the majority of this thread, we've been discussing rape, medically necessary abortions, or young girls who've never been taught about sex. You keep saying that adoption is the best path, ignoring the fact that kids who are adopted often feel unwanted and like they don't belong or grow up in horrible foster homes. You keep saying that a fetus deserves a chance at life, whilst forgetting that you want to take a woman's life away at the same time. If you're going to continue to argue pro-life, then be willing to argue against all the points rather than just continuing with "it's murder"; that argument is getting kinda old. |
Re: Abortion???
I don't understand how anyone can say that abortion is murder. Murder is "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." Abortion is legal.. err..
I don't think it's right to force a woman to have to go through a pregnancy that she does not want to or feels like she cannot go through. Making abortion illegal will just mean that loads more women will have dodgy abortions that will risk their lives. It will end up killing more women.. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
If i got a girl knocked up during a one night stand i wouldent want it becouse i wouldent be ready for a child. Dont get me wrong i would like a kid but only in a few years or so when i could support one.
Re: Abortion???
For your scenario, read this on involuntary manslaughter. It also can help you figure out what murder is so you can use the proper legal definition of it before attempting to say abortion is or isn't murder. It's been explained plenty of times and you ignore it each time so maybe the link can make it clear. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedicti...y+manslaughter |
Re: Abortion???
Okay, I've been trying really, really hard to stay away from this thread, because I've done this debate a few times on TH and it just gets too frustrating. But here goes.
No-one said that a woman's life is worth less than a fetus's, and if a woman is impregnated by a rapist, her pregnancy should be monitored not only by an obstetrician, but by a therapist or psychologist as well. If it is found that the woman is seriously suicidal due to the rape and/or pregnancy, then it should be terminated. Although a tragedy, it is better that one life end than two. Otherwise, yes. I condone a raped woman completing the pregnancy. 9 months is such a short time to give in order to allow a baby to grow to have the chance at a full life. Quote:
I fully condone medically necessary abortions. Again, it is better for one to die than two. I'm sure that most of the pro-lifers on this site would agree with me. However, if there was a chance that my baby would live, even if I died, I would want the doctors to save her. She was everything to me, even before she was born, and I can't stand the idea of her not being in this world. Of course, in this circumstance, I would never force my feelings on another mother. The adoption issue is a whole other debate. I myself was adopted at the age of 1 and raised by a Roman Catholic Priest and his sister. I don't harbor any ill feelings towards my biological parents. I love my family, and I feel special because I was chosen to be a part of it. Because my parents had to work so hard to get me, they networked with several other families who adopted children. I don't know a single one of them who feels unloved or unwanted. I think that these feelings are projected by non-adopted people and it is a media-driven view of adoption fostered by Orphan Annie and such characters. There is a shortage of adoptable babies in Canada and the USA at the moment, which is why anyone who wishes to adopt has to consider adopting internationally. More adoptable children here at home would make life easier for the millions of willing parents who are unable to conceive a child. I posted in a previous abortion debate the statistics of the foster home system and how it works, referenced from a government website. I don't know how to retrieve my post, so I'll just summarize that most children who enter the foster care system also leave it within one year. Most children in the foster care system are in fact fostered by a family member, and not some group home institution. You say that by asking that women not terminate their pregnancies to save the life of the unborn baby they carry we Quote:
Re: Abortion???
Can any pro-lifers answer my question as to why they think they should be able to force their views onto others by making abortion illegal? How is that fair? Shouldn't people have the right to choose for themselves?
Re: Abortion???
Does that help you to better understand the pro-life view? |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
To pro-lifers there is no difference between a baby outside the womb, and a baby inside the womb. So, we can't stand by and allow what we perceive as murder to go on without trying to have it legally stopped. I'm sorry if I didn't explain properly, but do you understand? |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Also, what if the woman's rapist is still around? And she knows that he will get violent when he finds out that she is pregnant? Ignoring the "she should report him etc.", since some girls aren't willing to do that and it doesn't always result in a conviction, is abortion okay then? Or would you rather that she risk getting beaten and miscarrying anyway? Quote:
And I think adoption could be good for some people, depending on the circumstances. If a teenager, like 17 or 18, got pregnant and could carry through with the pregnancy and put the baby up for adoption, I think that would be great. But I would never force anyone to go through with the pregnancy if they felt like they couldn't. Some people know that if they went through with the pregnancy, they would want to keep the baby, and wouldn't be able to support it properly. Having an abortion instead means that that child doesn't have to grow up below the poverty line. Quote:
I understand "life" as more than just the physical act of existing. And women can not just "go about their lives" while they are pregnant. I posted about this earlier. Morning sickness can be so bad that women have to skip work altogether. If they don't have the support of the father, they risk financial troubles, losing their job, having to give up their social lives for a child that they didn't want. If they were raped and their husband/boyfriend can't deal with their partner carrying someone else's child, then they can lose their partner. I already mentioned the emotional trauma for women who were raped. Young girls who get pregnant through lack of sex education (which isn't their fault, btw) can get kicked out of home. |
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